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  1. Yeah I know about RO, but I wanted to still use non-RO parts if that makes sense. I guess it isn't possible yet
  2. Would it be possible to use this with something like SMURFF so I can use this on RSS scale or Sigma Dimensions with 10x-ish scale? Or is there a config in the mod somewhere for something like this?
  3. Today i have made a Venom FB 4 replica Flies surprisingly good. Everything is stock except the wings and the 1m Panther (Tweakscale there) and the camera at the back. Takes off at about 70-80 m/s and it can glide up to 40 m/s. Note that it has all been tested in FAR and it can reach up to 290 m/s but i suggest not trying to turn at that speed (Ripped the wings a few times like that)
  4. Thanks, i was thinking about doing something like that, but i don't really know how well would my engines fit with stock parts
  5. Update 0.6 Released! Changelog: Added CME (Chemical Methane Extractor). Uses ore to produce Liquid Methane + Oxidizer. A picture of it: http://imgur.com/G1FZAwe
  6. It was done before. It was also posted on the forums but i don't know where it is now
  7. Today i have managed to land Kerbals on Mun in KScale64. (A 6.4x rescale of kerbol system). My rocket managed to get 65t into a 200km orbit. http://imgur.com/a/87diN (Idk how to add Imgur albums)
  8. I really love this mod, but i found a problem. Like you mentioned in the OP @Galileo, Kerbin turns white after switching vessels in orbit, but for me, it doesn't turn white then, it turns white when i get out of map mode. I have SVE, scattered, planetshine and DOE. Also, i have a bunch of other part mods
  9. Update 0.5 Released! Changelog: Removed everything old. Updated to 1.1.3 Added new 2.5m engines and fuel tanks
  10. So everyone, once again, i am sorry that i have not been updating this thread and maintaining this mod. I had a lot of IRL stuff to do and was also moving. But, this mod is not dead yet http://imgur.com/a/tyT2p These models are all new and are currently in a process of transferring to KSP and balancing. This update will only contain new 2.5m parts so i don't keep you all waiting. Update will go live soon (Umm... How do i embed a imgur album? Wasn't there a button that looked like letter I ?)
  11. Will you be able to attach a stock wing to a hinge (Infernal Robotics) and it gives lift according to the angle it is rotated?
  12. So you can make wings on planes that can move with your mod?
  13. You can watch a video a think Scott Manley did on it. He did create something similar to the second idea that you mentioned
  14. I actually use pure SRB first stage rockets a lot in my 6.4x save. Since i am using procedural parts there, i make the first SRB little smaller in diameter than the second stage which is powered by LiquidFuel+Oxidizer or sometimes if the payload is lighter Hydrogen+Oxidizer. First stage SRB push trough the thicker part of the atmosphere more-less quickly and you have enough control authority from fins there since the gravity turn is less agressive in stock
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