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Everything posted by jmiki8

  1. jmiki8


    Well, I'm not professional, and I haven't followed any tutorials. I learned it mostly by testing. Usually I start with the outline (who knew?), then the colors, and finally the shadows. Having a reference picture is a key. It's also good if you know the actual dimensions of the object, which makes changing RL lengths into pixel lengths. EDIT: I don't think if there's any good tutorials on 2d pixelarts (well, it's basically drawing on a small scale), but for isometric (the 3d-ish) I found a nice one: http://gas13.ru/v3/tutorials/isometric_pixelart_tutorial_mathematics_of_isometrics.php
  2. jmiki8


    The title says it all: Show off your pixelarts! They don't have to relate to KSP (that's why I didn't post this in the fan works section). Personally, I love pixel arts, it's like building a model, but not from plastic parts, but pixels instead! A collection of Boeing 737-800s: In order: Turkish airlines, TuiFly, Transavia, Southwest Airlines, Siberian Airlines, Ryanair, Qantas Malév, American Airlines (old), American Airlines (new), Aeroflot, El Al, KLM, White (a.k.a empty) A Tu-154 (as in my signature), in the now bankrupt Malév's colors (before 1989): An old tram used in Budapest: A not-so old tram still in use A badly-drawn PzKpfW III: yes, the barrel casts no shadow lol An eletric locomotive still used in my country today: A try at making a pixel art car - a Mazda 3: Don't hide your pixel arts! Share them here! :3
  3. I've been testing my newest invention, the Skyhorse! While making one of these test flights, I barely missed the VAB: I ejected in the last seconds. However, my kerbal forgot to fasten his seatbelt, resulting in this: His leg got stuck in the seat, saving him from some 10 metres of freefall. The kerbal has survived the flight \o/
  4. Hi there! Our engineers at MAW are specialized in designing cars and land vehicles, but they also design aircraft in their free time. One of these aircraft designs was noticed by the MAW HQ. Seeing the potential in the design, the company has released the aircraft on the market, the aircraft which became known as the "Skyhorse". The skyhorse is a lightweight soarplane self-conscious living being, which utilizes the newest breakthroughs in the infiniglider researches. Unlike most infinigliders, this one is (more or less) controllable*, is able to land, and has a high kerbal survival rate. Like real horses, the Skyhorse's performance depends on its rider. If you handle it with care, the Skyhorse will be grateful to you. If you try to offend it, it will make your life short a pain. To make the Skyhorse your best friend, we included some instructions, which we highly recommend to follow: 1. Getting into the saddle Just get out of the included command pod, and climb towards the Skyhorse. You don't have to let go, as the distance between the closer end of the ladder and the saddle is short enough. After getting on the back of the Skyhorse, you should remove the command pod by pressing the spacebar. The command pod should fly away, and explode after a ~500m free fall. You may also need to "wiggle" the horse with q and e in order to get moving. 2. Movement The Skyhorse includes an emergency propulsion system, which we are not going to use. For taking off, simply press and hold the up OR down button to gain speed. Once you've gained enough speed, carefully lift the Skyhorse's nose to gain altitude. 3. Maintaining/gaining speed in midair The Skyhorse can gain speed by the traditional wing-flapping technique (pressing W and S in faster pace). However, there is also a bug, which riders may encounter while using SAS. The skyhorse may get mad as it notices the SAS turned on, meaning it would accelerate very fast, to speeds of more hundred m/s. To prevent this, it's highly advised to turn the SAS normally OFF, and only use it for short boosts! Excessive G forces during the acceleration may break poor horsie (and its rider) apart. Normal cruising speed is around ~20 m/s-~70m/s (however it's still airworthy at 10 m/s). The SAS bug is shown in the latter picture. 4. Landing As with most infinigliders, landing the Skyhorse requires skills. As the Skyhorse may accelerate by the smallest flappings of the control surfaces, it's advised to use the whole length of the runway. You should fly on the same heading as the runway's, and slowly glide down until touchdown, while using the fins for the smallest adjustments. After touchdown, just wait for the Skyhorse to stop. (It reacts very sensitively when braking). You could also activate SAS to maintain the glide path. Safety measures The Skyhorse is equipped with an emergency catapult system, which launches the seat off, and deploys a parachute. (Results may vary) The seat can be decoupled with the key [1], and the parachute can be deployed by pressing key [2]. Head landings were never so soft before Part count: 36 (with the disposeable pod); 23 (without the pod) Weight: 2,3t (with the disposeable pod); 0,85t (without the pod) Insterested? Download it here! Have fun!
  5. Also, points for high part counts are in favour of Whackjobs people with good computers. Thus the challange could be called "Who has the most powerful computer?". By the way, am I allowed to put like a gazillion gravity sensors on my entry as they are so light?
  6. AAH! No! The weeping angels are the last beings I'd like to see in my dreams! I hope I won't have a nightmare today... KvickFlygarn87, I think it's enough to write down your dream in the morning, just after waking up. By the way: good night for you all!
