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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Hmm, got invalid mods for some reasons, I have KW and b9 and MECHJeb all installed, with no parts deleted form downloads, and I get nothing. I do have B9 texture redux, though
  2. Floor 688: So....... Much.......... L...a...g...............
  3. 6/10. Looks cool, makes entirely no since.
  4. Banned for banning a banned banning moderator
  5. Granted, but you can't have any. I wish for my own space station.
  6. This models look amazing, I hope your still working on this.
  7. This mod has achieved must download status. This mod..... It is a god.
  8. Are you switching too map view at all? I know of a big that causes all controls to cease working whenever map view is loaded, and it is often blamed on other mods. It is when the bolderco visual enhancements are used with also the boulder I active memory reduction mod. Hope that fixes.
  9. Well, you guys still have a load of people watching (me) and good luck! Glad to hear that you aren't rushing its release, that never ends well. Thanks for all of the hard work you've put into this!
  10. And if it worked for the VAB too......... On man, don't even get me started on how amazing that would be.
  11. Off-topic: where did you get those solar panels? They would be perfect on my new station.
  12. That is AWESOME! I love the "Tesla" on the side. Only complaint, is that the cockpit glass is much too blue. I'm thinking a tad bit darker. Keep it up Bobcat!
  13. Bug Report: Nothing is currently included in the BASIC ROBOTICS node. Neither github, nor my game, with infernal robotics.
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