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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. @coldblade2000: Off center CoM thing. Translation. In game, why not just right click on the pod in question and shut off the RCS on the pod. No need to delete anything. @teal'c: This same type of error has been reported before. Easy fix. I'll take care of it. Tankage, yep, plenty of it.
  2. If you even cared to read any of the Squads own notes, you'll see that Win64 is massively unstable still, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Read before you speak.
  3. 0.25 hasn't been out but for a couple hours and you are asking for an update. COME ON. Give people some time. If I had the ability, I'd make sure you didn't see an update for a month.
  4. @ANWRocketMan: Ah ha, same bug as what got the other two crewed pods I added RCS to. Thanks!
  5. @Nedal: Use Procedural Parts Fuel Tank. OR Fill your tanks first with proper ratio you need, THEN scale. to size needed. Only way to work around current bug. @coldblade2000: Well...read my edited post, finished same time as your last post. That should clear the air. Let's put it this way... your example, while I can duplicate, the reason for the issue is the fact that the SRB has effectively NO gimbal action. I can change that. I have changed it. I made a test myself. Why don't you try it. Mk1 pod, DRE decoupler, Procedural Parts Tank, Squad LR-89. Turn on SAS (keeps attitude via gimbal). Goes straight up, no problems until fuel exhaustion. The RCS on the pod itself is there for use with the pod only, just like real life. Going to need another example please.
  6. @Nedal: This is not a bug with Realism Overhaul. This is a bug with RealFuels while interacting with TweakScale. NathanKell is aware of it.
  7. @coldblade2000: So you are basing this 'error' while using a Procedural Parts SRB? What about say any real engine found in RO? You should know that SAS only helps with attitude control if there is enough force available to keep it where it wants to be. RCS in itself for attitude control while under thrust is going to be ineffective. Reaction wheels in stock are WAY overpowered for 'playability/ease'. The Mk1 pod, and Mk1-2 pod don't even have them anymore. The stock reaction wheels have been severely nuked and aren't near as effective as they were. So that leaves engine gimbal. If you had looked, you would have realized that the Procedural Parts SRB has a gimbal range of 0.25 degrees. A lot of engines have 20x that much, at least. It's no wonder why you weren't able to control a vessel.
  8. Why post a link? GitHub repo link is on the OP. Oh that's right, nobody seems to be able to read for themselves.
  9. Use your head. Enough detail that a person can build the craft(s) in question in order to reproduce the error. Logs ARE needed to show what is installed and what changes are made to parts.
  10. How about you post a proper bug report. With example craft, scenario, and as much detail as you can so that we can attempt to replicate this issue and actually see what is happening rather than a blanket "It's not working".
  11. That's not a problem of the AerojetKerbodyne RL-10 of the truss and piping not working. That's a 'feature' of Procedural Fairings which removes a built in fairing to the part it attaches to. Attach a standard decoupler to the engine. Truss and piping doesn't vanish. Now you can use PF, attaching to that decoupler. Still have truss and piping.
  12. @Yalin Hawk: If the interstage were possible to be 8.4m at the bottom and be sized correctly at the top, then I would have done that. It's not possible to scale them differently. That is a limitation of the model itself. Not a bug, not a glitch. Furthermore, you can use procedural fairings. Use the interstage fairing adapter. With the 'extra height' function the fairings work pretty decent. I don't know what you mean by 'play well' regarding the RL-10, seems to work just fine.
  13. @coldblade2000: Craft Repo, now found on the 'other links' post. As for the decoupler mass, already been reported and fixed had to cared to read/search.
  14. While you can kind of see them on the preceding picture they aren't well marked. Gemini had the following engines. 16 RCS on the nose of the Gemini Capsule fueled by tanks contained behind the engines themselves. These provided 3 axis movement and used after separation of the equipment section. The retrograde section had 6 RCS thrusters fueled by the tanks in the equipment section. 2 were retro engines for -Z movement, the other 4 were for translation x and y. The retrograde section also contained 4 solid motors to provide the necessary velocity change to return to Earth. The Equipment section had 10 engines. 2 were facing backwards for +Z translation. The other 8 were for X, Y, Z rotation. Frizzank has done a good job replicating all these functions in his realistic parts.
  15. @Motokid600: Forget it exists. It doesn't even work with RealismOverhaul/RealEngines. Even if it did, for most realistic use of things, don't use it.
  16. @The Czosnex: Yes, RealChutes controls size of those parts. can be found in the Action Group view within the VAB. It's fixed, in git. I haven't made a release yet, but when I do, it'll be there. @teal'c: I've changed the CoM for the descent mode. I had nerfed it earlier because people were complaining, now is about twice what it was, and now roughly correct, it isn't much, a foot or so from center, but should be better.
  17. Well that would explain it. I'd heard/seen ">1e5"...but never that second half of the equation. "/fixedDeltaTime". Seems to me then that any rate for ALL_VESSEL resources shall be >0.0005. Thanks for that clarification!
  18. @NathanKell: Is it possible in the VAB in the Action Groups setting to have the RealFuels GUI be movable? Right now it's stationary in the bottom right hand corner. If say a part has RealFuels and RealChutes installed, in the action groups they are on top of each other. Makes it kind of hard ya know.
  19. @The Czosnex: Hello. Thank you! With the addition of RCS to the pods, I reused the configurations from the RCS parts...which had a mass variable in it. Which was overriding the mass of the part. Not intended:) This has been fixed, thank you!
  20. @peter.alfredsen: Thank you so much for doing this work. Makes my life easier, and gets fixes out the door quicker. You are right it's hitting the ALL_VESSEL resource bug. Any resource that is of type ALL_VESSEL requires things to have a usage greater than 0.0005. By greater I mean absolutely anything greater than. 0.0005000001 allows it to work. Maybe/Hopefully this can get fixed in 0.25. Not putting hope on it though. I'll make the appropriate adjustments. FYI, there are a few other instances around RO that I need to fix this.
  21. SRBs fit the retro pack, not the fuel pack. Last I knew the retro pack already had the srbs. Gemini, retropack, fuel pack.
  22. Which has enough bugs of it's own and can cause incompatibilities with other things. No thank you.
  23. Make the Dragon the cargo pod. No interior:) I honestly don't have much care for interior either but some others love them.
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