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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. It's to do with how the values are used in code. Anything marked as persistent (going in the save file) won't change when you edit part cfg's. eg. resources are saved with a current and max amount RESOURCE{ name = ElectricCharge amount = 23.262701530713 maxAmount = 50 flowState = True isTweakable = True hideFlow = False flowMode = Both }
  2. For Filter Extensions v2.0 I wanted to add the capability to redefine the sorting methods used in the parts list. I've got as far as calling my own function when the sort buttons are pressed, but I've hit a slight snag. I don't know where the collection of parts to be sorted is kept. It used to be the order in PartLoader.Instance.Parts IIRC, but that isn't being changed by the stock sorting methods. Category/subCategory.available parts is a null List. Any ideas as to where the sorted parts are being read from?
  3. Mk3 patch is failing because @PART is case sensitive, dunno about the HAS
  4. Possibly one Awake() on scene change and another one when it decides whether you are in the VAB or SPH. That's the only reason I can think of. E: And no that error shouldn't have any impact on FE at all (I am debugging on 2.0 though, might be something in 1.17 that broke)
  5. It'd be nice if you notified me of this directly Could you post a log in the FE thread please (and whether 2.0 pre- or 1.17). If there's an issue, it's likely something I'll have to deal with. EDIT @KospY I am seeing a nullref on entering the VAB. Is EditorPartsList.Instance created when Awake fires? With Filter Extensions I have to wait for PartCategorizer.Instance to be created before doing anything The nullref: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KIS.KISAddonPickup.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.GameObject:Internal_AddComponentWithType(Type) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup) AddonLoader:StartAddons(Startup) AddonLoader:OnLevelWasLoaded(Int32)
  6. That's a different thing again. Those aren't affected by Module Manager either (anything in PluginData folder isn't loaded by KSP, and the format is totally different), but plugin configuration files do have defaults defined for when they don't find a requested value. They're reasonably useful for global settings files, but not really for anything you want specific to a save/vessel/etc. (cfg's make grouping a ton easier) KSP.IO.PluginConfiguration config = KSP.IO.PluginConfiguration.CreateForType<*AClass*>(); // insert appropriate class nameconfig.load(); windowRect = config.GetValue("windowRect", new Rect(300, 300, 0, 0)); // access the value, create a new Rect(300, 300, 0, 0) if nothing found config["windowRect"] = windowRect; // store the value config.save; // write the config to disk
  7. One of my aims for v2 of Filter Extensions is to start messing with the sorting methods, so I guess watch this space. Malah's Quick mods and Editor Extensions are the only other 0.90 compatible mods that work with basic editor functionality that I know of, neither touches the sorting.
  8. THIS IS AN ALPHA RELEASE v1.x configs will need some editing to work as expected, some old functionality may not work as expected Filter Extensions v2 Alpha 1 - Download from Github Categories have full control over the order of their subcategories Subcategories in Stock Categories can now be fully redefined with significantly less effort (except Filter by Manufacturer, I need to fix that) Path check type allows any length of part url to be specified (extension of the folder type check which only matched the root GameData folder) The major (config breaking) change is in how subcategories are linked to categories. A v2 category config looks like this: CATEGORY { name = Kerbonauts and Control icon = Kerbal_Drones colour = #FF90F090 all = true SUBCATEGORIES { list = 0, Manned Command list = 1, Drone list = 2, Reaction Wheels with Control list = 3, Reaction Wheels without Control list = 4, RCS list = 5, Command with RCS list = 6, Passengers list = 7, 1 Kerbal list = 8, 2 Kerbals list = 9, 3 Kerbals list = 10, Multiple Kerbals } } It looks for subcategories by name and inserts them by the specified index. If two items in the SUBCATEGORIES node have the same index, the later will overwrite the former (easy to MM patch an overwrite). To rewrite a stock category completely, you need a category with the key "stock = true" (Filter by Function and Filter by Resource included for examples). A lot of the v1.x code has been ripped out while getting this working, so some expected functionality may not be working just yet. If you notice something while using the pre-release, please poke me about it. EDIT Templates are replacing the "mod" type categories. Adding a FILTER node to the category definition tags all the Filters in its subcategories with the listed Checks. Much more flexible than the original system. CATEGORY{ name = Squad ... FILTER { CHECK { type = folder value = Squad, NASAmission } } ... }
  9. Download only shows up if there is a download configured by the mod author, so some of them won't have a download button
