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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. My worst cargo plane ever. As bendy as a mad sausage! O_O
  2. Made my worst* cargo plane yet. *worst - Not because the wings updated, that's actually a blessing. It sucks because of it's very bendy tail, and because it's bottom-side acts like a permanently tilted control surface. Gotta work on another one damnit
  3. Banned for picture of Jebediah who just cannibalized his colleagues.
  4. Internal combustion motors are added, along with gearboxes, drive-shafts, differentials, and axles.
  5. Seeing that no harm is done to me, *BOOP*. The next button gives you a very tasty bagel each time you press it. You might get fat :-I
  6. 546. We (or I, at least) install vital components of our ship (intakes, flaps & etc') inside it's fuel tanks 8-I
  7. Banned just in case, as a precaution.
  8. I put vital components of my ships inside their fuel tanks.
  9. Hmm let me think abou...*BOOP*. The next button grants you a turkey dinner. :I You will get fat.
  10. Green potato. What is the sound of a one hand clapping???
  11. A realism overhaul gets implemented, where Kerbin is flat and all celestial bodies are orbiting it.
  12. My apologies! Don't worry I'll go prepare a new soup and put better MLP episodes in it! :-3 Waiter, there's human components in my soup >:-S
  13. There's an image of a little grey brick under your name, clear evidence of cheating!
  14. Banned for misspelling mango 3 times. ._.
  15. I think that's somewhere in Africa. Why am I posting this when I should be doing cool stuff in KSP? à ² _à ²Â
  16. 504, but I can be bribed to assassinate the opponents. ;-D
  17. Tanks! (battle-tanks, that is. Not canisters.)
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