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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Banned for having such a good wi-fi signal on Venus.
  2. 5012: The walrus near Vall has been named The Vallrus. 5013: Disco music has been invented.
  3. Jews. Didn't I tell you to stop highlighting me??!! >:-[
  4. Cellar. stop highlighting! that hurts@!! DAMNIT STOP!!
  5. When building cargo space-planes, concentrate hard on aesthetics. Ignore all logic & common sense, and don't worry - the better it looks the better it flies! Trust me, I'm a doctor*! 8-] * not really a doctor.
  6. Made a 700+ ton lifter, for a multiple landing mission just in case. Design directly stolen from heavily inspired by one of the rockets from Maccollo's Venus mission in RSS. 5220 tons at launch, lifter made of 210 parts.
  7. False =( The user below me hasn't claimed page 500
  8. Than I would have to play KSP during my breaks. What if the "myth busters" are only a myth?
  9. Then take the Tardis while he's distracted ;] Waiter, there's Soundgarden in my soup!
  10. How did you know i was gonna reply??? xD John Kennedy.
  11. Then I wouldn't ask him my silly questions. What if General Rarity could type faster ? _ ?
  12. Then I'd be glad I no longer live in Ukraine :] What if Sun eats werewolves for dinner?
  13. OK this is nice and all, so where's the bus station to Earth?
  14. Ahhhh my bad. I just checked, the price is 140147, And I didn't realize you meant not use oxidizer for the entire mission, I just thought you meant only for the landing.
  15. Mine's a plane, landed completely un-powered: [redacted :-p] And here's an earlier attempt from 8 months ago: [redacted :-p]
  16. 3.7/4 Not a fan of MLP, but you draw that? Don't mind me, just shameless self advertising :-3
  17. Better gobble it up, it ain't gonna live forever! Waiter, there's a stinky pile of poo in my soup.
  18. Hello! I've been tempted by looking at all your big(and little) fancy grand tours, to actually attempt my own. In case I do decide to go for the "Jeb" difficulty level again, the "Jool-5" part of the mission will be exactly the same as my previous. Continuing to all other bodies from there. So I have a question for Ziv, concerning clipped parts. I'd like you to inspect this Eve lander. The probe core may look as it's clipped, but it's in fact a fuel tank "radially" attached to the bottom of the probe. Here's my main concern, the decoupler from which the ascent vehicle is suspended: Decoupler is attached to the probe. On the probe there's a chair, ...which comfortably sits(unmanned, of course!) inside the hollow decouplers :] Also this design uses inverted cubic struts for its engines, but I seen already that you accept that so long as the engines are not clipped into the tank or any funny stuff like that. This is the best solution I could come up with so far, other variations would look unbelievably ugly :-p Like in all my previous KSP missions, NO cheat-codes are involved in designing crafts/playing! And now I just need to know if you will accept this design. =============== Nice, looking forward to see the mission ;] I beg to differ: Not mine!!! it's part of Maccollo's manned Venus mission in RSS. Edit: oh yeah, and the person above. O_O
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