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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. Hm. It has an intake when it's first.unlocked in career... but the updated version seems to remove.the intake that's what I'm seeing in my career game with it, anyway.
  2. looks like the reactor itself is making 2x the heat in addition to the radiator being 1/2 as effective.
  3. so, @FreeThinker - my problems are deeper than I thought.. having the spaceplane docked or undocked makes no difference. use high timewarp + alcubierre drive = rapid unplanned disassembly, reliably and repeatably. Some other odd graphics issues like... interstellar X48 and interstellar cone tanks suddenly being offset by a meter or two during timewarp, then they snap back when you go back to 1x... very very strange. It's fixable by going into the cheat menu and saying "unbreakable joints" and "no crash damage" however. It's almost like when you made the mod honor the cheats, you either enabled this workaround or caused the need for it; I did go to this same planet with a ship a few KSPIE versions ago and had none of these problems however... so I am not sure exactly. The logs show nothing out of the ordinary going on, unfortunately. OK, I was slightly wrong. the unbreakable cheat wasn't really helping; when I trigger this bug, with unbreakable ON, it will just start.. spinning everything wildly out of control since it can't rip it apart. unrecoverable. However the good news is that this simply seems to be an issue of "don't use the alcubierre drives at more than 100x timewarp". If I limit myself to 100x, everything is fine. above that... no.
  4. so far I can find no better sublight engine than the plasma nozzle attached to an antimatter reactor and using hydrazine as a propellant. Almost my entire space program is based upon that combination, and also the thermal ramjets and launch nozzles. a 5m antimatter reactor with a 5m launch nozzle and hydrazine can get over 1500 tons to orbit without staging, pretty easily, and at ~1.5-2.0g.
  5. yeah, the problem may be induced by having the spaceplane docked to the carrier... if the above experiment produces no results, I'll add quantum struts to the craft to hold the docked spaceplane in place and see if that helps. Auto-struts don't get along that well with KJR, I've read.
  6. OK, I'll try dropping to sub-1.0c before crossing the SOI boundary and see if that helps. If it does, will send pictures of the spaceplane landed on Theros to the thread Just to clarify though, the problem happens not when I cross the SOI boundary but specifically when I drop out of *time*warp from 1000x to 1x.
  7. OK so I'm having what looks like a new structural integrity issue here... I'm using KSPIE and KJR, and Interstellar Adventures, which adds a bunch of new stars and planets to the game. I took a non-landing-capable craft to Theros, the only planet of Trappist-1, which is about 2.50Tm from Kerbin on a good day. That went fine. Several updates to KSPIE have happened since then. I now have a carrier craft with a spaceplane docked to it. There's a warp-mass ratio of 2.60 or so, there are no heating issues, Wasteheat levels are nominal. After warping past Kerbol at 1.00c and verifying everything was fine at 1x timewarp, I kicked it up to 6.30c which is the max I can do with the available warp power (antimatter reactors & charged particle generators). accelerated time to 1000x until I was within the other star's SOI (TRAPPIST-1). everything looked ok. Then I turned timewarp down to 1x. The docked spaceplane and several other components of the rear of the craft spontaneously exploded and went away violently. F3 menu said "structural failure" was the cause. Seems like crossing that SOI boundary.. is breaking something now, that wasn't broken on the first time I took this trip. I have repeated this numerous times, it's 100% consistent although which specific pieces explode and go away is not. But it always explodes I feel like it should not.
  8. I'm not sure if it's reported or not, but it's something I've noticed... if you try to install mods and something goes wrong, the whole thing goes.. wonky, until you completely exit and restart (and sometimes update) CKAN. This has been going on for a while but it's very intermittent and generally surprises me when it happens because of its low frequency. I've noticed heat issues with ATILLA as well, specifically in atmosphere mode. I can get a VTOL craft to hover on atmospheric-powered ATILLAs... and notice the required throttle creep up and up and up until it can no longer maintain altitude; and this happens when the wasteheat % of total is around 20-25% or so, nowhere near an actual overheat. On closed-cycle mode such as hydrazine, I observe the same behavior, but it takes so long to occur that it does not negatively affect the craft's VTOL performance in this fuel mode. This happens even when the thermal helper in the SPH shows all the numbers in the green.
  9. unfortunately CKAN thinks 1.11.5 is current, not 1.11.14 -- nevermind, this was due to a bug in CKAN which I think was fixed with the latest update. if your CKAN wants to install the old version, exit out, update CKAN, and try again, and you'll get the right version.
