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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. Arriving at the tracking station you notice A big red button, a big green button, a leaver and a ladder
  2. I'm a bit OCD for collecting, so if I started on Mods I'd go all pokemon on them... I do swing a little leeway for some DV calculations.
  3. I'm really starting to love Career, Looking forwards to when it brings back the challenge of cutting corners and shoddy engineering that endangers kerbals managing parts and budgets restraints. Reminds me of the old forum campaign race to the Mun.. <insert shameless="" plug=""></insert>
  4. Banned for reading the fine print
  5. 2/10 You should stick around and post more =>
  6. What can I say, I like my salad!
  7. Insert Government lockout. Ill bring in a shiny new SR72.
  8. Give it another week, us Aussies will claim her.
  9. True, and can see the edits too! The user bellow me is trying to see if they can see other ppls pre-edited versions
  10. Banned for not googling the KSP forum disaster of April 2013
  11. As stated by the OP, this is on the what not to suggest list, if you wish to look at adding this kind of function, please look at mods or at making one..
  12. You have nothing but you defending your hill, its now mine and my army!
  13. Banned for failing the "Do or Do not, their is no wanna" test.
  14. Banned for banning me cause of nostalgia when your sig mentions the forum crash of 2013/04
  15. Banned for not knowing thats an old school capsule with 3 kerbals in it.
  16. Banned for h8ing on Discombobulation!
  17. Banned for boring monosized text
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