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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. False, erh wait umm.. The next user to post is a closet Kerbal hate!
  2. Nice thread, I present my argument to "Struts don't work" or "ASS can't fly anything!".
  3. And also why you should always change from orbital to surface velocity readings before starting your burn. You still pick some up, but you are countering it as you are burning, not as efficient DV wise, but more often safer.
  4. Leaving the parachute in the first stage.. twice in a row...
  5. Banned for having that look. That what the investors said =<
  6. Everytime you watch a show like that, remember to thank...
  7. False, the things I have.. They have Minions! The next user to post is one of my 'things'
  8. Put the snack a little off centre, gravity should do the rest! Do we use a rubber based glue or a hotmelt one?
  9. I believe you are referring to the cargo cults.. And i'm not talking pants!
  10. Banned cause this station is only for all stops
  11. A good thing to let us know is how many parts your ships have, you may not be lagging any more then the rest of us!
  12. All objects, all the time~ I talk to inanimates, apologies etc..
  13. Indeed, lets all stick to the good old Return To Castle Wolfenstein, I kicked ass at that!
  14. False, The next user to post has missed me due to my lack of posting in this thread lately.
  15. 1/10, I'll have to take your word on that. After a slight modification.
  16. Banned cause I don't have prove anything
  17. KSP: More kills per hour than COD: Ghost
  18. Banned for banning when not a mod
  19. Floor 584: A bar to allow one to recover from the floor below
  20. Banned for letting a cool post be ninjaed
  21. This thread has run about its longest course I believe, independent of which way you are orbiting it.
  22. Floor 582, home of the 13th page for those of us who have customised our viewing options.
  23. 10/10 and are you sure you don't mean 355/113
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