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Posts posted by Aerolfos

  1. 17 hours ago, tetryds said:

    Aviator Arsenal will not be available on CKAN, mainly because it has dependencies on BDArmory.
    About BAD-T, don't worry the next tournament will start soon(tm), there is a lot of balancing left to do and I think I managed to come up with a fair points system for the weapons.

    Well CKAN has a setup for that, and in fact I've used it myself for my mod. Works quite nicely. However, tha lack of Kerbalstuff could complicate matters...

  2. On 15.2.2016 at 9:05 PM, technicalfool said:

    I'd also suggest you avoid any and all web sites that have any advertising anywhere, because that's how the "malware infection" got onto Curse (and indeed, the KSP forums), many moons ago.

    Can't tell if sarcastic. Especially because I really, really want to do that. Advertising has gotten beyond horrible. Adblock will do I guess...

    Also, malware is stuff users don't want on their computers. If a program installs soemthing else, it's malware... dunno if the case, but popups and "recommendations" in the client, are signs of, if not malware as in it was installed by  the user, it's certainly unwanted adware.

  3. On 15.2.2016 at 2:42 AM, tetryds said:

    Oh, yes that would lag a bit, BAD-T allows 80 parts per craft, on a total of max 320 parts.
    My laptop can handle 250 parts at 30fps-ish, 320 makes the timer mostly yellow.


    Anyway, while KerbalStuff is down here is a dropbox download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2b5j400nqao7se/AviatorArsenal-1.1.zip?dl=1

    Well, thank you, thank you, and thank you. The stats stuff is absolutely fantastic (Already picked out my guns.), models look great, and I can avoid Curse.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ippo said:

    Yes. In fact, some mods that are already available through CKAN are hosted on kerbalstuff (main example being KER). CKAN can update its metadata to post to the next hosting solution, but it won't be a painless experience...

    Don't forget Curse won't have the latest version of the mod, not for some time anyway..

  5. 24 minutes ago, Otis said:
    19 minutes ago, goldenpsp said:

    I'm sorry but you are mixing pieces.  KSP never started as some independent guy making a game.  It was a guy at his COMPANY where his company backed the project and he made it as an employee.  It has nothing to do with forgetting your roots or anything like that.

    It is much the same way that while Squad loves the modding community you will never see them backing any individual independent mod or modder.  It's not even that Squad wouldn't want to, but there are business things that go on in the world that often make those sorts of things hard or improper to do.

    Why do people keep equating www.curse.com with http://kerbal.curseforge.com?

    Seriously, I don't get it. Could someone please explain this so it gets through my thick skull?

    Squad's move to use curseforge as the official mod platform has proven itself to be a wise decision, despite what people are saying. It has proven to be safe, stable, and reliable, at least in my experience. There are no ads. The web page looks exactly the same whether I use an adblocker or not. Those who say otherwise apparently are not seeing the same thing that I am.


    You are one of the lucky few then. I do not think so, as I preffered Spaceport... though Kerbalstuff was the true Spaceport 2.0 really, in UI and everything. Curse is something compeltely different, cluttered, tiny text, massive management of space issues (in my opinion, and many others it seems), and ad ridden with the most hated popup and obscure page ads. I certainly get those.

    As for safe, yeah something about it makes me feel paranoid, data gathering vibes and all that. Dunno why, but the fact it makes me feel that way is bad enough...

    Stable, I can't say much about that. Reliable... you're just using synonyms here. Felt it obnoxious to get to mods and an actual download, much less an older version, which is crystal clear with KS.

    And ads, yeah you're weird. I get popup obscuring ads as I said.

    (Oh and as jedensuscg pointed out, it's not reliable at all for mod authors, and I've seent that several places. Mod authors say just use KS, cuz Curse won't be updated. Reliability right out the window.)

  6. 1 hour ago, Commander Jebidiah said:

    He had no obligation to continue running the site. It was costing him $180/month, which is alot. Did you ever donate? Just remember he was paying for you to DL most of your mods on a user friendly site, exactly how much did you contribute. If anyone pulled a D1ck move it was both us who used the site and Squads.

    I'd say it was built to be used, so can't really complain there... however Squads behaviour is absolutely indefensible. The community vastly preferred a proper platform for and in a way by them (Mostly to spite Curse I know, but i agree, [expletive] them).


    But anyway, thanks so much for making some alternative to the awful Curse, SirCmpwn.

  7. On 24.12.2015 at 2:55 PM, silversliver said:

    I made some experiments about missiles in space and that's what I noticed.

    First thing the HE-KV-1 isn't working. Nor in atmosphere nor in space.

    For space combat the PAC-3 seems to be the best missile, thanks to its controllable throttle.

    The other missiles, anti-radar, laser, gps are not able to steer. (in space)

    Also a strange thing I noticed is that cruise missiles work in vacuum. Is this intended? 

    Bahamutod has not worke don space yet (Beyond that missile in a much older version of BDArmory AND pre-1.0, and transition proved much worse than with other missiles, so it is not fixed.). Of course there are weird things when he hasn't gotten to that yet..

