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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. Granted, the back story is your Avatar caused Squad to shut down KSP. I wish I knew What makes me
  2. Who didn't? The next poster hates pulp scifi
  3. True + False. The next poster is geting sick of my typing 'next poster' due to my choice to show newest posts first.
  4. Banned for not worshiping the forum meltdown of April.
  5. False The next poster believes in the theory that Kerbals are un underground plant life.
  6. I shall cook up a nice serve of ¿¿Blue Starwhip snake?? to eat and pass the time.
  7. **I know that pic.. wonder if** http://rookery9.aviary.com.s3.amazonaws.com/4176500/4176961_c0a7_1024x2000.jpg
  8. SRB's will now overheat and explode after 5 seconds of burn time. What do you want to build today?
  9. This brings the miley cyris' into a closer density, more of them per cubic meter is a bad thing I says!
  10. All the time, in the private mod chat, on the private mod forum sections, on the private mod Jet... The user bellow me wishes they didn't see mods everywhere
  11. Those cannons take a while to reload, I shall knock you out and take the hill.
  12. what could possibly go wrong with graves?
  13. Granted, 'free'range... Start laying some eggs. I wish for Krakens for all!
  14. 558: Perfumery, stationary, and leather goods, wigs and haberdashery, kitchenware and food. Going up...
  15. s into irritated grunting
  16. Banned cause the ban hammer is itching to go!
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