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Everything posted by m1sz

  1. BEfore i break the spirit of the challenge..., you might want to ban atmospheric and electric engines aswell, or only allow the power of the wheels. I was planning to do a jet car
  2. I made a little video of the batvtol doing some maneuvering.. not so impresive to be honest!, but you need to remember that it's a heavy ship!
  3. Its gorgeus, but does it have enough fuel to do some of the other challenges?? ^^
  4. I guess that intake can take as much air as it wants, it's not completely blocked, even if if's technicaly behind one. I guess that kind of fairing is OK. The clipped landing gear, I think it's just because is partialy hidden with a fairing, need more pictures to see!
  5. I made some testings, my car wants to fly when going over 400m/s When I can, ill try to fix it. Also, are aerobrakes allowed? (the B9 ones)
  6. Most of the footage is done, but I need time to mix it together! Im looking forward to see your plane perform with the challenges:)
  7. Building something this complex, will need many time!, ill come back when i have something to show
  8. Darren9, I love your plane, I also like to use pwings to make nice shapes!, but your's is brilliant!!!
  9. Wow That's a new and beauty design. I think it qualifies, you just need to land it in the runway and show some pictures
  10. Might give it a try when I have time Are fairings allowed?, and if they are, can we eject then?, I guess the second answer is no, because then it's a stage!
  11. Your crations are AWESOME hahahaha, the rollerblader robot is brilliant! I'm gonna participate, it's been a long time since i wanted to try some walker prototype, or maybe more... let's see
  12. Fengist, BAT-VTOL can do that too. video soon . Im making a stunt compilation with it!
  13. STEAM GAUGES http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40730-0-23-SteamGauges-V1-4-2-Analog-Radar-Altimeter-and-More!
  14. Yes!, the mechjeb ban, only use to apply to the autopilot. Having MechJeb for information is OK i guess! In fact, I use it as a proof of the percentage of mass carried in atleast two of the challenges
  15. BAT-VTOL did the Osprey Award. Quick video with the proof: (will be available within 5 minutes) Updated my BATVTOL post here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67461-The-Ultimate-VTOL-Challenge?p=938998&viewfull=1#post938998 ONLY The MLRV Award (Munar Landing Research Vehicle) to go! and I alrdy reached the moon with this monster more soon
  16. I only used mechjeb in the circunnavigation challenge I think, SAS is very stable in the BAT VTOL other than that, if you manage to get the Center of Mass just in the middle of the fuel section of your ship, when it's depleted it wont affect your COM so you will be able to land do maneuver just all right take a look at my BAT-VTOL COM, COT and COL. pretty much perfect at any moment (you may need to balance the fuel with TAC fuel balancer, but this is easy )
  17. Wow, thanks a lot everyone!, I'll update my motherboard too, that's no problem Ill check those forum post with CPU database, and I'll check the post about the re-entry lag too Thanks, ill set this as answered, as I got almost all the info I needed. Cheers comunity!
  18. Hello, I've been looking the forum for some insight on this, but I found different opinions everywhere. Many people seems to have lag with large part count, and some other are able to build 1000+ parts ships. I use to play with almost all graphic settings on full, and I get low FPS when the ships has about 250+ parts. The thing is, it depends a lot in the situation. Maybe I can do a space station of about 350 parts, but cant fly a jet with 150+ at high speed in the atmosphere (air and re-entry effects). My noob head though about that, and I came to a conclusion: The thing that is killing my FPS has to be the physics calculations (the most. part count obviously lower my FPS). My current PC is this: i7 860 @2.80GHz (one of the firsts i7. dual channel memory) 12GM RAM at 1.666mhz (too much, was not planned, my father computer broke and there was no use for his 4Gb) Windows 7 64bits (playing KSP 0.23 with mods, but happens w/o them too) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660Ti, 4Gb(DxDiag says 4, but I think it has 2Gb) I can play most of the games with all settings in ultra, but these games tend to demand more GPU than CPU. Am I correct to think that the hardware limiting my Kerbal performance is the CPU?, Is it logical that my CPU can't handle all the physicis in time? I ask this because lowering the graphic settings doesnt seem to affect my FPS a lot (just a little, but I cant go near 400 parts w/o laggin as hell). I'm considering upgrading my PC, and I would love to know from you all what do you think that I should buy, and why! Thanks a lot for your time =)
  19. Sevant said it very well. HEre are some tips for your next try: You can do vtol launch, but not on a mount (its a plane challenge!, of some kind). Remember, landing has to be horizontaly. Stay under 1000m all the times Proof of landing with the F3 screen And not partclipping, even if its w/o the debug console. I consider that some kind of cheating, specialy when you clip engines! Other than that, your idea of partialy cover the plane with the fairings is BRILLIANT and can get us to mach 5!! Tidus, make an entry, we need to get rid of Sevant and Hejnfelt, they rule too much
  20. use this: [ imgur ] SSWRb [ /imgur ] SSWRb is the last part of the album link, the #0 (or any number) is just the number of the picture, you dont have to type that
  21. THE BAT-VTOL did The moller distinction!!!!!! and i went the wrong way Updated my BAT-VTOL post here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67461-The-Ultimate-VTOL-Challenge?p=938998&viewfull=1#post938998 few left for pogo stick!
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