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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. What are you doing back here? Get this amazing cockpit back to front where we can see ya!
  2. *bump* Hows this coming in along? This looks like its gonna be pretty sweet soon.
  3. Wow. After nearly 6 months after the original thread was started and the idea was formed, this mod has made modding monday. That is pretty awesome!
  4. Oh, I got one! What explosives do you have so far? I would really love some large-scale explosive for my bomber..... Like Tallboy big I saw you mention this earlier, but that was the last time I heard of it. Another one, what about armor? I would love to see some armor of different shapes. sizes, and toughness. Seen this one mentioned before, but nothing committed. And, how about some dumb-fire missiles? I seen some conversation about them before in this thread, but nothing final. I would love to have some clusters on my attack choppers. Last one, a mortar would be awesome too.
  5. I am having trouble making this work. I simply drop the blackheart folder into game data, but no new fairing or tank textures are showing up....
  6. Pfffttt, dumb question, those are awesome! I would love to have those.
  7. Woah! These manage to make stations look so much cooler. And don't even get me started on planes.... (Or the FPS drops )
  8. I still use the sphere cockpit. Works great, and has some pretty sweet RPM monitors.
  9. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a mod. This is gonna change the way I play the game. Great, now I just had to download your boat parts mod so I can make warships and subs and....... OH BOY! I predict so many memory crashes, and so much fun!
  10. True, but 3-5 were "rescue" missions. The usage below me has attempted to make a Wackjob craft.
  11. A few questions, if I may. 1) Will thaw damage cover mod parts also. You mentioned "part types" which leads me to assume that that will carry over to mods, but mods will sometimes have different part types (eg. Cargo bays, launch escape, flight computers, infernal robotics, fairings, and other specialized parts). So will this damage still effect things like these? 2) Jeez, how big is this file? How much memory will it take up? 3) Why are you so awesome? I feel my inferior modding skills... :rolleyes: Looks great, keep it up ID!
  12. Hey Nathen, Forgive me if this has already be asked, but searches turn up nothing. I am curious if it is possible to make non-cylindrical tanks sterechy. I am thinking of the LLL parts, and Toridal and spherical tanks. Nither nor are needed, of course, but I thought it might be cool.
  13. *Bump* Hows the fairings coming? I'm really loving the profess on these so far, but get fairings would be awesome.
  14. EWMEHGAWD, That is awesome! Finally compatibility with other mods! That looks great! Can't wait for this to be released! (And then B9?!?!
  15. Any chance we can see the Vessel View plugin integration? I have unsuccessfully tried and failed to make it show up.
  16. KSO is a HUGE mod, and you are simply running out of money. You could try texture reduction packs, but I personally recommend the Active Memory Reduction mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21
  17. Ok, I got your latest version, I add your fix, and the monitors show up fine, but I can't click them. Any ideas? And a pic, just because.
  18. Some testing reviled that it is not you, it's mechjebs fault. Meh. I guess I'll fly manual. Thanks for keeping these updated!
  19. 6.5/10 Cool gif, but you didn't make it.
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