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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Canned for banning for banning for banning, and also for posting in forum games too much recently.
  2. Not yet ;-] The user below me isn't a computer.
  3. Why instead of flying around in space I see all those weird circles, lines & Pe/Ap tags?! }:-/
  4. Granted: But you're homeless again because you couldn't pay your taxes because you can't work on weekends!!! 8-] (it's been a pretty long weekend) I wish KSP would run (preferably well) on my little internet-calculatorlaptop.
  5. Pholce. They didn't count my posts here... c-x The user below me will not write a funny joke to entertain us all.
  6. False. I already eBayed all I wanted ;-D The user below me is a rocket botteleer.
  7. Rammed for fanning for tanning for banning for canning and for not ending your sentence with this dot thingy.
  8. The banana for scale helped me determine well the size of these rockets. ;-]
  9. You know you have Kerballed too much when you look at this, and imagine it's flying to Mars right now x-]
  10. Thanks, but... :-b damnit cut it out, it's Maccollo's, not mine! :-I
  11. My Jool system explorer is finally ready! =) Too bad the weekend is about to end x-D Hope I'll find more time to do the whole mission again.
  12. I take it I could qualify for "Jeb" difficulty level in the new "science-sandbox"? edit: My rocket is ready. Lander tested on all targets, transfer drive (more than) successfully completed the trip, and now I made a lifter. All that is left is do everything again :] It will take a few weeks until my entry is ready though xD edit #2: nevermind my question! I have read the rules again and you already covered it.
  13. Banished into a black hole for illegal possession of 3 counterfeit internet point bars. edit: FUDGE!!! edit #2: Oh, so it was YOUuuu...
  14. Hey Maccollo, is your new Venus lander still gonna do this?
  15. Nice Kessler bomb & craft name! x-]
  16. Hyper-edited a ship with a universal (except Eve) lander to LKO to see if I can land on all Jool's muns. It worked fine, even despite all my screw-ups :-) (Note: For Laythe the lander had 2 little side jets) This is the ship (also dropped used tanks to Tylo's surface): Now all that is left is to make a lifter (piece of cake ;-)), and record the whole mission.
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