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Foxxonius Augustus

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Everything posted by Foxxonius Augustus

  1. The problem with the hoop antenna has been fixed in the newest version of the config file. Found Here. (Download and place in your Tantares folder, delete old config, rename the new one to what the old one was.) It should be distributed with the next release. Also, for what its worth, the crazy 45* cone angles every where is a bug that I have also corrected. (at least IIRC) Any other feed back on the RemoteTech or TACLS configs can be directed at me.
  2. @leszek Humm now that IS a problem... Can't seem to replicate for the moment. When you right click Pol in the VAB it should have two modules, one called Signal Processor and one called Technology Perk each with some info under them. Can you confirm it has both of them? Also what game mode are you playing? Edit: Still not sure but may have a solution. Open the _Extra_RemoteTechControl file in your Tantares folder with a text editor and make sure there is an entry that looks like this. @PART[Pollux_Control_A]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] {} %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 300000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } }
  3. Thanks you for doing your due diligence, it is so nice to basically rule out user error right off the bat! As Revenant said the Pols lack of antenna range dose seem to be intentional even if it was not my intention. I think the reason it use to have such a powerful built in antenna is that the Cygnus on which it is based has very small, essentially unmodelable, (internal?) antenna. As such it is likely that no separate part for it will be forthcoming or even possible. Given that you should be able to use the default Tantares craft, as intended, no matter what mods you have installed in order for it to be considered "compatible", I am treating this as a bug and will try and figure something out for it that is not as completely broken as 8Mm Omni quite clearly is. Thanks for the feed back! -Foxx P.S. I have also decided to re-balance most resupply craft in terms of supply limits to better reflect that they will, most likely, be used to resupply space stations that have on-board carbon extractors and water purifiers and as such will carry less O2 and water in favor of food. This should mean that it is reasonable to have them carry a useful amount of supply's without getting WAY to heavy.
  4. Looking great! Glad your keeping up with it and boy, I can't wait to play with these. As for the light I would say just stick to emissive, you wouldn't stick a flood light up to the window when you already (or should already) have one externally.
  5. Yup! should be in the utility tab near the top. It even has a probe core if memory serves. It is part of the Phobos-Grunt craft.
  6. To clarify again. I am approaching this from a package managers perspective. I'm not really here to add content that didn't exist before. My configs are there to make sure Tantares is compatible and useable with other mods. In short I will not be adding anything past what it takes to make sure parts work properly and are balanced. I hope you understand. Anyway, testing continues... Cheers, -Foxx
  7. As soon as I saw the scrubber idea I had a problem, one of balance. If I add this new function shouldn't I also add mass, on the basis that this would be adding machinery that was not there before? Or should I not add mass on the basis that this machinery WAS already there but its function was not modeled? The problem is that if I add mass then I de-incentivize the use of that part because the dV of any craft that uses it would be reduced, regardless of weather that functionality was needed or wanted. On the other hand if I do not add mass I wind up greatly incentivizing that part because it adds functionality without any cost in dV. That is all without getting into if it should consume electric charge and, if so, how much. As far as the increases in life support store on various craft, I will try and see what I can do. I am still wary of what the mass of all that food and water will do to those crafts performance. Also your post did serve to remind me that the TKS was, at its heart, a resupply vessel. I will have to keep that in mind. Finally, the configs I am working on are for keeping Tantares compatible with other popular mods. They are not really meant to change Beales parts in any major way. Hope that helps and I will try and do some testing to see if the craft you mentioned can realistically handle the extra mass. Cheers, -Foxx
  8. Salutations once again folks! I have just finished up the RemoteTech and TACLS configs! RemoteTech DL Here TACLS DL Here (Download and place in your Tantares folder, delete old config, rename the new one to what the old one was.) All the Tantares antenna have been balanced as far as electric charge consumption gos bearing in mind not just range, but cone angle and placement in the tech tree etc. Also nearly all Tantares antenna have had their tech node reassigned to fit better with stock and RemoteTech antenna as well as provide a smoother progression. Of note is the L-LG1 Low Gain Antenna which has had its range reduced slightly from my earlier config to find it a niche between the two high tier RT omni antenna. Also the V-CA "Lance" Antenna, every RemoteTech users favorite omni antenna has had its electric charge consumption greatly increased for balance reasons, plus it gives you a good reason for all those solar panels! As for TACLS, all crewed parts that reasonably should have life support supply's now has them. A quick run down... T637A Orbital Module now has 12 person days of supply's, up from 6, this makes Munar flybys feasible. T579A Habitation Module has the same supply's as the T637A Orbital Module. Balance. the HAMAL Orbital Module and HAMAL Cargo Module now both have 36 person days of supply's, this makes them actually useful for resupplying stations. the TK-OB05A Orbital Block now has 18 person days of supply's and the longer TK-OB10B Orbital Block has 36. The Polaris Orbital Block now has 18 person days of supply's. On a final note. The RemoteTech config is basically done and any future changes will be very minor. The TACLS config on the other hand is a first pass, I have not had a great deal of time to determine how the addition of all that mass has affected the craft that got TACLS support. That said, again, any future changes will probably not be all that big and shouldn't adversely affect craft in flight. Looking forward to feedback and constructive criticism. -Foxx
  9. If you would like Beale, I can take a crack at it. Also, work is progressing on a fully balanced RemoteTech config for the various Tantares antenna. I have also been working on getting the TACLS config up to date.
