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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. Filter Extensions v1.13 released Fixed critical error in category colour converter that would crash Filter Extensions if a non-hexadecimal character was used Added crew CHECK type Textures with duplicated names are now renamed instead of ignored. All renamings are logged against the original file path (renaming appends the first valid number starting from 1) Create category button of FilterCreator is has some demo functionality enabled. The text colour will change to suit the entered colour if the entry is valid (eg. 0xff0000), and the icon text will turn green when a valid icon is entered. Clicking log new category will print the appropriate CATEGORY node in the log (which can then be copied straight into a text file from the alt+f2 window with ctrl+c)
  2. Uh, woops. That's not meant to be used anymore, the whole lot got rolled into the main download a few versions back. Delete the folder and I'll just go remove that link...
  3. All stock non-crew reports would becovered by this I believe: Filter 1: Module experiment && Crew == 0 (when added) Filter 2: Lab module (or alternatively, you could check by part name/title)
  4. Crew Capacity - Done CHECK { type = crew value = 1,3 [COLOR=#008000]// matches all parts with a crew capacity equal to 1 or 3[/COLOR] } Science Experiments - check against experiment type/ID? (ie. crew report, goo, materials)
  5. Will fix the duplicating parts. '$' is the same as '+', it duplicates whatever it is applied to and makes the edits on the copy. I'm not sure what's going on with the ion (it is in a .cfg file right...)
  6. XenonGas for the ion engine Add the '@' symbol infront of area in the intake (it's editing an existing value)
  7. 100% intentional. The stock method (constant => increasing gain with increasing commitment) means it is always a good choice to increase your commitment because the resource income per unit resource spent increases with it. Your income per unit increases AND the ratio of units being converted also increases. Sane strategies reverses this, making it less efficient to increase your commitment (this is carefully controlled to still provide an increase in output income, as can be seen if you have the plugin installed). Your income per unit decreases when the ratio of units converted increases. This is a graph showing stock (Orange. Scaled by 1/5 to fit on the same page) and Sane Strategies (Black) appreciation campaign. You can see how stock curves very slightly upwards, while Sane strategies has a marked decay (but still shows positive increase all the way to 100%) PS If you ever need to graph something quick, google desmos, solid tool PPS The numbers on the Y axis are the reputation per unit of funds income (total income, not the converted amount). Rep per unit funds converted is what you see in the cfg file and does decrease slightly (3% per 10% commitment) as you increase commitment.
  8. The .dll on github now handles multiple textures of the same name. If the texture you wanted to use is not the one showing up, add a number to the icon name in the cfg (eg: icon, icon1, icon2, ...). As you enter the main menu Filter Extensions will log each texture it renames (by path and prints the new reference). Currently this feature is limited to 1000 duplicates (if you hit that you have bigger problems...) Added to plans.
  9. If you want to add it to CKAN, go ahead. I'm not a fan of CKAN and will not officially support it.
  10. You'll be happy to note that I have no current plans for any kerbal skill integration then (PS: Since I know you like wing strength on the light side, the bucking and rolling can't have been *that* bad...)
