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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. I have this skybox here: DOWNLOAD It's exported from Space Engine, view from inside the small magellanic cloud.
  2. Landing plane-style on Duna is hard, if you never did it before. - U need a plane that glides well: with control surfaces on the tail and on the nose. 1st make sure your plane flies well on Kerbin. - Land in a valley. I used www.kerbalmaps.com to find low terrain. - I also recommend using a vertical engine. - spread the landing gear wide.
  3. No prob Did i get it right though? i mean was it supposed to be an S-tank? O_O
  4. I made this, if anyone's interested: Exported skybox from inside the Small Magellanic Cloud, in Space Engine. Download
  5. Banned for having a 4 digit post count.
  6. Better gobble it up before it gobbles YOU up! O_O Waiter, there's Sampa Claus in my soup.
  7. I brazenly used "infinite fuel" to power-land an Eve ascent craft on Eve, to see if it can ascend from Eve.
  8. I open up my umbrella :3 The next user encounters a bear.
  9. Granted - you dance too and everyone else thinks it makes you look silly. I wish there was at least one screenshot featuring the new mk3 cockpit with the user interface turned on. (I haven't updated yet - only when I get home in a couple of days)
  10. While your fuel empties, the center of weight moves behind the center of drag, because there's no weight on top of your rocket. That's what causes loss of control in atmosphere. Multi stage rockets don't have this issue because the center of mass moves to the front - towards the upper stage. Unfortunately there isn't a tool in KSP that shows the center of drag... unless your craft is made of wings. (then it's center of lift) If you're gonna use this design anyway, I suggest disabling fuel flow from the uppermost fuel tank, until that's the only fuel left. And yeah watch your angle of attack, don't make such aggressive turns. Especially with the non-gimballing LV-T30 which can't counteract the spin.
  11. It provides its wielder with schwartz.
  12. I've been wanting to make a B-9 plane, was a bit put off by all the memory issue complaints... I might add FAR to that (still in the process of figuring it out xD), because in stock-aero all my planes rely on the wing spamming cargo bay. And I think 2.5m wide FtMN atomic rockets would fit there nicely. Modular Rocket System has many useful parts too. I might give all this a shot, but still no promises... Lately i've been having very little free time and i'm already in the middle of another long mission Your rover designs look very good, and that plane is pretty close to what I have in mind right now... x-b the 1st & 3rd pictures though... is that the same craft? I can't see where the big SABRE engine fits in the 1st pic o .O
  13. When put on a necklace & worn around your neck it works as a perception filter!
  14. Every payload i used in a video should be in that zip folder. Some are separate (which were loaded manually), some come along attached inside the ship that carried it. The tiny payload was just something I quickly slapped together... check the craft called "Astroliner XI (1)", it's in there. Older crafts are in the folders ("0.24.2", "0.23.5"). The planes are outdated, but the payloads should work fine, except ones that had a brown SAS module which got smaller in 0.25. You can just grab the payload and save as a sub-assembly. Thanks for the feedback DMSP.
  15. It's price is half the price of 2 units.
  16. You get a virus infection in your pet ostrich. When will the Albuquerque drive be invented?
  17. You get a live bear in your living room. I wish for a waffle. - - - update - - - Edited, ey? you dirty cheetah...
  18. Granted: You get a bowl of SlenderFan. But the ice cream effect was only temporary and wears off before you get to eat him. I wish for less work hours. Screw good salary
  19. Yeah! The user below me has been to Elbowquirky.
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