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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. Yes b9 procedural wings lets you put fuel in the wings. works with modular fuel tanks even, so you can put like xenon or hydrazine or chocolate in them even.
  2. I've not had that experience with far.. perhaps your main gear are too far aft of your center of mass?
  3. If you're opting in to be a tester for the dev build, file your bug reports as detailed *bug reports* through github; that includes full logs and steps to reproduce. The forum is for people using supported versions of the mod who are seeking help FAR does voxel-based aerodynamics; it actually does keep the craft shape in mind when calculating lift. As has been mentioned, groundeffect is not yet modeled, so lighter GA-type planes aren't exactly right; however most of my spaceplanes with wing profiles similar to the US shuttle do seem to have similar landing speeds (200-250kts IAS). Hopefully in the future there will be ground effect modeled and everything will line up. In the meantime, this is still worlds better than stock aero, and ferram4 deserves a ton of credit for making this happen.
  4. I've never had an issue with MFI before, but I'm getting this as well now. every time I get a ship on the runway past a certain speed, around 10-20 m/s, the root part detaches from the rest of the craft, physics and gravity basically turn off, things go floating away everywhere, and this message gets spammed into the logs. Just started yesterday, not sure what precipitated it, but it's defintely MFI throwing the error in the log.
  5. This tank config file seems to be very small and does not address the KSPIE resources at all... am I missing something? ie, I was hoping to see Hydrazine in the liquid fuels section; it, plus none of the other KSPIE fuels, are visible to the mod that I can find. Looking at the .cfg, I don't see how it would have made any difference past what this mod comes with stock, as far as enabling them...? Also, CC seems to not handle the stock Big-S wings at all.
  6. @FreeThinker a couple of observations: 1. earlier today KSPIE and IFS were available on CKAN, and now they are not; 1.11.5 was available on CKAN even and now it isn't. like not even in the 'incompatible' list; I hear there's a CKAN bug where if a dependency is not compatible it can cause the mod to not show up, but I'm not sure what other dependencies they have...? anyway, that's more a thing for the CKAN folks 2. I notice that with the new reactor, the propellant types for any engine attached to it are limited to Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Diborane. Is that intentional? connecting the same engine to a pebble bed reactor makes things back to normal 3. Not sure if this is related or not, but as soon as I got the 1.11.5 update, my game just kind of... freaked the hell out. like anytime a spaceplane exceeds 10 m/s over the ground, the entire thing detaches from the root part, sometimes causing a normal crash, sometimes causing a complete failure of Unity requiring a game restart, and showing absolutely nothing in the logs either way. I'm not sure if this is a KSPIE issue but it did start at exactly the same time as the update loaded; however it could have been a bad update since it was from CKAN, and, see #1, now CKAN doesn't even think it exists. OK, #3 I'm still not 100% sure what's causing it; I reinstalled everything, mostly by hand... any craft built prior to doing so still exhibit this behavior, any craft built after the reinstall seem to work. However I did uncover one thing... the graphene winged-edge radiators, while they have no animation and are a fixed unit, if you activate cooling in the atmosphere, they will disintegrate as though they were folding radiators, due to the dynamic pressure of the air. That doesn't seem correct for a fixed non-folding winged-edge radiator?
  7. Can you explain real quick what those options are supposed to do? What I notice is that all 3 mentioned autopilots keep overcorrecting.. if you look at the control inputs thing in the lower left, they all three keep oscillating back and forth.. which is wasteful on propellant and can induce a significant wobble in lighter craft. And there's the issue that they'll never go full deflection to make a turn unless I manually "help" them. Couple of questions/observations: 1. large folding radiators - sometimes the animation and the actual state get out of sync. I have 'toggle radiator' hotkeyed, but sometimes when retracting them, they will show retracted but still be "deployed" as per the right click menu. Was trying to figure out why they sometimes fell off in the atmosphere when retracted and sometimes not, and this is why. still technically deployed. When this happens I have to manually cycle each via mouse-click to sync them up again. Not sure if the small/medium have the same issue. The partially folding and the big disk looking one don't seem to do it. 2. VASIMR... ok, i have a hydrazine tank => reactor (think i had a pebble bed for this test) => thermoelectric generator => VASIMR .. on a test craft with launch clamps. I throttle it up and.. nothing happens. Radiators are active. Reactor is active. Generator is active. Engine says active and 100% fuel demand met... just 0.0kN of thrust. The electric window shows that it is drawing power, albeit not much. This is in career mode and I do not have high energy physics unlocked yet. Is this normal? If the VASIMR is simply not getting enough power.. should it be at a higher tech level? Or is there a different reactor/generator combo I should be using? What exactly does the VASIMR want? Haven't tried in sandbox yet.
