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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Banned for stealing the 12001st post and not displaying a proper kraken certification.
  2. You can, especially with very low part count. A high-part-count craft will be flying at about 27,000m accelerating just barely, while the fuel burns at full throttle. A bigger portion of the fuel will be needed for the jets, this can compromise the interplanetary capability. If you're going for less intakes try to avoid putting dead weight like girders, i-beams, tail cones, NCS adapters... Engines are dead weight too: If you're going to Laythe you don't need high TWR in space, so minimize the rocket engines.
  3. When increasing the overall weight, did you also increase the amount of intakes by the same percentage? How many intakes your small plane had? If it had (for instance) 5 intakes per 10 tons, then so should your bigger plane if you want it to perform the same. The more intakes you have, the less rocket fuel you will use to circularize. I use 10 intakes per 13 tons, that's just enough to circularize on jets alone. edit: by the way, the smaller you craft is, the less intakes per weight it will need - because with stock aerodynamics less parts means less drag.
  4. It's warranty is valid for 10 generations.
  5. There's a retractable self-cleaning, regenerative toothpick in it.
  6. It can terraform a moon! *You'll have to get to a moon on your own.
  7. It sure is ._o Maxmaps is totally next.
  8. ...but only if you're a Tasmanian Devil.
  9. There's actually a secret method by which you could divide by zero. Guess where I got that from? That's right... The Untrue Fact Telling Machine
  10. No. Rad Iron Crown? (not to be confused with other users)
  11. ...But only when held in your 3rd hand. If held in the left armpit, it can...
  12. Granted: your package has been delivered 1 second ago, in counterfeit condition. I wish to divide by 0.
  13. It takes long to figure out all those parts and what they do, so... There should be just one part. The game's single part will serve as a combination of: - manned capsule - probe core - fuel tank - rocket engine - decoupler - control surfaces
  14. Scariest shuttle EVA 8-O I like the giant separatron.
  15. ...But it only does all those things when held in the left foot. When held with your right ear, it can...
  16. True. tetryds will not be next. O.O Sal Vager will not be next.
  17. Nah, whoever succeeds will be accused of infini-gliding for using a controllable aeroplane. Srsly whatever i put on Eve shakes like crazy, and amount of flaps was minimal.
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