  10. I'd like to add to this... the amount of wasteheat capacity per radiator often changes between launches; ie, launch, it overheats because the radiators only hold, say, 10k wasteheat.. revert to launch and the same part now holds 40k and it's fine... seems to happen most noticably with the large folding radiators but I've seen it with all of them at one time or another. Also, yeah, 'automation' mode should keep them shut if they're inside a fairing or if there's too much aero pressure. The umbrella radiator seems like it'd be more aerodynamic if it's extended vs closed as well, so it's almost like... opposite, really, from how you'd kind of expect that to work, in many cases... Oh and the intakes are still not caring if they're open or closed for the air breathing engines... side note.. lol
  11. I've noticed something in recent builds.. and I'm not sure if this is an MJ2 issue or a KSPIE issue.. when using electric engines such as the ATILLA and you tell MJ2 to 'create and execute' a node, it executes the burn immediately without waiting the requisite amount of time. Only with the electric engines; thermal rockets, etc, those are fine... is that a KSPIE problem or a MJ2 problem? It's definitely a new/recent problem, either way.
  12. It's not... last I checked, Eva chutes was specifically incompatible with far and the author said he can't do anything about it. I tested it about a week ago and this still appears to be true. Chutes have no effect at all. You see the visual but they don't slow the kerbal down. Which is weird because back in 0.90, those 2 mods worked together just fine.
  13. the only tweakscaled parts are a reactor and electric generator, but they're tweakscaled *down* from the default size.
  14. so.. not sure if this is an EPL issue or an EPL+MKS issue.. in VAB I have a mining craft, which the Build Resources Window says will take 44k units of MaterialKits. When I go drive the survey stake and go to actually build it, the build window says I need *56k* materialkits... why the discrepancy? I don't recall this being an issue in previous versions (in which I also used both EPL and MKS together).
  15. So @FreeThinkerI asked this earlier and may have missed your reply, not sure; why is it enough for intakes to be present for air breathing engines, but they don't care about the open/closed status of the intakes? Is that intentional or a bug? Reproduce: create a craft with intakes and an engine in atmospheric mode like the thermal turbojet. Close intakes. Throttle up. Still works as if they were open..
  16. @ferram4 - as requested, I installed the new dev build and tried it out - I don't have any problems with it. at all. everything works as documented for me. Using strict area ruling. everything flies as it should, if the numbers in SPH are reasonable, the craft flies that way. the transonic graphs work, there's only one FAR button where it should be, everything looks spot-on from where I'm sitting.
  17. Yes.. atmosphere is a listed propellant, and I've used it that way in the past.. did that change?
  18. how are you getting it to make any power at all? I can't get more than 0.0kN out of them, when I have an ample supply of antimatter reactors, charged particle electric generators, and, yes, full antimatter bottles.. plus appropriate radiators.
  19. so.. is this still incompatible with 1.2.2? I heard that, for a while there, with 1.2.2, EPL wouldn't actually build anything.. is that still true or can I go ahead and install this now? or should I wait a while longer?
  20. Question on the wakefield engine... and on the VASIMR.. @FreeThinker ... so: 1. VASIMR- appears not to work. have the entire tech tree open, have huge antimatter reactor + charged particles electric generator... VASIMR engine produces no thrust with any propellant. Says fuel requirement met 100%, but.. 0.0kN. The electric window shows there's far more power available than what it wants to draw, so that is not the issue either. This used to work, not sure what changed. 2. Wakefield - produces effectively no thrust between 0-90% throttle, then varying ISP from 91-100% but this is a very.. odd throttle curve and makes the engine quite difficult to use with any degree of effectiveness. Was this throttle curve intended?
  21. This above is the issue that a few of us have reported.. it's in the github issues list already. I'm trying to get Davon TCA working as a workaround until this updates, and it's.. well it kinda works, but it's a lot more simple than this mod and doesn't have a lot of the advanced features. Seems to work in basic form, if you combine it with Diazo's vertical velocity controller.
  22. so... @FreeThinker I should have noticed this earlier but... having my intakes open or closed makes no difference for any of the air-breathing engines like the thermal ramjet nozzle. The intakes have to be *present*, but their open/closed state makes no difference. Is that something unfortunate and unavoidable? or is that a bug that can be fixed?
  23. does this work in 1.2.2? going to try it anyway, but is it officially "supported" in this configuration? ok, it seems it does. TCA has a seriously game-breaking bug in it right now so I'm trying to use this.. it's.. interesting, I don't remember having to assign engines to groups before to get balanced thrust to work? If I don't, it sets all the thrust limiters to 0... anything else changed recently in here?
  24. and we could have all done without the last subordinate clause in your post. Glad the issue is known. I will go check the github issues section.
  25. I'm getting a complete.. well... I hate to use the phrase 'ape excrements' on these forums, and the forums won't let me use the original term, but that's pretty much what KSP is doing with TCA... on approach, trying to enter a VTOL landing state.. everything looks good.. then suddenly the entire world disappears, I see stars, and the game destabilizes, textures don't work, have to quit. Log is *chock full* of NRE from TCA. Here's the log; it's a bit big, but go to the end and the NREs are unmistakable. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xm07an4ctxdblj0/KSP-TCA-NRE.log?dl=0
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