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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Maybe it's Volkswagon, , , Oh no, that's a bug!
  2. While or after constructing your ship; Go to Crew, Astronaut Complex, Hire however many kerbals you need, (Pilots, Engineers or Science guys), From the "Available" list, click and drag the Kerbonaut you want to the seat of a pod or transport of your choice. You'll need an EV-1a, (Or whatever the hell they call them), the Exterior Seat. On the launch pad, move the Kerb of your choice by EVA ing him out of the pod and moving him towards the EV seat. Right click on the seat, and you'll be prompted to board. Good Luck from there!
  3. Uh oh, sounds like Jeb's got some competition! - - - Updated - - - Oh Behave!
  4. Do tell? I think I was still pretty new to KSP when I realized most of the stock craft were kind of "iffy" at best, and avoided them like the plague. Guess I'll have to re-check them out. Nice catch!
  5. *And that's why till this day, they still call me "Stubby"* ... Just kiddin' Oh' man I have been there! Ashamed to say, "Iv'e got the T-Shirt"!
  6. There it is; It's that feeling when you lightly touch down on a new planet!
  7. No, Thank You so much! Thanks for the links. Gonna go watch it all. I'll get back to ya.
  8. Ok, I've watched this video like five times and it chokes me up every time. It's kind of a nice change of pace to NOT see crashes and explosions for once. Surprised there aren't more replies and viewings.
  9. No prob, I'll just google'm. Reminded me of Jerry Vale. (Really dating myself now) Again, the best video I've watched in a long time.
  10. Naw', I don't do anything special,,, except watching excellent videos,,,like, YOURS! Awesome vid. Loved the way it weaved in and out of the scenes. Just the best! OBTW, Who is the vocalist on that tune?
  11. The lurching problem is caused by the magnetism in the docking ports... I think, try turning off any and all gyroscopes and redirecting "control from here's". Could be wrong, (cause I'm not all that "Kerb Tech" smart) Just trying to help.
  12. Aside from the wheels, is there anything else touching the ground? Need some pics.
  13. Frosti, I love your idea of the white noise ambient sound track. Would love to hear a compilation! BTW, what does ; RF, MC, AC and AB stand for? I understand the sounds, but not the initials.
  14. I had the same problem. Fixed mine by going to settings in the "start game" screen, ...Graphics...change screen resolution to 1280 x 720
  15. Iv'e watched most of your vids, but when it came to "IMMORTAL SPACE TOILET!", it kind of made me cringe. Now I guess I'm gonna have to watch it. Just kidding, love your stuff. You should be KSP's main P.R. man. You have the ability to create positive riots!
  16. Commander Jeb Kerman - Master Pilot, Master Ship builder and Technician, ... Master Plumber!
  17. Gotta give some credit to "earthlight" the artist! Fantastic art work there. Does anyone know if he/she is still around? I'd love to see some more of that stuff.
  18. In particular situations, the "Poodle" can prove to be pretty handy. Many factors come into play; ,,, too numerous to mention. Going slightly off topic here but,If the "Spike", engine were to be stage and stackable, it would greatly affect the usability of the "Poodle", in a good way.
  19. Bagel, you've got my vote, (subscription) Your vids are great! No one matches your zeal and enthusiasm. Please keep it up!
  20. "To clip, or not to clip" is no longer the question. But yeah, what does 'Dinosaurs' mean?
  21. Hey, isn't that one of the Ten Kommandments? ... "Thou shalt not Klip"
  22. Uh-oh, guess I'm goin' to H_ll in clipped hand basket! *clips handle into basket* It won't be too bad though, seeing I'll have a lot of company.
  23. O M G my thread is being taken over by a "Kerbal Hold'em" game!
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