  11. Almost guaranteed to be exactly as you have stated, and now that I know the issue exists it's not a difficult one to resolve either (I already have a condition for ignoring the integral while landed, I'l just make it landed or uncontrollable) EDIT Fixed, .dll on github if you really need it. Otherwise it'll be in the next release (better get a move on with this GUI...) EDIT2 Added the PID spreadsheet and some links about PID controllers to the first post. If you find some good readings/watchings for beginners (preferably without the Laplace transfer functions...) then just throw me a link
  12. Filter Extensions v1.12 released Permanent fix for subcategory collision checker. Inclusion of stage 1 of a basic config verification tool. Icon style update - KaiserSoze To get rid of the white icon in the editor, just delete filterCreator.dll Currently all it is, is a debug helper for anyone writing configs. You can see all the nodes, what values they actually have (so if you made a typo, you'll see a blank space...), and all the parts that go into any custom subcategory. In future versions, I'll be adding the ability to create configs in the editor through this tool, skipping the need to restart for everything except loading new icons. It's never going to be flashy or particularly amazing because the GUI is just for testing, but someone might find it useful (the config editor backend is my actual goal). NOTE: It has a hard dependency on FilterExtensions.dll, don't try and use it without. NOTE2: It's only showing subcategories with filters atm, no edit/delete types
  13. Use the scalar to compensate for changes in dynamic pressure (proportional to: pressure * velocity ^ 2). For the most part, once you have a reasonably stable tuning (Kp/i/d) the only major difference is the amount of control authority your craft has (which corresponds relatively directly to dynamic pressure). The exception is transonic regime in FAR, but since it's temporary, changing scalar is also the appropriate response (unless ofcourse your plane only flies at Mach 1) It's not a linear relationship though (hence why I haven't got anything happening automatically), so only adjust as needed (and remember to decrease as you slow back down as well)
  14. That's fair enough. Laplace transforms were a part of my second year of University IIRC. e = 1 response = { Kp * e + Ki * sumOf(e) + kd * (e - prev_e) } / scalar // simplify and substitute response = { 1 * 1 + 0 + 0 } / 1 response = 1 So yes, an output of 1 would result It's a divisor rather than a multiplier (as you can see above) for consistency with the stock SAS. I probably should have inverted it for display but what's done is done. As far as the clamps are concerned, response gets passed through this check before being used (output clamp) if (response > upper_limit) response = upper_limit else if (response < lower_limit) response = lower_limit and when doing the summing for the integral, that sum is also passed through the same check before being used to calculate the overall response. Make a copy of this and you can examine how they all interact (although, it would be easier to make graphs rather than stare at numbers directly...). You can see what happens when the derivative is too high (look for a very bouncy response), how the integral ends up being the only operative term, why the integral clamp is required (set the setpoint really high and the I_clamp to a -ve value), etc.
  15. (Atleast) Two reasons that won't happen 1) As behemoth says, not in mod scope 2) I can't model at all You don't have a problem with the use of Laplace representations (all the equations using 's')? The actual explanations are very good, but I wonder if people would have problems with that representation
  16. The icon in the NF Solar directory cannot be changed in any way.
  17. It's fine because now I know things be broked again (there's meant to be a check for duplicate subCategories but obviously it didn't work. Not really a surprise it keeps breaking though, it was never meant to be a final solution...)
  18. That might actually be two .dll's. Check you removed the old "Filter Extensions" folder as well as the icons folder. If not, my collision checker has failed yet again >.<
  19. If it's on CKAN it's not my doing. I'm not exactly a fan of it and will not support it. Current version *should have* resolved the issue with texture replacer (although I haven't exactly tested it much). The most common error is DDS'ifying all your textures and having NF Solar installed (see this post. Not even my problem >.<) but your log is incomplete so I can't say if that's the issue here.
  20. That would be a no on both counts. ILS stuff is already quite easy to do manually when combined with Nav Utilities (match sink rate and heading to appropriate Pilot Assistant functions, use fine control when required for tweaking), and actual navigation is well beyond scope.
  21. No mistake, even on an unmodded install I was over a page of subCategories in Filter by Function. That was making things harder to find rather than easier so I trimmed it down a little.
  22. Can you try this version and see if that fixes it? It should, since it's just telling it to use the same texture twice if there is no "_selected" icon (assuming it works, I'm part way through some things that could totally break the icons -.-)
  23. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Plugins - Read through the links if you haven't already It sounds like you're going to need atleast two part modules (power source/engine (BHP producer) and the wheels (BHP consumer)), some parts with your custom module/s (module manager patch), and maybe a few other things. If you get stuck on something then come ask, but you really need to have something to ask about first
  24. Yea I missed it totally as well. Took ages to work out where it was getting lost.
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