Hello! I've been tempted by looking at all your big(and little) fancy grand tours, to actually attempt my own. In case I do decide to go for the "Jeb" difficulty level again, the "Jool-5" part of the mission will be exactly the same as my previous. Continuing to all other bodies from there. So I have a question for Ziv, concerning clipped parts. I'd like you to inspect this Eve lander. The probe core may look as it's clipped, but it's in fact a fuel tank "radially" attached to the bottom of the probe. Here's my main concern, the decoupler from which the ascent vehicle is suspended: Decoupler is attached to the probe. On the probe there's a chair, ...which comfortably sits(unmanned, of course!) inside the hollow decouplers :] Also this design uses inverted cubic struts for its engines, but I seen already that you accept that so long as the engines are not clipped into the tank or any funny stuff like that. This is the best solution I could come up with so far, other variations would look unbelievably ugly :-p Like in all my previous KSP missions, NO cheat-codes are involved in designing crafts/playing! And now I just need to know if you will accept this design. =============== Nice, looking forward to see the mission ;] I beg to differ: Not mine!!! it's part of Maccollo's manned Venus mission in RSS. Edit: oh yeah, and the person above. O_O