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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. First, all the above answers are spot on. Secondly, If you've got Junos, you've got the small fuel tanks that correspond perfectly. You can make some wonderful low-atmo planes. But no, as mentioned above you will not go into space,,, yet!
  2. I've submitted my answers, probably get about 50%, I refuse to google the answers like most will do. Meanwhile, I'll just make a big selfie and sign it. But really,,, Merry Christmas to all,,, Winners and loosers!
  3. Yeah, it's amazing how they can advance there technology to deep space rocketry, without even invented the wheel !
  4. I'm kind of with Fisk02 on this. Don't have a clue as to how to fix this. I'm sure someone will happen along with some ideas. However, in the mean time revel in the thought of being the only kid on the block who has an albino thud!
  5. Excellent idea Tex! " How come I can't go to all the planets and moons and come back to kerban with one ship?!?"
  6. Something smells fishy! Just kiddin' Noticed you had a couple different biome going on there, "shores and water". Have you discovered any others? Nice boats BTW
  7. When you EVA Jeb from the launch pad and he reports " In space near Kerbin" If you can make Wackjob say "Hell Yeah!"
  8. Cool connection! ,,, Uh oh ,,, Suddenly, I'm at a loss for words!?!
  9. "Do I understand it,,, not a clue" That's kind of scary if you think about it.
  10. If you look at your Kerbs from left to right, in order they're saying, W,,,T,,,F,,,?!?
  11. [quote name='Kyrt Malthorn']If 2 years is a relative newcomer, I'm a total newbie, hehe. Amid all the raging forumgoers screaming "this isn't realistic", "that's to hard*", "such and such is impossible", and "you broke mah game", it's very refreshing to read sometime who's just as happy with the game's development and Squad's commitment as I am. I for one wanted to see The Martian in theaters, not Star Wars.... family did not agree. Sigh. Give me a realistic sci fi any day. (* isn't it amazing how often the things they complain about can be toggled in difficulty settings?)[/QUOTE] "you broke mah game" Well, you've gone and done it. Wouldn't be surprised if this didn't start popping up as signatures all over the forums. Too funny. Your'e gettin' one +
  12. Well, Happy Kerb day! While scrolling through the forums, and I see "Pecan" associated to a thread, I always read it. Your input is informative and interesting. Hope you stick around here for a while. And yeah, bring on those manuals!
  13. Yeah Bill, that's pretty freaking cool! And KerbMav, congratulations to you for finally finding a useful application for that part. (Why am I suddenly feeling so futile?)
  14. As long as the reward for the contract more than covers the extra overhead for hiring additional crew, I'm up for that.
  15. [quote name='GoSlash27']The only thing constant in KSP is change. Rather than complaining about it, I look at each new release as a learning experience. Figuring out the new wrinkles is a big part of the fun for me. Best, -Slashy[/QUOTE] Spot on Slashy (Thank God they fixed the kerbal and ladder thing)
  16. Looks like you've got about 20 ramps there, opening up to ,,, themselves. What did you have in mind here? Just curious.
  17. That's why I love KSP. Sometimes you can do the coolest things with the minimal parts! Very cool. Reppppppp!
  18. Was it an "Arnold" movie when he said,,,"Stop whining!" It sounds like your'e kissin' Squads a** and complaining about everything they do all at once. Some of the things you point out are spot on but,,, wow, surely you don't expect them to fix all of that at once?!
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