  10. Click the KS link on first post. Then click on change log in the center. Scroll down, all version back to when it was first on KS is there.
  11. Ok here it is, my Tantares RemoteTech config v2.1! - Link I will try and put out an in-depth tutorial/antenna use post later or maybe even a video on my channel but for now the important bits. Antenna Name Range Type Notes A961A 500,000 Omni on by default L-LG1 5,000,000 Omni V-CA 10,000,000 Omni V-RE 25,000,000 Dish constant contact with the Mun. T-CD 50,000,000 Dish constant contact with Minmus. TK-CD0A 500,000,000 Dish as above, also useful for relay networks around Jool. L-HG1 10,000,000,000 Dish contact with Moho for most of orbit, with Eve for some of orbit and Duna for very brief periods. F020A 100,000,000,000 Dish constant contact with Jool and contact with Eeloo for most of orbit. Mk-5 250,000,000,000 Dish constant contact with just about everything. It is by no means perfect but it's close. I will give it another going over tomorrow but the only things likely to change is power consumption and, if I'm feeling brave, techtree balance. Although I am looking forward to feedback and constructive criticism, this was my Saturday, your welcome.
  12. I had no concept of how often I used the almach hoop antenna until 14 out of 15 craft failed to load . That said, at least it was just a folder structure issue and have at least recovered my saved craft in the VAB. On a side note. This was the first release of my updated RemoteTech config and it already needs updating. I hope to have a fix for it before the end of the day. I too have noted the rather out of date TACLS config and may start work on that one as well but I can't tell you when that will be ready if ever.
  13. Quite a few of my craft have been broken with the latest Tantares update, mostly due to the reworked Almach/Vostok. I will do some work over the weekend to get them working again.
  14. Also any one using RemoteTech be sure to let me know how the new config works out. It may need to be rebalanced with the addition of two new antenna. (Edit - Having looked at it a bit closer I defiantly have a bit of balance work to do.)
  15. So I could potentially save the current texture out and re add it to future releases? That looks genuinely fun to fly
  16. These already look awesome! Can't wait for a DL so everyone can play with what look to be some excellent parts. (EDIT - Plus more fodder for my Non-Replica Repository... Which your parts are now accepted in when you release them )
  17. ERR-MAAHHH-GERD!!!! This is awesome! I have been eagerly waiting for this to be updated and polished for, well, since 0.2.
  18. Progress is important I suppose. I vastly preferred the old mono tanks, they were probably my favorite looking parts in the whole pack...
  19. Have you considered using the V-RE 'Needle' Antenna as a stand in? I made a quick mock up and it works surprisingly well. Plus it's already animated!
  20. I have another wacky craft for you all. Part Zenit, part Proton, part Black Arrow, I present the [sFS] Zenton Arrow! Designed to capture small to medium asteroids that pass within Kerbins SoI. Requires: Tantares AB Launchers Procedural Fairings [SFS] Zenton Arrow Download
  21. All this talk of antenna and RemoteTech... I am going to have my hands full keeping that shiny new config up to date! BTW looking at that Zond antenna curtquarquesso linked it could probably be made with no new textures or models just by copying the L-HG1 and reworking the animation so it points out rather than perpendicular.
  22. I for one already have a few ideas for craft that could make use of it... and I agree whole heartedly that there are enough 1.25m engines already, especially with the new LV engines. That said I also think I would perhaps be more useful as a 1.875 cluster, 3x symmetry maybe? even if it remains .625 I can still think of uses for it and clustering CAN be done manually...
  23. Salutations! Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Beale has decided to replace the default Tantares RemoteTech config with my reworked one and I figured the changes could use a run down in advance, so here it is. I tried to make sure every antenna had a use and that there was no one antenna that could do it all. T-CD Comm Dish - Changed from 2.5Mm Omni to 25Mm dish with 10* angle. This makes it useful for communication with KSC from the Mun but not much farther. "priority" dish mk-5 - Reduced range from 400Gm to 100Gm. This will still let you stay in constant contact with Jool from KSC. Only Eeloo will give you problems and only for part of its orbit. This was for ballence and to keep the high tier RT antenna useful L-LG1 - Exact same RT stats as the communotron 16. This was to offer a Tantares alternative for craft that wold look silly with the stock antenna. L-HG1 - Range now 25Gm. This makes it the smallest antenna that can make it to Minmus but also able to stay in contact with Eve and Moho. Depending heavily on where they are in their orbits it can also work Kerbin<->Duna. V-RE "Needle" - Added to RT config. Dish with range of 5Mm but with 15* cone and low energy cost it is still useful for low altitude orbits or dense satellite constellations. That is a brief rundown. I am still working on it and tweaking but I may make a more comprehensive post later. Hope you enjoy!
  24. I cant speak to where they are from but I know they are not from Tantares. Very cool though. It is a propellent depot. The 12 things down the bottom are ALV II c fuel tanks attached to some tantares girder segments. They are the propellant storage and modular so the capacity can be extended if needs be. It is also not very big as my stations go (spoiler!) at least in terms of internal space or crew capacity, only having a full time crew of 2-3.
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