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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Hey! You made Modding Monday! This will now receive some very well-earned attention.
  2. Well. This might be one of the coolest ideas I've heard. This has potential to be awesome! I would love to see massive RPM on it, so cameras would be needed. Or Maybe whatever you cooked up is better. I'll love to follow this project.
  3. Well, this may be dead, but... Does it work?
  4. Oh yes, that wasn't too clear that "Tweakable gimbal" is a another mod. Here is the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66128-0-23-TweakableGimbal-%28V0-2-1-release-Jan-18-2014%29?highlight=TweakableGimbal
  5. Great! I love having negative gimbal now, but is there any chance of this working with the tweakable gimbal side by side? Because with this mod, tweakable gimbal is no longer taken into effect, so I have to delete the gimbal doll included in this mod to keep tweakable gimbal working. But now with negative tweaking, I want both.
  6. Dang, you know I would. I love these effects, and with KW...... I would be glad to.
  7. Ah, thank you, stupid me, I should have searched the therad first.
  8. Would you mind giving some examples? I am not sure I know what to do.
  9. Oh, I want it! I've been following this for a while now, I would love to use some new models.
  10. Cool, got it. Hey, anyway, you can make a version of the Odyessey 3x engine, but that starts straight and and can gimbal when needed? Or a version that can gimbal backwards to be pointing straight? Maybe it's just a basic configuration edit, but I won't know how. That is a engine I really like, however, it is only usable in only one situation. Thanks!
  11. Hmmm, the Odyessey Runway can't load up, missing only 2 parts. [ERR 21:29:13.202] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load TD_OdysseyRunway - No AvailablePart found for TD.EngineBearcatSSME3x [ERR 21:29:38.714] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load TD_OdysseyRunway - No AvailablePart found for TD.EngineBearcatSSME3x
  12. I would be happy to help you debug your first model while you work on your next thing.
  13. Active memory reduction. Makes every small. Just make sure there is no confit file for 000_ToolBar and it'll be back to normal.
  14. Cooooool! Thanks.
  15. Active memory reduction. Just make sure that it doesn't compress the JSI file and it'll work again.
  16. The shuttle? What working mod covers the shuttle? (And CSS doesn't work right now)
  17. Oops, lol, that's what happenes when I don't proof read my autocorrect!
  18. Thanks for all the help! I got it figured out now. (Man, your patiences must be never ending to deal with stupid questions and support day)
  19. *Chokes on banana* OH MH GAWD IS DAT A BLACK ALCOR POD ROVER WITH DA BMW LOGO!?! ITS SO PRETTY IMA GONNA DIE! No, but really, that is ABSOLUTELY amazing work. So much approval.
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