  8. So... this has become.. I suppose *more* of a problem in 1.2.x than it was in 1.1.3, but it was always *kind of* an issue.. it's now severe enough that I'm willing to post about it though. The KSPIE Resistojet RCS thrusters. These things are great, especially for heavier craft. However... hm. where to begin. I almost posted this on the MJ2 forums until I noticed the same behavior with TCA and even with stock SAS+RCS enabled... these RCS thrusters do not play well with anything other than manual input. For example when you ask either MJ2 or stock to turn prograde (for example), it'll only use a fraction of the thruster power available.. you can "help" it with manual control input but .. it won't automatically use all the thrust. This problem gets worse with weight. heavy craft *require* manual help. Also, if the craft is *below* a certain weight, you get a lot of wasteful wobble even when holding a heading; ie, it keeps over-correcting. This may all be a function of "these thrusters are more powerful than what any of the mods/stock KSP are expecting and that's just the way it is" but I'm not sure. With TCA the whole thing goes sideways very quickly. TCA will freak out and not hold an attitude at all if RCS is turned on and you're using these. No idea why; older versions of TCA didn't do that, the author says he doesn't use KSPIE, so I'm a little bit at a dead end there. I'm mostly posting all of this *here* because the KSPIE RCS thrusters are the only common thread linking these problems and I'm wondering if they do something fundamentally different, apart from having higher power from stock, that makes this behavior happen?
  9. I wasn't sure it could be done due to their high weight and low thrust,.but with the use of tweaks calendar I was able to make something flyable with them. in kerbin atmosphere anyway, they aren't like... superconducting electric arcjet engines like KSPIE has which I need for space missions, but I had a flyable b9 vtol jet with useful range and handling back in 1.1.3. That said if this is the only thing holding up a b9 release, I'd vote for moving it out and releasing the rest of it sooner. just the lights alone in b9 make it a must-have.
  10. so.. science relay. this is awesome. I'm not sure it's 100% working the way it's supposed to, but it's not a game-breaking issue... here's what I did. Tell me if this looks normal or not please 1. built a LKO space station (~150km) with hitchhiker:::KSPIE science module:::hitchhiker (obviously other parts, but that's the core of it. KSPIE sci module holds 10k data and 1k science. Hitchhikers aren't supposed to hold any. I'm also using USI-LS, so the hitchhikers are there for their insane habitation multiplier. 2. put 2 scientists in the science module. Nobody else is on board (there's a probe core for piloting) 3. Sent an unmanned probe to Moho which gathered a lot of science 4. Used this mod to relay the science (I am using the commnet, stock currently until RT updates) back to the space station Now the weird part, I go back to the space station.. the data isn't there in the science module... instead it's in the second hitchhiker as experiments that I have to review and click 'add data'. this is an *unmanned* hitchhiker.. I have to "review stored data (12)" to get the science into the lab. Is this how it's supposed to work? Either way I got like... 6000 science out of a single unmanned probe to a single biome on moho, so that was nice.
  11. I can; it requires KAS, KIS, USI LS, and KSP Interstellar... and it might not fly at all without FAR, I haven't tried it on stock aero. I'm using the FAR dev build. In 1.1.3, all my craft worked fine with heading hold; in 1.2.1, none of them do. Craft design is pretty much identical. Craft in question here is reliable and safe and can land back on the runway no problem, following a Kramax auto-land on the ILS. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqiuussq59r80ky/QRI CP-400-F.craft?dl=0
  12. I know that FAR isn't officially updated; however the dev build is working reasonably well. Does this mod need to be *recompiled* for 1.2.1 or is there any chance it might drop in and work? I can try it later and report, but.. what are my chances of sucess here? Is the source available if I wanted to try a recompile myself?
  13. Still having the heading hold issue... ie, it just banks right instead of holding the heading like it used to.. that's the only problem I'm having with it though.
