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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Ok, on 2-14, it is saving 700 MOAR MB (2102) then 2-12. However, 2-14 still has crashing on load up issues, which until fixed I'm using 2-12
  2. So far, this is looking really cool, I love the idea of having a modded server. However, I am just curious why there is Coffee industries (don't get me wrong, its a great mod, I love the airliner stuff) over B9. B9 just seems so much more versatile with ones creations, and I hate to play without it. I'm sure you have a reason though, just the thoughts of another player. Cheers!
  3. Well, tied out the new parts, and they are AWESOME looking. Frizzank, these are awesome. I do though, have 2 ideas: Make the warp ring a bit bigger, because there is no way I can fit my craft through that XD and I make mine take double the current electric charge, because when it works, It gonna be a high tech piece of tech, and I think a more eletric needed is easily justified. That is an easy change however, so do it however you want. Again, thanks for the pre-release parts, I'm gonna try to this up onto a station tonight. Cheers!
  4. You see 123nick, this is why infinite dice is one of the most highly respected modders in KSP.
  5. Another thought is eliminating extra nodes from the tree that rely on certain mods. I mean, I don't use DRE or any life support or NFP, so it ends up that I have lots and lots and lots if empty nodes that must be purchased for me to advance. I mean, I solve that problem easily by simply editing myself the exact number of science I need for that node in my career settings, but it would nice to see a feature from that.
  6. Banned for revileing the forum's mods secrets.
  7. Meh. I honestly liked for first version. The shiny gold carbon fiber. I thought that the was awesome. EDIT: Wow, excuse me and disregard this post, I Just went full stupididy.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66256-0-23-Custom-Biomes Which ever ones you want.
  9. Contracts, reputation, money, and transfers. Career mode overhaul.
  10. I'm thinking, (assuming you approve of mods) the 5 meter NovaPunch 2 parts. They tend to be large enough to launch large stuff into space. If not, you could always send it in pieces via smaller rockets or a SSTO.
  11. So, is the rocket engine a an aerospike clipped inside a jet engine? It's pretty epic, but I can't seem to figure it out.
  12. Well, definitely a RT2 problem. Is the comm unit activated? Has electric charge? There have been problems like that I have had before, but someone help me on the RT2 thread. Might be worth checking out.
  13. Sounds like remotetech 2. I always make that mistake with RT2 when I forget to add coms
  14. Not a bad idea. Of course, this would probably take FOREVER to code, so maybe not, but I like the idea.
  15. Man, I get really excited everytime I see a new post in this thread, can't wait for the new not-hex cans storage.
  16. Sure is. You are certainly moving extremely fast on this project, I'm getting more and more excited by the day. Can't wait!
  17. This idea and mod is absolutely amazing. I will be watching this intently.
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