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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. This should resolve any possibility of a platform issue, could you try that without Near Future Solar (just to make sure that is the issue)
  2. @wombat Can you try the .dll in my previous post and attach the log from that. The one you uploaded doesn't appear to have Filter Extensions installed at all and I added some extra logging as well as a fix that should let it handle the errors properly. @BrutalRIP Can you add this to a cfg anywhere in gamedata and let me know if the category "TestAND" shows up in Filter by Function. I think I know what your problem is (linux/windows derp), but just in case EDIT BrutalRIP, your issue may actually be compunded by an error in NF Solar's part filter. Somehow it's getting itself all crossed up trying to load the icons and that results in Filter Extensions failing
  3. Alright, just to be 100% sure, you can try this (it's the .dll direct from github, just overwrite the existing one), but I'd say that your output.log would be more productive Er, ok... I know where that originates from, but I'd like to know why it has occured so I can fix the root cause. I'll include some logging with the fix so if you wouldn't mind uploading the output.log after the next version that would be much appreciated EDIT Probable fix for rabidninjawombat's issue here (If that doesn't resolve it, I need logs)
  4. The auto-generated listing should require no cfg (if it's not showing I've screwed up the release...). It'll show up as a red icon in the advanced menu (and once you click any category it'll have the same icon texture as the manufacturer tab. I may have forgotten to refresh it ) To add a mod check for the "Filter by Function" category you would add the following check node SUBCATEGORY { //// other subcategory stuff FILTER { //// other filter stuff CHECK { type = folder value = *insert mod folder name here* pass = true } } } PS Any opposition to making the default parts list mode to be advanced (ie. all categories and filters displayed by default)?
  5. The only issue I have with this at the moment is that they will either be placed in with all the other automated categories (no seperate space of their own) or marked as custom categories (which creates non-functional GUI elements for adding and removing parts). I think the best option will be if I can dump it into the same group as the sub-assemblies, but I'll have to go searching to see how that can be achieved. Making a category of "Mod X" at the same level as al the "Filter by X" and giving it all the "Filter by Function" subcategories is absolutely no problem. It's making the GUI in a sensible fashion thats a little annoying. EDIT I guess I could also just colour code them...
  6. v1.3 released Added "folder" filter type. Matches against the root folder of a mod (eg. Squad & NASAmission for stock parts) Added auto-generated "Filter by Mod" category Category duplication check fixed Created categories no longer intermittently show with the non-functional custom category UI (parts with delete buttons, drop zone) Filter by mod category uses the same icon as the "Filter by Manufacturer", and all the sub-icons are using the default question mark (). To fix this, you currently need to have a cfg specifying the icon name (subCategories are being created after the auto-loader pass. Will fix this shortly). Any opinions on whether I should just outright replace "Filter by Manufacturer" with "Filter by Mod"? With all the stock manufacturers I find the first to be entirely unusable. I've also found a way to have a filter by function running *on top of* another subcategory (eg. all engines in mod X) using the same GUI. Opinions on usefulness?
  7. Having a look through the kOS documentation, what is wrong with this "<Direction>: PITCH|YAW|ROLL" (I assume direction would be in this case replaced by your vessel facing ie. FACING:ROLL)
  8. You can find the vector math for everything Flight Assistant uses here (roll, pitch, and yaw being only the beginning...) Roll angle is obtained by getting the angle between the vessel relative right vector, and the surface relative right vector (which is the vessel right vector projected onto the surface plane). +ve/-ve is determined by projecting the vessel relative up vector (for planes, that's actually the forward vector) onto the surface right vector using a dot product and taking the sign of the result.
  9. Or, you can make use of Filter Extensions (this being exactly the sort of thing it's intended for).
  10. Sounds about right. I already tried that, just didn't know that the name was the url so couldn't work it out (tyvm once again)
  11. It is intentional for above reasons. All the configs that were initially packaged where the ones I was using for testing various functionality (or more specifically, what functionality I needed). It would probably be better to have a seperate folder just containing all the cfg's that you want to use for filtering so that you dont end up removing them by mistake. Once the functionality is expanded to a reasonable level, I'll start making some configs for common things (control surfaces, wings, batteries, mod X, etc.). In the meantime, if you need help writing up some filters, just let me know link to Examples and doc link is in OP
  12. It's for Filter Extensions. I want to add a "filter by mod", which to me means filtering by the folder folowing GameData. The alternative is to do it by author, but that will still need configs (which prevents me auto-generating a "Filter by Mod" category.
