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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. He wasn't frowning! That screen shot caught him in the midst of uttering kerbal obscenities because control of the craft was taken away from him!
  2. Sorry, but I had to laugh when I envisioned a squid with an army helmet on!
  3. Okay, my bad. Thought I'd tried that before but guess not. Thanks!
  4. Just got 1.1.3 running and now you can't move the Nav Ball? I've checked out the settings options multiple times and cannot find the adjustment. Please, someone tell me I'm doing something stupid! And please don't tell me that this option has been deleted.
  5. Ah! Even more shocking news, I forgot there's a mod for everything. Not poking fun at your generation because they have produced some wonderful new technologies but, GPS was developed many years before you were born. Anyways, you've given me a great idea. I currently play vanilla, so I'm gonna plant a flag there so it can be seen day or night.
  6. ZNG, I'm thinking you want to plant a flag in that exact position so you can see it day or night, correct? More shocking news! A baby boomer who forgot how to read a map because of that damn GPS!
  7. All of them! And that what makes it so much fun!
  8. I'm sorry but I'm just gonna' but in again. This is the kind of stuff that should be high-lighted in the community, rather than Mod Mondays. ( Everybody knows where that stuff is anyways ) This is ,,, exceptional !
  9. That is soooo freakin' awesome! Matuchkin, you're gonna need a shrink! Seriously, congrats.
  10. Ah, man, that's used to instantly fire up your charcoal grill or something !
  11. Pretty sure it's just a random terrain thing but, it's still cool. Now that the coordinates are out there, ( Just Jim you're a soft touch ) , who's going to be the first to set down right on it?
  12. Wow! There are so many combinations, pending on what type of craft you're trying to fly, space, orbit, or land.
  13. Just messin' around in the VAB, and all of the sudden the game just crashes for the third time in the last two days, for no reason. Done with that. Yeah Squad, you've got my few dollars, but nothing more. Ok folks, that's enough of this, ( apology here ) At the time of last crash I was very mmh, agitated. I spouted off uncontrolled. Please all, accept my apology. I am in no way, " rage quitting"! Not intending any drama here, Mods, please end this.
  14. It looks so much like a Jap Zero. Need to get the mod with the props in it. ( Somebody help me out here )
  15. Awesome! A Jap Zero, ( and yeah, I don't know how to spell Kama Kozi. ) Cool looking plane, might be a problem up front there!?
  16. Maybe you should submit your resume to Squad. ( Seriously ) I like your ideas
  17. Ahh, Just leav'em in the steamer, they'll green up !
  18. Ahhhh! Minmus is going to collide with us !!! Everybody run,,, The Homecoming Queen's got a gun !
  19. I believe OP is venting frustration from using service bays. The "Cannot access while stowed" bug/feature, ( just a guess however )
  20. To complete a mission without the game crashing.
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