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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. You've taken the words right out of my brain! Wish I could have stated this to begin with!
  2. When I bought the game in mid 2013, can't remember exactly, the Store said I would be forever have access to any further updates.
  3. That's not the point I'm trying to express here. Love your analogy here, it's just when I bought KSP, Steam was not there yet
  4. I believe I bought KSP in late summer 2013, but don't remember anything about Steam. That's a good approach.
  5. Yeah, it kind of makes me feel like Squad is shirking their original contract.
  6. OK you'll have to explain how it is that you have 1.1 access ?
  7. Being a KSP store buyer from like,,, 3 years ago, I can't help feeling somewhat,,, segmented (no, I'm not going to use the big "S" word) Separated from the rest. I understand (basically) why Sqad can't present the 1.1 pre-release to everyone, but still, I feel a bit left out. Yeah, I'll still update 1.1 when it comes along, but I'll never forget the bad taste in my mouth. How do you feel? Mods, please end this thread as, it's getting ugly. Did not mean for it to go this way. thank you
  8. Thanks so much for the quick response. Being in a career game, I just didn't want to risk the useless expenditure of kerbucks. Thanks again Just wanted to say "Thanks again" I made the move to the Munar Polar orbit and it did not cost me a dime!
  9. Iv'e got a probe with the M-700 survey unit on board in a polar orbit around Minmus. It's got enough fuel (I think) to move it to a Mun polar orbit. If I do this, will the resource display for Minmus still be available? Or does it need to remain in that orbit? Thanks in advance for answers.
  10. Try the abandoned KSC. (north-north-west of the desert) Oops! there's NO runway!
  11. I think everyone has the T-shirt for this. It's late at night, you've just designed the best space plane EVER! Next day,,,, meh, not so hot.
  12. Sorry, did not mean to offend anyone. Only meant to say that the engineers report is still a useful tool.
  13. Yeah, well I'm not one of the chosen few who can experience 1.1. So is the engineer report a thing of the past? I'm a little concerned that you're treating it so flagrantly. Not dissing you, (I have learned many things from you) ie. videos and such, and yeah, to stay on topic, there are many things I forget, even with the little help of the engineers report.
  14. Yes, this would seem to be the best solution. However, Foxter, Are you playing career or sandbox? If career, there may be financial and or tech tree constraints here which I'm sure your'e aware of.
  15. I'm surprised the "Engineer Report" hasn't been mentioned yet. I know it doesn't cover everything but it's better than nothing. I've tried to form the habit of checking it every time just before hitting the launch button. It can also be amusing at times like "missing ladder" (on an unmanned probe).
  16. Wow, sounds like fun! Let Jeb grab his suicide shorts and he'll be there.
  17. All I remember is ,,, that it wasn't pretty! Wait, there were all those orange and yellow clouds and stuff?!
  18. Wait, wasn't that a telescope rather than a camera? Just curious, never checked into the details of that Squad induced mod.
  19. I love sandbox! Unrestricted, unrestrained. * Jeb streaks through the KSC* Seriously, career and science can be challenging and fun but, sandbox is funner.
  20. Okay, I was just referring to what we'll have in the next few days.
  21. I'm assuming you don't know about the new stock fairings in 1.1 ?
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