  13. v1.2 removes the need to have the icons in a specific folder.It will now be able to address any image with width/height dimensions of less than 40 pixels. No other changes (the folder name was just too annoying to wait )
  14. AvailablePart.partPath and AvailablePart.parturl are both returning null strings. Is there another way to access that information?
  15. 1.1 is live Checks for duplicated filters, combining and rejecting where appropriate Adds an automatic icon loader. No configs required to set the icon for any subcategory created by stock KSP (anything on resources/modules/tech/manufacturer tabs, and stock function icons). Send some thanks the way of Nertea for this idea Adds support for new categories Duplication Checks subCategories for the same category with the same name will have their filters combined (all parts from both will show). The first title/icon processed will be the icon/title used subCategories with the same filter set (independent of CHECK/FILTER order) will have all but the first match discarded Automated Icon loader Include a folder named "filterIcon"and place all the icons you want to use inside of it (this is true for any icons you want to use, auto loader or not). Match the name of the icon to the title of the button you want to change the icon for (eg. to change the Xenon Gas Resource icon, include a "Xenon Gas" image). If you want a two state icon, include a second image with "_selected" appended to the name, if it is not included KSP will create it's own selected state. Icons are around the 35x35px size. Create new Categories Intended for use by large part mods (looking at you Roverdude/USI) or end users, to avoid creating a mess of the subcategories, section them off in their own category. Category config details: CATEGORY { title = TestCategory icon = R&D_node_icon_experimentalmotors colour = #FF0000FF } SUBCATEGORY { category = TestCategory title = TestTitle icon = R&D_node_icon_experimentalmotors FILTER { CHECK { type = title value = Cargo Bay pass = true } } } Documentation Currently adding a wiki to github in addition to the example configs already available on github Category/Subcategory ordering Still to come. I'm not happy with the solutions I've tried so far. A Category that lists parts by folder under GameData Now that I have categories working, this shouldn't be too hard to add a little extra functionality for (EDIT: or not. somehow parts don't appear to reference their file location ANYWHERE )
  16. You could effectively do this by duplicating a manufacturer tab in filter by function (have a seperate filter node for each manufacturer used by the mod) SUBCATEGORY { category = Filter by Function title = mod Name Here icon = the name of the icon you want FILTER { CHECK { type = manufacturer value = modManufacturer1 pass = true } } FILTER { CHECK { type = manufacturer value = modManufacturer2 pass = true } } } etc. EDIT Alternatively, you could also remove all of the SQUAD manufacturers for the filter by manufacturer tab (and thus actually use it for what it is intended for...) which would take a little longer to set up, but means you only have to do it once
  17. Not the nicest piece of code ever, but the Github version is now doing collision detection by subCategory name and/or it's filters if two definitions are using the same category. Using the same name results in the filters being combined, using the same filters uses the name/icon of whichever is processed first. I want to have some form of icon order control before I "officially" update, but I'm a little unsure as to how such a system should work. The basic idea I'm toying with at the moment is that you define a subCategory that you want a subCategory to follow in the list. Multiple subcategories defining the same target are resolved by load order (same as now, just on a localised scale). It was the most modular soltion I have come up with, but I'm open for suggestions.
  18. It is currently only being done for filter by function (or more correctly, for cfg's that include a filter node, which only makes sense for Filter by Function). That reminds me, I need to check and see what happens to filters on other categories... Credit now added, and my apologies again for misplacing it initially
  19. Known and being worked on (as is the lack of any order control, it's just by cfg order at the moment which I find rather annoying). RE: Realchute source Yes, I did use it as a template, and I did have an acknowledgement written up that seems to have been lost to my flaky internet (I'll just fix that...). It certainly made development a whole lot faster than it otherwise would have been.
  20. 1.0 release now available. Added technology and manufactuer filters Improved error handling
  21. Support added for the categories that are already procedural (resource, manufacturer, tech, module) Using Near Future Propulsion's Argon Gas resource as an example To remove a subcategory that you don't want to show, only specify the category (Filter by /*Insert here*/) and the title shown ingame for the offending subcategory SUBCATEGORY { category = Filter by Resource oldTitle = Argon Gas } To change the icon and title displayed, use the keys title and icon. SUBCATEGORY { category = Filter by Resource title = Wheels oldTitle = Argon Gas icon = R&D_node_icon_fieldscience } Nice and simple
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