  8. On 20.12.2015 at 1:59 PM, giga said:

    Cant wait for the next update keep it up with the good work:D

    Well wow. Thanks.

    17 hours ago, Mitchz95 said:

    Can you customize the color of the lasers?

    Yes, but you need to modfiy RGB values in the configs for just the shot, and muzzle flashes are a custom edit messing with color values in paint.net on the model thing (They're not that important however). What color are you thinking anyway?


    15 hours ago, Hookswords said:

    I'm liking the mod so far! I used it to make this: *snip*

    Definitely added to the production! Thank you for your hard work in modding!

    Hey thanks. Hard work... barely any work at all is what this was. But yeah, if people like it, awesome. It's also made a lot for myself tho :P

    And those are some nice craft.




    A sci-fi addon for BD Armory, it adds a bunch of weapons inspired by Star Wars.

    Updated to 1.2.2 by using BDArmory Continued.

    Also features a "Power" system as ammunition, which is quite simplistic. The whole thing is really, but it's nice to have anyway!

    Basically, use the battery pack called Power System for all your needs.

    There are currently three unique models, contributed by SpannerMonkey and Wraith977!

    Download over at Spacedock. You will need BDArmory Continued installed.

    Feel free to contact me with both bugs and requests/suggestions/ideas. I will probably add more weapons with time, but currently there are:

    • Ion Cannon: Based on the howitzer, it is a very powerful weapon on a direct hit, but otherwise does minimal damage.
    • X-1 Light Laser: A small automatic laser gun.
    • M50 Dragon Turret: Tank Turret that focuses on explosive radius but is not as strong as normal tank cannons. It fires slightly faster too.
    • Scout Laser Cannon: Automatic relatively light laser cannon.
    • Laser Turret: Pictured above, it's inspired by TIE Fighter guns. A light and small weapon.
    • Turbolaser: Heavy turbolaser, for all your capital point-defence needs. It now acts as a proper flak gun with explosive shots.
    • X-8: Automatic laser cannon. Deadly.
    • X-10: Inline lighter laser cannon, for fighter use. Based on the X-Wing, featuring model by SpannerMonkey.
    • Old Republic Defence Turret: Very fast firing experimental turret, provided by Wraith977.
    • Dorsal Turbolaser Turret: Heavier turret, great for general use on bases and various starships. Also made by Wraith977.


    License: CC ShareAlike 2.0

    With all credit due to BahamutoD, and his awesome mod(s).

    As well as the team working on BDArmory continued now of course.

    And SpannerMonkey and Wraith977 for providing some really cool weaponry!


  10. On 12/12/2015 at 3:23 PM, Angstinator said:

    That's good for longer ranges, suborbital work.

    Not so much for twenty-kilometer artillery work as would be the (scaled down by a factor of 10, as seems KSP-typical) standard for tactical and short-range ballistic missiles.


    Hence why I am inquiring about the possibility of such a guidance type to exist.

    Ah yes. A ballistic "short" range one, like in civ V missile cruisers/nuke subs with the... well ballistic missile. There should be such a guidance selectable in the Modular Missile Guidance (Along with shorter hellfire style ones, long range ballistic and cruise type), but that part needs quite a lot of work. In a proper release of BDArmory you could just use that, but as is, no luck. It is possible to manually fly a ballistic missile though (What do you think stock weaponry relies on, apart from short range i-beam flinging), but over a range of 20km cruise missiles do work quite nicely. Get a launcher, launch a bunch together, switch to them. Then watch them fly out.


    On 12/13/2015 at 9:26 AM, THEgameKID181 said:

    i need help! i want starwars sounds on bd armory but i cant find the files can you help me pls im looking for it now 2 months

    I think you may be looking for my pack lol. Not been updated in forever and really will not work... but luckily for you I am finally working on updating it. (AKA completely making it from scratch. Oh well, it was not that hard.)


    EDIT: There we go.[removed link to defunct website]

  11. 3 hours ago, MatsSanders said:

    I tried it, and it seems that the problem lies with the Guard simply de-selecting the target on the radar. I turned guard mode off and it locks perfectly. The guard mode just almost seems to be stuck in Peace Mode.

    Guard mode is insanely weird with both radars and laser targeters. It seems to (somehow) still lock and fire at stuff with the radar, even if it using it looks nonsensical. The laser however, is completely of target, when it finally decides to not go flying all over the place and lock on to something.

  12. 6 hours ago, cyberpawn said:

    what is RPM? how to adjust it?

    Rasterpropmonitor probably. Adds screens and stuff while in IVA, the new cockpit by Bahamuto relies on it for the cool inside data and stuff. As for adjust, that word alone as written means nothing to me, no idea.

    4 hours ago, Angstinator said:

    RPM means one of two things, and I'm out of context here, so I can't tell what you're referring to.


    Anyway, what does the "LR/No LR" indicator on the targetting pod interface refer to?

    Laser lock / no laser lock. I don't know the proper term, but if LR is on you're good to go and missiles will target whatever you are looking at. If not, it can't "see" the ground or whatever, and isn't working.

