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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. I've been raised by keyboard & mouse and will forever be faithful to them!
  2. Kerbin got suddenly BIG. When testing my cargo planes, I encountered a minor problem: They can't get to space. So I went back to the good old VAB... I reached ORBIT!!! YEAAAHH!!! top that!!! P.S. That's RSS. Nothing else.
  3. How does everyone know everything about me??? O ____ O The user below me has never robbed a bank.
  4. I explained Jeb that crash landing at 600 m/s with no fuel or landing legs is good!
  5. aliens boo boo bee boo ba boop cowboy be bop
  6. Granted, but it's in a foreign language. I wish for a free infinite money dispenser.
  7. Yeah, occasionally. The user below me loves Disco(old, modern, any...).
  8. What's this... you're building Saturns?
  9. OK...so no one seems to be participating and I have been tempted to download that demo... x-D That's my career-mode fool-proof Mun rocket design, only without the science stuff c^: It consists of 87 parts.
  10. Granted: You tested your new ability by shifting into a cockroach, and then realize you could only shift once. I wish to have my own intergalactic cargo ship which I'll know how to fly.
  11. I didn't bother explaining Jeb that crash landing at 600 metres per second with no antimatter fuel or landing legs is not good.
  12. Granted. You look like an idiot now. x-] I wish to live in a log cabin on pluto with sufficient food & air and with wi-fi.
  13. What is this??? we don't need this useless thing...
  14. I was jumping & flying around on Minmus with my new Astro-Truck, found a big weird rock, returned to base and parked safely:
  15. Hi! I'd like to re-participate for one of those Expeditionary Utilitarial Distinctions. My new plane has delivered a 24 ton cargo (I don't make payloads intentionally heavy...) to Laythe. It surpasses the Astroliner-V by looking smoother and my new video is a lot less messy. Astroliner VII "Andromeda": Downloadsky The plane and other vehicles used in the mission.
  16. Breakdance. Thats right, "Therefore, undead whales can be happy even though they killed many birds whilst swimming and dancing breakdance" :-I
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