  10. Not currently no. It can be done, but there is a possibility it may be post-1.0 before the next update given how long this one is taking me (I am making progress. Just a little short on time currently) EDIT internalIcon_plus internalIcon_ionicSymphonic internalIcon_kerlington internalIcon_probodobodyne stockIcon_fallback stockIcon_function stockIcon_module stockIcon_resource stockIcon_manufacturer stockIcon_usage stockIcon_bulkheadprofile stockIcon_aerodynamics stockIcon_cmdctrl stockIcon_crew stockIcon_decals stockIcon_pods stockIcon_propulsion stockIcon_science stockIcon_structural stockIcon_utility stockIcon_subassemblies stockIcon_techlevel stockIcon_fueltank stockIcon_engine fuels_monopropellant fuels_oxidizer fuels_solidfuel fuels_xenongas number1 number2 number3 number4 number5 number6 number7 number8 number9 R&D_node_icon_advaerodynamics R&D_node_icon_advancedmotors R&D_node_icon_advconstruction R&D_node_icon_advelectrics R&D_node_icon_advexploration R&D_node_icon_advflightcontrol R&D_node_icon_advlanding R&D_node_icon_advmetalworks R&D_node_icon_advrocketry R&D_node_icon_advsciencetech R&D_node_icon_advunmanned R&D_node_icon_aerodynamicsystems R&D_node_icon_aerospacetech R&D_node_icon_automation R&D_node_icon_basicprobes R&D_node_icon_basicrocketry R&D_node_icon_composites R&D_node_icon_electrics R&D_node_icon_electronics R&D_node_icon_evatech R&D_node_icon_experimentalaerodynamics R&D_node_icon_experimentalelectrics R&D_node_icon_experimentalmotors R&D_node_icon_experimentalrocketry R&D_node_icon_experimentalscience R&D_node_icon_fieldscience R&D_node_icon_flightcontrol R&D_node_icon_fuelsystems R&D_node_icon_generalconstruction R&D_node_icon_generalrocketry R&D_node_icon_generic R&D_node_icon_heavierrocketry R&D_node_icon_heavyaerodynamics R&D_node_icon_heavyrocketry R&D_node_icon_highaltitudeflight R&D_node_icon_highaltitudepropulsion R&D_node_icon_hypersonicflight R&D_node_icon_ionpropulsion R&D_node_icon_landing R&D_node_icon_largecontrol R&D_node_icon_largeelectrics R&D_node_icon_largeprobes R&D_node_icon_metamaterials R&D_node_icon_nanolathing R&D_node_icon_nuclearpropulsion R&D_node_icon_precisionengineering R&D_node_icon_robotics R&D_node_icon_sciencetech R&D_node_icon_specializedconstruction R&D_node_icon_specializedcontrol R&D_node_icon_specializedelectrics R&D_node_icon_stability R&D_node_icon_start R&D_node_icon_supersonicflight R&D_node_icon_survivability R&D_node_icon_unmannedtech R&D_node_icon_veryheavyrocketry
  11. Thats a KSP issue, not an ATM one. Those plugins probably load their icon textures in a way ATM can't touch them (I know realchute does). The only fix is to not have KSP downscale textures
  12. v1.5 Fixed: Recovery rate depending on available torque, not maximum torque Added a window from which you can view the state of all Reaction wheels in physics range. Parts on the active vessel are highlighted in green. Torque can be toggled on any nearby reaction wheel.
  13. Logging is enabled from a config file in the mod directory. Change the "LogDump" value to a 1 before switchng to the vessel. I have been able to reproduce the issue locally however, so don't worry about it (E2: and fixed)
  14. 64-bit KSP, not 64-bit Windows. Unless you choose otherwise you will be running 32-bit KSP (on the first screen in the main menu, if you're running 64-bit the build number will have an x64 after it). Steam runs 32-bit unless told otherwise, I assume the store version is the same deal.
  15. IAS would be useful (is available with FAR) Stock 0.90 has the same old terrible aero system it's always had. Lift is based on the sum of wing modules, drag is based on mass, shape/orientation doesn't matter, etc. etc., so no there is no drag increase around Mach 1 FAR on the other hand... (also has basic wing leveller level and yaw stabiliser aids)
  16. That would be the case, yes. I'll have a think about how to manage that a bit better
  17. v1.4.1 Fix for my (GUI) stupidity Fix bank controller calculating twice per physics frame (in real terms, Ki has been halved on the primary heading control) Fix for window default positions being stacked up in the top left corner. Fix for the scroll area's in the Asst window not resizing quite right. Forcibly removed the horizontal scrollbar. General optimising
  18. Nothing calls DestroyButtons() (you want to do that in OnDestroy())
  19. ^^ Tails don't need a huge amount of control (rudder can be quite minimal), but larger area can be useful hence wing pieces make up most of my tails. I tend to build along rather than up like Wanderfound's section though. A little less effective for the same area but it looks better to me (in my head it's less draggy, but I can't say I've tested that)
  20. I think this is the thing you want (the SDK shouldn't be required, you only need it as a reference). Why your Win7 apparently doesn't have it... *shrug*
  21. Less draggy, yes. NEAR is just FAR without simulation of some of the more advanced (*cough* and useful *cough*) aerodynamic effects
  22. All it would take is a single bit to change between the 3.5 implementation and the 4.0 implementation and things won't behave. This is why 4+ falls over without any ryhme or reason. Assuming you're on Win8(.1) since you don't have 3.5 (scroll down to the bit about enabling in the control panel): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh506443%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
  23. KSP is compiled against .NET 3.5 (effectively), so you need to do the same to make sure everything works. Switching from 4.5 to 3.5 on a new project gives me an error about the Microsoft.CSharp (IIRC) reference being lost. Just delete the reference if that's the thing that's failing, you don't need it.
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