  13. On 8.12.2015, 13.31.10, Hotaru said:

    Rep isn't the same on the new forum. In addition to the "like" button only counting for one point (making old-forum rep effectively worth more than new-forum likes), I have to admit I miss the little mouse-over titles for the rep bars. Things like "so-and-so owns a roll of duct tape" or "has a rep rivaling Jebediah's" or whatever. Those had a lot more character than just a number.

    Not a serious issue or anything, just a little thing I miss about the old system.

    Also, the dull grey dots are not nearly as cool. They say very little, and for the longest time I could have sworn everyone just had 3, absolutely no difference at all. (Now the number of dots varies.. why how exciting, not really.)

  14. 1 hour ago, DuoDex said:

    Another Unofficial Opinion:

    I really just haven't cared for about a year now, though I'm currently leaning slightly in favor of Curse (more on that later).

    My person requirements for a mod host are pretty simple - stability and accessibility in order of importance, and I see three major hosts that the KSP community is using.

    Kerbalstuff is a great idea, and nice community repository with great support for other networks like the forums and CKAN (+1 accessibility), but as Red Iron Crown said, the maintainer has already said that he is essentially maintaining Kerbalstuff as a poke in the eye at Curse. Combined with the fact that I can no longer obtain speeds above 40 kb/s when downloading mods and sometimes the site refuses to work at all, Kerbalstuff is currently in last place when compared to the other hosts.

    Curse, if accessed from kerbal.curseforge.com is perfectly acceptable in terms of stability. My experiences with Curse in the past have been mixed, but Curse is able to fully utilize the bandwidth available to me and does not force me to wait 20 minutes for an 80MB download. If I have to look at some adsadblock, people! or give up some CKAN functionality in order for acceptable download speeds, so be it.

    This brings me to my third host, which is really an aggregation. Github, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Github is free, supports CKAN, and is very, very stable, so it's pretty much the perfect host for a lot of people. Dropbox is also free, but doesn't really support CKAN, but is stable. Google Drive, same as Dropbox. 

    In conclusion, my ranking is as such, considering accessibility and stability.

    1. Github
    2. Curse
    3. Dropbox/Drive/other file-sharing services
    4. Kerbalstuff

    I know that some people are going to say that a way of finding the mods is important, but I think the forums and CKAN are perfectly capable of providing links to Github or Curse downloads.

    Github is great, mostly.. I've had serious issues with the UI as a client though. It may seem stupid to not be able to find downloads for stuff, but I've had to give up on several mods because I can't find the download. You may think it's easy, but if it's not obvious enough to immediately find it, that's already a problem.

    (Also, with the releases system it does work great, but it seems 60-70% smaller, and even one or two really big, developers are just too lazy to use it. Which makes using the site and getting the mod way harder than it should be)

  15. On 5.12.2015, 18.58.03, Kerbart said:

    Yes, there are advertisements on Curse. But they’re not page-invading flash monstrosities that cover the entire page, and somebody has to pay for hosting storage and bandwidth. And if that's advertisers, I'm fine with it. The moment Curse would start charging per mod, that’s where I would drop them. But they are not, are they?

    Actually, I've had them there. Only there. Of all the sites I visit somewhat regularly, Curse has the most intrusive ads of all. Really, that is what convinced me to get adblocker...

    But even then, their UI is extremely clunky and not user friendly at all. Kerbalstuff is intuitive and easy to use, both for the client and the mod creator.

  16. 21 hours ago, LORDPrometheus said:

    so Baha have you considered the capability of adding multi stage guided missiles for ICBMs?

    Modular missile guidance will let you build your own, and combining that+mechjeb+some manual guidance you can build them yourself. I have made many of these, they're relatively accurate... though you would think hitting a kerbinside base in the center, about 300 meters from an enemy vehicle would be enough to wipe everything there... even with about 10 of the impact explosive things, very ineffective. Better to just drop a parachuting probe with loads of conventional missiles on it, but it's REALLY hard to make it survive reentry, and then actually have it hit stuff. (Guard mode is finicky with say hellfire missiles, does weird stuff with the laser targetting, seems to aim miles off, if it even aims)

    Really, just use vanilla missile/ICBM systems really. Maybe the explosive warhead adds a little bit of power, modular missiles guidance isn't quite up to the task (handles launching into ballistic arcs and landing very badly, that is a recognized problem that will probably be fixed with a revamp though), but mechjeb helps a lot.

    Baiscally, it seems the explosives meant for modular missiles are just better off with direct hit systems, think V3 from C&C Red Alert 2, range and all. Or use them for flinging point-blank tank destroyers. I do.

    Also, the cruise missiles with little boosters actually drop them now. So dual stage cruise missiles in the mods style of missiles exist.

  17. [quote name='BahamutoD']Alright here's what I think the final textures will be:


    I don't think i'l be doing the shiny gold cockpit.. Doesn't seem to fit well with the style.[/QUOTE]

    Would it be possible to use one of the right click change texture menu things to have different colors for the cockpit? The black is awesome, but I want to try both an opaque blue and a golden.

    Anyway, it looks beyond awesome.
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