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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. 10/10, you MUST be super famous as I have never herd of you, these days that seems to mean you are some new pop legend =)
  2. SpamAssassin still uses white lists, and that is the easiest solution.. https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ManualWhitelist
  3. Add KSP to the white list, it should have one.
  4. It's a bug in vBulletin, not much we can do about it unfortunately. <GDR>
  5. What, never tried to see how far you can go with one single SRB? Hint, they can burn at angles of more than straight up, also you don't need to use a SRB to get to the testing conditions.
  6. Banned for being too normal
  7. 0.24 was delayed due to needing added gameplay elements of spending cash, budgets ect.. over all as a build it was ready and in testing to be deployed but at the end of the day the differences seen by the user base (as opposed to in the code) were not at a point that warranted general release. Please see this update by Harvester.
  8. You are forgetting the three major points to that, 1) No Squad = No KSP = No mods at all 2) No Squad opening molding and access and help = Less good quality mods over all. 3) Many mods build on what Squad has already done, and that there are a lot of background things that mods effect that can break how those mods interact of even the game, Squad *has* to provide support for what it breaks and as such needs to at times not implement something thats 99.5% there due to a bug, a Modder will be able to just point a finger at Squad, Unity or other mods and say they are the issue or that their is no fix, so stop worrying or stop using the mod.
  9. The value in question was its relevance and contribution to Kerbal related matters.
  10. Rfihub seems to hijack pages here and there, you might be abel to find a fix.. https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=rfihub+hijacking+fix&gws_rd=ssl
  11. A linky. https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=15141
  12. Have you tried doing a browser cache clear and a reboot? Thats what I do when this crops up.
  13. Damm, id done the first part another way before, but didn't take it to the final step =>
  14. Nothing ironic about it, if a mod was post word on the censored list then it should still be censored .. The issue here is that im dyslexic, and as such at the time I could not get a good spelling on bitumen, so I fell back on a more phonetic solution.. I didn't see the 2+2 their.
  15. 1) The same way it stops on *****erman, and I think someone else pointed out that friction between glass and rubber is slightly higher so quicker would be the answer 2) The same way that oils and petrol do brake down *****erman roads, as well as dirt and rocks, but oil and petrol will not dissolve glass. 3) Sure you can, but I'm not sure what that has to do with it, do you guys have those annoying LED signs by roads now, visible as far as the eye can see! 4) An argument for the infrastructure and feasibility guys, the point of the roads is they become the majority of the infrastructure as they go everywhere and are connected in many many redundant ways, where as parking lots might be fine in some areas, but you have underground ones to consider that wont contribute, the roads are pretty closely laid out in relation to use and population density and their are many more of them. 5) So are roads, the idea is to use cheapest level cells, some of the developments there are heading to cells that are 1/2 as efficient as top level ones for dirt cheep prices, but in the end you are combining in two lots of maintenance costs into one, roads and power, hell you might as well run fiber with them to. 6) Batteries on silicon are in development, you can literally turn the back side of your solar cell into a batter with more storage the lithium.
  16. [quote name='K^2;1199809 The only reason we use asphalt in so many places is because it is cheap. Other materials have better longevity (no potholes every spring) and better traction. If thunderf00t ever got off his fat ass and traveled through some southern states' date=' he'd notice that they rarely use asphalt there. Because it frigin' melts. What do they use? Concrete panels. They are larger than solar road panels, but they still use panel design, essentially, and they don't have any problems with it. In fact, roads last for many years without needs for significant repair. It's more expensive, but it works.[/quote'] And only in the short term, over the life of the road its cheaper for high trafficked areas, you also get good flow on effects, such as increased fuel efficiency and less ware and tear on vehicles traveling them.
  17. Reproducibility is the key to mass market, experimentation and creativity is the key to learning. Do you want to be be reading a cookbook for how cook your rice every time? A strict recipe is good to learn from, but after that you should be looking at realising that many things affect what you do, how fresh your ingredients are, how far into or out of season, under rip, over ripe? A hot day? a cold day?? Are you cooking for smokers or non smokers. Is this food inside or out side the comfort zone of who you are cooking for, have they ever even eaten this before? Sure there are things you want to know how much of what, but most definitely on these shows, when told to use 'some' or 'a bit' its about the most important part of cooking, personal taste.
  18. The expected observation is of course as the sample approaches infinity the odds close in on 50/50
  19. Also if your having trouble getting a stable intercept with numbers that keep jumping and missing, you can try burning on the Normal and Radial to zone in on the target, sometimes pro and retrograde burning just won't cut it.
  20. spaceport, your data maybe missed.. I pray all learn from its many flaws.
  21. Try the link referenced a touch lower on the main page, the one labeled MOD EDIT. MOD EDIT: New updated download available here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...27#post1052327
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