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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Your not alone. It doesn't work for anyone with a Mac. Romfarer didn't know what to do.
  2. Love the new tech tee, the next update looks great (yay for MOAR science needed!) However, even with all the mods you have, there are a few that I would love to recommend: 1. Habitat Pack: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-Habitat-Pack 2. Firespitter (Very popular, but I didn't see in list) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-1-1-%28December-23rd%29-for-KSP-0-23 3. ZPE Propusion http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50812-New-Folder-Technologies-ZPE-Propulsion-System 4. ALCOR Lander Pod (Best. Command Pod. Ever.)http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54925-WIP-ALCOR-Advanced-Landing-Capsule-for-Orbital-Rendezvous-by-ASET-%280-23-FIX%29 5. Chatterer (DISREGARD, You learn something new everyday) 6. Möbius RocketWorks http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39049-Mobius-RocketWorks-Engine-Mounts-and-Parts 7. LANDERTRONS! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61294-WIP-XT-Landertron-Smart-Retrorockets-for-Landers-and-Spaceplanes-v0-06a-12-28 8. RBI Treads http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24967-0-22-0-23-RBI-Tracks-Continuation-General-Propulsion™-Release-Thread 9. Loinhead Areospace (There's a lot, but personally, I like the Prometheus Sloar Rover) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12106-0-22-Lionhead-Aerospace-Inc-Need-your-help-for-my-mod%21%21%21 10. Rollkage MKI http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34014-WIP-Rover-RollKage 11. Rollkage MKII http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36786-RollKage-Mk2-WIP-Updated-22-12-13 12. Inline Lights http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52014-Parts-Stack-Inline-Lights-update-29-10-2013 13. Sunshine lights http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50531-Sunshine-movie-style-Deployable-Light-Globe-%28updated-25-10-2013%29 14. 2 Awesome Wheels (They really need publicity) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33512-0-20-2-better-and-more-realistic-wheels-for-the-Kerbals-who-are-still-alive THank you for reading and considering! I'm not sure if a average player like myself could help, but if there is anything (I can PM people like it's my job ) Just hollar. Note: that this list will be added to with edits
  3. And that's BobCats fault.... Why? If you don't like the tech tree there are mods to fix it, also. But don't complain on someone's mod page.
  4. I'm trying to get a 300 ton mega-rover to the Mun. And I'm pretty dang close Wackjob worthy?
  5. Ok, fair enough. Do you knew which one makes the Navball show up though? Can't find it.
  6. Is there a guide anywhere to what button do what? I am loving this mod but can't make anything cool show up
  7. Mine showing your edits? I have seen then torque curse edit, but there are 5 different keys and I don't know which one.
  8. I got the full version, but just checking: has anyone had problems with server download? And does one must pay for the server?
  9. You know, with al of these powerful weapons, there is a definite need for.......... ARMOR! Seriously, if there are battles, one is going to have to defend themselves, and with all of these new powerful weapons calls for new powerful armor. Like the weapons there need to be different strengths of each, each more heavier. If in KMP Warfare, maybe upgrade able armor to make it more lightweight or strong. And lots of sizes. Maybe you could do procedural armor( like DYJ's pWings!) Some armor souls also attach like fairing for your rockets. Just a thought.
  10. Your right, I'm sorry, that was a little harsh. I just get excited about these cools mods and get disapponted later. I think that is why so many modded a leave, people get impatient and rude (As I have just demonstrated) I apologize for that.
  11. Is the full version of the mod required? I would spend money, sure, but I want to test it before I spend 3 dollars. Of not, and chance of a Sale soon?
  12. This is gonna be SICK! How about the http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M197_Gatling_gun Or some nice small free fall bombs for carpet bombing and stuff maybe the http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AASM
  13. I know, but this is no longer updated. I'm just trying to tell someone the next best thing.
  14. It is too bad that the plugin cannot be updated. Please, please, EW, update it!
  15. Anyone know If there are any edits in the .CFG to increase speed?
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