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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Thanks for making it Zip! I just got it and its pretty sweet.
  2. I Literly copy pasted everything in game data to my gam data, the only difference is the module manager, (I have 1.5.6), and I got this message on my ALCOR:
  3. Ok, from looking through my log, I think some of the textures are not loading, which is why I am not getting certain GUIs. http://pastebin.com/Rz2dHDau Could you take a look real quick?
  4. This doesn't work for me, I have every mod on your list, and still has locked parts…..
  5. Wait, I know that this is 4 days old, but what new updates are you talking about? There have been no updates since Nov.10, and that was the last time the maker posted...............
  6. IT WORKS! Thank you everyone, for all of your help, and this is a pretty awesome plug-in. Thanks!
  7. Dang! I bet you are right, I'll check as soon as I get to My computer.
  8. Still isn't working. Paste bin had a limit, I could just paste everything into this comment?
  9. Ok, how do I make a copy of my output_log.txt? I've never done it before. And I'll move they Module manager.
  10. In the entire log, this was the only yellow or red text.
  11. Nothke- I hope what you're working on doesn't delay the FLEXracks. I can't wait for those!
  12. I just cannot make the the thing work. I have all 3 files right in my Gamedata folder, I reinstalled the modual manager, And I still just get a basic probe. It there ANYTHING else I have to do?
  13. Is it ok if I ask a really stupid question? What is a Ramjet? I can't find it for the life of me. I see RAM intakes, but no RAM jets. Thanks!
  14. How weird, I'm getting different lift with squad wings that are close to the same size as B9 wings, so I figured that TVPP didn't effect B9.
  15. The Prometheus Solar Rover does not include a craft file on spaceport download It would be great if you could update that.
  16. Thats a good idea. I think it would be worth putting in.
  17. Man, I wish this had compatibility with B9. THAT would be awesome.
  18. I've been looking for while but can't seem to find an answer: how is thickness scaling controlled?
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