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Everything posted by zapman987

  1. At a crossroads in Career Mode. I can either buy another science item (barometer) or save (Im halfway) and get Unmanned Tech. This, with using MechJeb, will allow me more precision in getting other places, which will result in more science in the long term. Note this involves using a mod. If you hate mods, I respect your option. But please make it a valid argument. Also I respect if you think I need to "learn the basics". Not contesting that, just make it a valid argument. TIA!
  2. To the OP: I hate to be a downer, but how should that not fly? Its big ya, but if youve the largest size engines, which it looks like it does, itll lift off. Just probably take very bit of fuel to get anywhere. ^now that tree looks damn cool to fly.
  3. Just wanted to say first thanks, nice mod. i use the Ribbon signature, and this is a nice ingame comparison to it. With that, I see you have a noted bug "ribbons dont show up". Ive the latest build (just installed today) and its not showing up. I do use steam, but have launched manually, and they still dont show up, so your workaround fails for me. Hopefully you can figure this out soon.
  4. So is this a KSP bug or a mod bug with this pathing change? Im seeing it on several mods which is really annoying for exactly like you stated, version and mod tracking.
  5. So we need to move packing if it doesnt meet this? Mine looks like this {ksp root}/GameData/(folder i created for achievements)/Achievements-1.5.3/GameData/blizzy/Achievements And Im missing the toast and other items with it. Edit: Seems to be a known issue with lots of mods with the pathing. Mostly just delete the Game Data layer and it will work. So this will work: {ksp root}/GameData/(folder i created for achievements)/Achievements-1.5.3/blizzy/Achievements Edit 2 that doesn't work either. I give up. Is the mod using static pathing? If so thats why its breaking still.
  6. Can someone put a very big notice on the front page that the current "main" version does not work? This took me 2 hours and almost a full reinstall of KSP to figure out, before I finally saw a bug thread on it.
  7. Sorry for the late bump, took a break from the game. back now! Ok so Im hearing conflicting things. Going off the logic that earlier equals less fuel: Ive just set an intercept. my PE is 28million. I need to get that down. Thats my objective.
  8. rendezvous calculator is your friend as technicalfool said. best suggestion I can make is put up another ship in orbit quick, and make it your RV point. Then let mechjeb do the rest and pray you have enough fuel. For more fun, look into aero breaking, but I cant help on that, as Im still learning it.
  9. Is it better to do maneuvers at a node (decension in this case) or at halfway? Ive a node before halfway.
  10. Making my first trip to Duna. Want to make sure I actually get to orbit/land (sending several ships), and therefore save some fuel. Whats the best way and when to close distance on the planet, before setting up an orbit? Eg how can you lower your periapsis before acting on it?
  11. Been doing some initial flybys of planets, Was wondering whats everyones preferred method to get places? Im not talking most efficient, Im talking preferred, which factors in time, construction, fuel, skill, etc. Some ways being: best path- using optimal alignment, saves fuel, but requres timing to be perfect for planetary alignment who cares- build a big ship, get it up, get it there, who cares on alignment, Ill get there some day. Also do you prefer to get it in solar orbit first and then worry on alignment/paths or sync solar orbit transfers to final alignment?
  12. Did a flyby of Eve and setup a flyby to go to Jool. Probably wont have enough fuel to orbit but we'll see.
  13. First, thanks to everyone for your suggestions! Im still trying to read them all Mostly design, but some flight help (which may come with design). I had another note on landing earlier, and everyone said RCS (which I just got, and will try). To whomever talked on fuel lines: I dont have them yet. I think someone posted a good design basing a guess what I have, I think its pretty correct.
  14. So I suck at Mun missions. Playing Career, Ive managed to land once (and crash I quit counting times). My problem is fuel. I can not get a decent ship out into orbit, orbiting the moon, and land; without burning tons of fuel, much less try to get back. My generic ship is a mk1 pod, legs, some FL 400 tanks, a 909 and some t45 engines. Normally 3 stages (last is landing), with solid rocket assist. Anyone give me some tips on how to get more efficient? While I know I could build something like an apollo11 replica, I dont have docking ports yet, nor landing cans, and really want to learn how to do this properly without.
  15. I dont think Ive learned RCS yet. Early career moon lander. Jackercrack, thats how you get down. Im getting down just fine. Even if you are moving side to side, retrograde will be at the top.
  16. Trying to land for first time on the moon. Ive got the vertical down, but how do you kill the horizontal efficiently. best i can try to do is point at an angle, which kills my fuel (and still I tip over).
  17. All good Its a good question for me to remember. Funny as I normally put in 2 or 3 on my ships, about one for each stage.
  18. Are winglets generally useful at all for rocket launches? Big or small I cant get much out of them.
  19. Ok so its docking controls. Now to go find them Thanks all!
  20. Ok so got an answer I didnt expect but very helpful! Hadnt goten much into space station construction (this is the first) so hadnt even thought of moving stuff around later.
  21. How do you use RCS for primary thrust, like in a lander or probe? I can only figure out how to do it for guidance.
  22. Ive put a few on probes, but only at the last stage, so haven't had need to use it yet.
  23. voted and done. Sucks that its up against Eve (I play it too)
  24. As the title states. So far Ive tried to not lose anyone. Other than some sandbox testing, Ive only lost one mission, which I reset as I learned something I didnt know, and am now trying it again to test that knowledge.
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