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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Awesome! This has bugged me for a long time for a while too, I'm glad someone more qualified made something cool!
  2. Coffee, does this mean that your mod will less space? I must consider redownloading...
  3. WENT INTERPLANETARY FOR THE FIRST TIME! http://imgur.com/a/0fvWs
  4. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/883002022044942489/F83642BC7C508BC6BD6CA9ABD1A92CFA1FA205F3/ Yeah...
  5. What?!? Lucky man, my Mac caps out KSP at 2.9 GB. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA how hard that its? *Cries*
  6. OH! OH! Me took! I wanna be a tester of pretty parts! XD
  7. Oh, off topic real-quick, but I like your new signature! And, that command pod is awesome to play with!
  8. Have you looked in to using Raster Prop Moniter for your IVAs? Oh, and awesome mod! Love the new cockpit.
  9. I really can't wait for those VTOL engines, I must say.
  10. I don't air hogging is approved though, as it is considered cheating by some and these are supported to be stock-alike. Also: how does one register to vote?
  11. Is it possible for the reflective visor to only cover half of the face, just the eyes? The whole thing looks a little too... Well, awesome, but also, like, scary......
  12. This is going to melt my computer so bad. But I NEED PRETTY!
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