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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. "B", you ordered radioactive soup, didnt you? à ² _à ² Waiter, there's a dead bird in my soup.
  2. No. }:-[ ...well alright... I'll get you a new soup 100% mud-free :-3 Waiter!!! There's Sun in my soup, with his/her/its muddy boots in it! >:-[
  3. Exactly! I always perform my road tests on the bumps. And the launch pad is used for testing steep hill climbing ability.
  4. That shouldn't be a problem. The astro-cruiser's ascent is slow only because I needed it to carry the least amount of dead weight possible. That's what you get if you want extra long range capabilities. You were asking for a 5-passenger plane for LKO? Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I suffer from a major case of lazy-ass. xD That would be extremely simple to make. Is the 5 "lander-cans" in a row really a necessary configuration? Thanks Brezzell, i'm glad you're enjoying yourself here ;-] Here's a couple of tips, 1st - add only the wings(no flaps yet!), make sure you have many flat/horizontal ones. While doing that make sure the center of lift is in the proper position (just slightly behind the mass center) THEN you add control surfaces - concentrate them far behind, and far in front of the plane, (adequate amount) and on both sides at the edge. I'm hoping to cover everything in a tutorial video sometime. I think I covered everything in my building videos, although, in my older designs I had the control surfaces & air intakes inside fuel tanks o_O HAHAHA got it ;-D I'm still trying to think of ideas on how I'm gonna make a KSP aircraft tutorial. With my luck, by the time I make it, SQUAD will probably upgrade the aerodynamics! x-]
  5. Everything handles the same, except for one problem: When attaching a wing to the backside of a wing, it will not add lift :-/ I haven't checked before, but the new wings might be heavier. My heavy (179t) cargo planes have gained 3 extra tonnes. O_O Other than that, the wings act the same. Just note that the small control surface is a lot less effective than the old one, so I don't use it on big planes. I can't load any videos right now, but if you have problem lifting, - check that your landing gear isn't too far behind (should be close to the mass center) - Concentrate control surfaces far in front, and far behind the mass center.
  6. Banned because you haven't seen him/her/it before. ;]
  7. Fudge! where did I drop my damned keys??? >:-[ edit: I haven't got ninja'd!
  8. Banned for being in training for far too long.
  9. Seriously? he/she/it's not even in your soup, why'd you call me? >:-[ Waiter!!! there's miniature horses in my soup, and they have ginormous eyes! >:-[
  10. Banned for mistaking Gue Geltrans Late for Gogul Transl8.
  11. I open my umbrella :-3 The next user is being chewed up by a buttcrab.
  12. Oh sorry, that's my photograph. must have slipped out of my pocket. Waiter! there's a live buttcrab in my soup, ant it uses foul language! >:-[
  13. Swamp. stop highlighting! that hurts!!! Damnit STOP IT! >:-[
  14. Then I would go hunt for some buttcrabs instead. What if there were buttcrabs?
  15. I'm so tough I enter BB Code manually! >:^] Welcome to the Spinny Stalone, how tough are ya???
  16. I un-register myself one second right before you click the "ban" button, and register again by a different name :-p The next user is being chewed up by a hippopotamus.
  17. What do i look like, Jesus flippin' Christ? O_O no way. The next button grants you the ability to become invisible at will. BUT while you're invisible, you age 10 times faster
  18. Then I'd question your existence. What if i was the devil?
  19. You'd activate the ejection seat of a random nearby car. What if hippopotamuses ruled the world?
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