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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. I'm sorry but the barn thing is just ridiculous. "Here comes Jeb on his John , oops, Jeb Deer tractor. Oh' sorry Jeb, we forgot to tell you, despite the fact that we have basic rocketry, the "wheel" has not yet been invented! * wheels disappear and tractor turns into a "Rove Mate" * ( Green Acres theme in background )
  2. Yeah, I've gotten the "T-shirt" for that one also. Too bad the engineers report doesn't warn you about it instead of things like "Missing ladder" on an unmanned probe.
  3. You spaced out?!?... Watching Max fly a ship?!?...Inconceivable! Really though 5th, your involvement and input is what's inconceivable. Thanks for being the watch dog on the block.
  4. Okay, but to be honest, do you think this will be fixed by 1.1? Not holding you to it but, what's your best guess? Not to say your fix is useless. - - - Updated - - - Sorry but I have to disagree to your first statement. In previous versions the rover wheels brakes have worked fine. Reaction wheels?...On a rover?... Like tits on a bull. It's the lack of brakes that are making me "flip out!" I do appreciate your input.
  5. Yeah, I've been doing that a lot! Problem is Iv'e got a contract to fulfill (seismic scanning) over very hilly, mountainous terrain and really sucks not to have a parking brake. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it. Hopefully this will be corrected in the next update. Thanks for your input. - - - Updated - - - Ok, thanks for the suggestion but think I'm going to wait for the next update. Can't believe something like this is going on this far into the development of this game. AFAIK this problem didn't exist in previous versions.
  6. In my current career just opened up rover wheels in the tech tree. (Why they have rockets and haven't invented the wheel yet is a mystery to me, but that's a whole different thread.) I've made a couple of basic, simple rovers using both the M-1 and whatever they call those little probe wheels. In either case the brakes don't work! I know how to adjust the torque and all that but can't get them to work. The landing gears for planes perform great but the rover wheels,,, no, uh uh. Neither the "B" key or clicking on the parking brake have any affect. Is this a bug? or something I'm doing wrong? No mods, totally vanilla Appreciate any help or suggestions. Moderators please feel free to move this to stock support if needed
  7. Thanks for your input and support ! Been screwin' around with it, and found that the air intakes (inlines) had something to do with it. Maybe a bug, I don't know.
  8. Trying to build a basic plane in the SPH. Hitting R for radial/mirror, and F for build around parent part and , whatever, Everything's all messed up. Can't seem to place the landing gear correctly. One gear is facing straight down, (where it ought to be), and the other, straight up! What am I missing here? Is there another key affecting the build? Been around for a while and I should know better. What am I missing? First correct answer gets a gold star (rep)
  9. Wow, first pic; "Bloomin' Onion" You don't have grass to mow, do you?!
  10. OK guys thanks for the input. I kind of took advice from everyone, especially Coga's. I made it back with just a sliver of fuel left. Five Kerbs saved and mission accomplished! Have a better understanding of what to do in that situation.
  11. When the chutes finally fully deploy and you see you're not going to set down on the side of a mountain!
  12. I currently have an outpost on Minmus (for a contract). I have just enough fuel to make it back. (I think) The sun is directly overhead and the Kerbs just finished lunch. So here's the question: Which is more fuel efficient?; 1. Launch and get into a low Minmus orbit and then wait for the right time to burn for home? or, 2. Just launch straight up, leaving the SOI of Minmus and then burn for home? I'm an "eyeballing, fly by the seat of your pants" kind of guy so, please don't throw any numbers at me 'cause I can't catch them. Just looking for a basic theory. Appreciate any help guys. And to quote Max, "I forgot I was a dumbass!":confused:
  13. Don't you need two science kerbs to run the lab or did that get changed up? You must have hours and hours into the assembly. That's an awesome ship you've got there! It would be a pity to get there and not be able to run the science lab.
  14. "Somebody poisoned the water hole!" --- Woody Kerman[i
  15. Go Stock!! Yeah, Don't want to be the "Glass half empty guy" here but, I think we're just going to have to wait.
  16. I so totally agree with this! I'd certainly wait for the next version update to have this.
  17. Well said 5th, But where's this "manual"? (being sarcastic)
  18. Kerb #1 "Welp, I guess this design didn't work out so well." Kerb #2 "I thought I had it there for a while." Kerb #3 "Yeah, kind of looks like a beached whale!"
  19. Me and a buddy launching bottle rockets off of the back slope of the garage to the main road watching cars trying to dodge them, laughing our a---- off!
  20. So what do your fairings end up looking like? Silos, light-bulbs, onions, water towers? (This is not to be intended a stock fairing or not thread) Just want to see some of your crazy creations. Please submit. Well this went over like a led balloon, oh, hey, there's another one! ok I know, nobody cares
  21. "Have you hugged your Kerb today?" It's 11:00 o'clock, do you know where your Jeb is?" - - - Updated - - - *Sweatshirt* "I came back from Eve!"
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