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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Well, when you rescue Jeb, give him a promotion! He certainly deserves something better than "Private".
  2. Whoa! That should not be happening. Might be some kind of insect.
  3. (scenario) you've got a rocket out on the pad, First stage, LFO's of some sort, You launch, and don't like the throttle you started with. You revert, to adjust the throttle. You appear back on the pad to witness smoke and clouds (from your last launch) which really shouldn't have existed yet. ,,,what?!? Just wondering.
  4. Yes, military stuff doesn't float my boat either. To each his own, but I just don't think this game was made for that kind of thing.
  5. Thrust limiters for SRB's cannot be adjusted on the pad, only LFO's
  6. "Yes, we just rescued you from many lonely years in space. And oh' by the way, are you done with that bag of peanuts yet, because,,, uhm,,, have you ever been to Dres?
  7. Only the wife could give an honest answer to that! Maybe the question should be "How often do you NOT play KSP?"
  8. Sounds like to me, the "blonde was learning". There's no shame in that. *Now to get out all those white-out marks off the monitor screen*
  9. Wow! With those prices in mind, think I'll just brush up on my origami.
  10. I never use the Not-Rockomax Micronade. It is the most useless part in the game!
  11. Wow, talk about coming in hot ! Did you get a temp reading before the impending incineration?
  12. Bouncing on the run way is not good! Try tweaking the drogues to open up a little earlier.There is so much pending on mass, speed and trajectory. "I won't be back!"
  13. Ahh, Yeah, Now I know what you're talkin' about! A bunch of puppets flown around by string power (God, I hope there isn't a mod for that)
  14. I'm down with this,,, or up with that,,, whatever, Really cool idea! But wait, what are those "scooter things'" your'e referring to?
  15. And then all the little Kerbys said "WTH?!?"
  16. As soon as I read the word "Kerbonauth", I knew there was no reason to read any further.
  17. Yes, ElWanderer is correct. This seems to have come along with contextual contracts. I've had this occur a couple times. However, they were both debris (empty fuel tanks). The contracts wanted them moved to a different orbit. Problem was, I had not yet opened up the "Klaw" Aside from "bumping them into their new required orbit, there was no way that was going to happen. So, there may be a bit of a bug going on here, I don't know.
  18. Yeah, Don't it feel good? You are now officially hooked on KSP. Play it, deal with it, and have fun!
  19. When I first saw the title of this thread, I thought my wife was on the forums! Seriously though, been playing KSP for over two years now with no end in sight. NeoMorph,,, nice thread, well said.
  20. Same back at ya Jimbo! Seems you're the first Kerbaleer to break the ice at this stuffy party. Happy New Year!
  21. To never click on another "Do you think Mech jeb is cheating?", thread.
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