  7. Cool idea! Here's mine, based on a 0.22 screenshot: I know it doesn't resemble the actual "everything went better than expected" meme, but I post it anyway. And here is Brian Kerman: bad photoshopping is bad
  8. Diesel-eletric cars! (Just like locomotives ) I love the idea!
  9. I love the space core! Here's my "feeling" after a staging error/launch failure P.S.: GIF overload is imminent
  10. Could you upload a proof of concept? I'm not sure if this is possible with an SSTO (well, I'd be glad if somebody posted a proof doing the opposite). As far as I know, there are barely any SSTOs which can reach Eeloo (maybe there are, but they are rare as flying pigs). Also... Giving points for selecting a predefined name for a craft? It's nonsense. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't meant to.
  11. I prefer Minmus as it takes less time to get there (I don't have that much free time to do frequent Laythe-missions). Also I like it's non existent atmoshphere and extremely-low gravity. Laythe is cool, and it's a larger achievement to land a base there, but I think the planet is way too similar to Kerbin, as it has almost the same gravity and slightly higher air density. I'm not interested in Laythe. I've flied an SSTO there, sent some satellites to orbit it and landed on the surface just for the record, but other bodies (like Minmus) are far more exciting for me.
  12. Um, what the actual firetruck? That's odd. That's right, I'm not joking, it was a real dream. Does it mean something bad? :sealed:
  13. I like having lucid dreams, it's like giving yourself more hours to spend with activities. However, some of these dreams turn into nightmares, and when I manage to wake up, I often experience sleep paralysis for some seconds. It's horrible to lay in a bed just after having a nightmare in a dark room, without the ability to move and switch the light on. Also sometimes when things get really bizarre, these dreams can really freak me out. When I had my first lucid dreams, It was really difficult to get used to broken clocks, TVs, which wouldn't switch on; doors which may not open, and people (usually relatives and friends) behaving in very strange ways (like cooking my pet tortoises, lol). Lucid dreams can be really enjoyable until you can control them, however.
  14. Itt, a nemzetközi részlegen szerintem bármiről lehet beszélni (igaz, a fórum szabályzatának keretein belül), hiszen nincs téma definiálva, csak az, hogy ne zulu vagy hindi nyelven, hanem leginkább magyarul folyjon a beszélgetés. Én is csak annyit tennék hozzá ehhez a témához (bocsi, engem is érdekel ), hogy akármennyire is gyarmatosító volt (és talán még mindig az) a Nyugat, mi az ezeréves történelmünk során mindig próbáltunk hozzájuk felzárkózni (sajnos ezt a különböző történelmi katasztrófáink - tatár, török, habsburg, trianon - nem engedték). Nem szabad elfelejteni, hogy a modern Oroszországot is egy ex-KGBs ember vezeti, egy olyan korábbi szervezet vezetője, amelytől nem állt távol a megfélemlítés és gyilkosság, ha az érdek azt megkívánta. Továbbá Oroszországnak is vannak birodalmi törekvései, és nem egészen vagyok abban biztos, hogy ha mondjuk feléjük kezdenénk elmozdulni, nem akarnának-e betörni a piacainkra, mint most az EU (Fehéroroszország, Kazahsztán, és még pár fejlett és rendkívül demokratikus ország jó példa erre). Rengeteg hibája van a nyugati országoknak, de én inkább élek azoknak az országoknak a közösségében, ahol nem teszik el láb alól/börtönzik be a politikai/gazdasági ellenfeleket, vagy nem tetsző újságírókat, valamint ahol valódi többpártrendszer van. A címer kisajátításával pedig egyetértek, nagy kár, hogy ma már ha véletlenül kintfelejtesz egy címeres zászlót egy nemzeti ünnep után, már te vagy a fasiszta neonáci. És hogy visszatereljem a szót a KSP-re: Kijött a legújabb Danny2462 videó Amúgy csak én vagyok az, aki úgy látja, hogy kissé romlott az élvezhetőségük a videóinak? A régiek érdekesebbek voltak.
  15. I've flew to Duna for the first time with my newest SSTO: It was meant to return to Kerbin. Too bad, I crashed it while landing on Duna... I guess I'll have to add chutes.
  16. Torraqe: Kösz a tanácsot, nem is gondoltam volna, hogy a KSP támogatja a png átlátszóságot. Amúgy nem vagyok olyan igényes zászlók iránt, csak gondoltam, megmutatom, ha már arról van szó. NWM: Bármennyire is egyeznek a politikai nézeteim a tieiddel, azért nem szeretném hagyni, hogy ezek az emberek kisajátítsák a címert, aminek bitorlásához egyikük sem méltó. Az igen is a magyar címer marad, nem narancs/szegfű címer . U.I: kicsit felfrissítettem az aláírásaimat.:
  17. I love these videos! You could be Danny's successor, as he makes KSP-related videos less frequently...
  18. And in the cases of soft landings when the runway is wet, the sensors on the gears may not "notice" that they are actually in contact with the ground - meaning the thrust reversers wouldn't activate (they are usually meant to deploy automatically, just after touchdown). To avoid this, pilots are trained to "whack" the plane to the ground on wet surfaces (albeit not with the force presented in this video )
  19. Sok ideig én is a címeres magyar zászlót használtam, aztán gondoltam, hogy vérfrissítek egy kicsit: kicsit rossz minőségű, de a játékban nem látszik meg Én csak felülírtam az egyik alap zászlót, nem fog nekem hiányozni.
  20. Cool! I really like it! Simple, yet beautiful!
  21. Cool! Is it reliable? As my first spaceships equipped with K-drive destroyed themselves soon or later.
  22. I've been experimenting with hydroplanes, and this is my workhorse among them:
  23. De jó újra életet látni a magyar topicban!
  24. "What??? This SRB wasn't meant to be decoupled..."
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