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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. RE: Fuel lines, Ive had no p[roblems and mopstly ive only made Stupid oldschool stage to sgate to sgate over kills to test the sytem, I allways snap like I did back in the good old days, lower end of tank to drop to upper end of tank to filll, now the game shows the tanks dropping when they shouldnt, but as soon as I dop the emapty stage the tanks then show the correct full value, so not sure if we are talking about how they show that they are draning when they arnt, or are we talking about being partly drainged after staging to them?? I wonder if they are moddling based on the lines as if they where realy connected up?? Like it will only fill the tank upto where the line conects too.
  2. Seems I never loaded my old server onto my new one, and it seems they default to advertising therer own doamin sitting servises.. ill edit out my sig image till I can be botherd to look into getting it working on my server
  3. Coiuld be an issue on my server, I changed a while ago and the files probley not even there lol
  4. Welcome to the forums, thats a wonderful effort, reminds me of back in the days of KSP one the Mun was first introduced and the excitemnt everyone had.
  5. And thank you very much everyone, the game is out and this thread is closed.
  6. Id say more its in the Perpertal Beta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_beta stage, they have locked down the basics of the game and realsed those into Beta, and are slowly working on bring across feateurs as they can, its been a prety common thing for years now. . even KSP was stuck in that for years, remember when KSP was free but the parts phsyics did this? Or landing legs could rip a craft in half? Hell I exploted thqat bug back when stage seprators weiged so much that removeing one from your craft cut your DV requiremnts significantly for a return trip from that brand newly added Mun? PB or EA has been a ever growing thing, hell loook at the full realse hell major titles are going though. Prettry much every game Ive paid for and played in the last 10 years out side of a handfull of major AAA ones like Diablo, Doom etc have all been some PB or EA, and ive enjoyued palying them and exloring the new feteurs as they came out, things are changing, its not the 80's or 90's or even the 2010's any more.
  7. There is no point in listing cards that don't work .. The 1060 3GB could not run all the tests, the 6GB did, both are below minimum line. And the whole 9XX family is below its 100% not needed To me, those lines are drawn strofht across at the lowest listed card for the minimum and high specifications, the other listed cards below are plotted at there realtive scores based on having enough features that they should be able to run, but only a few days to go..
  8. A much better list, as it shows the minimum spec a lot lower then the offical minimum, but its stil scary seeing a GTX 1050 not running, but the 1050 TI gives a low price entery point.
  9. I recall the glory days of KSP1, launching giant space stations in one go well before docking.. Running an high end PC, with a CPU Chosen specificly for higher cycles and not cores jsut for KSP, and counting my FPM, Fames Per Minuite.
  10. sjwt


    I hope you've got pickels as well.
  11. Squad is not interested in where you download your product from, so long as you have a legal license and the download is from a legal source, anyone caught sharing, linking or promoting open access to copyrighted material including peer2peer, direct download, or private sharing or swapping will be dealt with under our rules for piracy, which may including banning from all official services this including op in betas and revocation of license to use KSP. I trust you can all refrain for going down the icy path of copyright infringement discussion.
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