  14. At least you're not hitting a hardware-destabilizing Unity bug. Apparently there is one. Using a certain combination of parts in the SPH *only* (can't replicate in VAB or in flight), i'm hitting some kind of Unity bug that's causing a hardware lockup and either the nvidia driver can recover from it or it can't, and I have to hard-reset my PC. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Unity patch forthcoming.. I have a feeling the most recent Unity is the *cause* though, since this is a new problem for me since 1.2.1. Also, with TCA, can I mount regular engines like RCS, and set them to 'maneuver' only, and have them act like RCS? ie, if I want to make a 15000t starship, regular RCS is.. not going to help much.
  15. OK.. I know this is not exactly the best of bug reports but I have very little information to go on... the logs have absolutely nothing in them. Everything is fine until I start getting D3D errors followed by "KSP_x64.exe has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware". Here's the thing though, it only happens in KSP, it only happens in the SPH (due to how I'm using the parts), and it only happens when I'm looking at/attempting to install certain bits from KSPIE; many of the radiators will start triggering it, etc.. basically what happens is the animation inside SPH starts stuttering, and it'll recover a few times, but if I don't get out of the SPH *right away*, I'll either get the aforementioned error message and/or a hard crash requiring me to powercycle the entire computer. Anyone else see this? I can run any other game for hours on end, even KSP, but as soon as I start building spaceplanes with KSPIE parts, this happens. It seems very oddly specific and I'd appreciate some help as far as tracking it down.. are there any debug options I can pass on the command line which might help ferret it out?
  16. I'm going to try to compile it against 1.2 this weekend; however my designs that used to need it, no longer seem to, so this mod may be functionally obsolete. The struts look cool, though, so it might be worth having it just for that alone.
  17. in VAB/SPH, set a seat's inventory to contain a mallet and 4 survey stakes. make sure you put a kerbal in that seat. Make sure you have an EL survey station or something equivalent like an MKS pioneer module on the craft. Make sure you have enough RocketParts (base EPL) or MaterialKits/SpecializedParts (with MKS) on the craft. Go where you want to build. Drive the four stakes in a square/rectangle pattern.. right click them, set to Y- Put your kerbal back in the craft. Open the EL build menu, should be on the blizzy toolbar. Pick the base/ship/etc you want to build. Build it.
  18. I don't think this is happening anymore.. in my 1.2.1 install I have MKS and EPL, but I still see the old EPL parts. Not sure if that's a bug in an MKS MM patch or if it's something that EPL is doing/no longer doing, though.
  19. Observations: 1. Yes, the plasma nozzle + antimatter reactor "works" in atmosphere, but provides so little thrust as to not be useful. Not a problem, I've got a good design now that incorporates the regular thermal engines for atmosphere + a plasma nozzle for vacuum which gives me the 45k dV after circularizing at LKO that I was looking for. 2. The phenomenon I described earlier where the thermal ramjet and the thermal turbojet are almost exactly the same; this is only true if you tweakscale each to 3.75m. at 2.5m they behave more like what you designed them to behave like and what makes sense. At 3.75m the thermal ramjet produces a ton of stationary thrust and is enough to take off and burn at 7G all the way to orbit, without any helpers. And that's on a 300-500 ton craft. At 2.5m you get the "ramjet needs some airspeed to be useful" effect that you're intending. This was all somewhat true in the pre-1.2.x version as well, but the "3.75m-is-overpowered" effect seems to be more pronounced now. 3. The first-unlocked nuclear ramjet operates MUCH more like how you'd expect a ramjet to operate; You need some detachable SRBs to accelerate fast enough for this thing to be useful... or some regular jets.. but that's how it's supposed to work. I guess I was just expecting more of the "ramjet effect" with a 3.75m thermal ramjet, than I'm getting... at least compared to the other parts
  20. perhaps this is a CKAN issue then; AT_Utils requires Configurable Containers there.
  21. apologies but I'm not sure I'm understanding your response within the context of the question that I asked; what I'm observing is that the thermal ramjet nozzle and thermal turbojet have about the same ISP on hydrazine now with the antimatter reactor... the ramjet nozzle used to have far higher isp and lower thrust than the turbojet back in 1.1.3; this is correct behavior now? I don't see a compelling reason to use the ramjet nozzle at all anymore, and i'm now missing a high-isp/reasonable-thrust propulsion system now... i pretty much used these ramjet nozzles with hydrazine + antimatter to power *everything* as I could, with enough engines, get 40-60k dV and 2G+ thrust on a 2000+ ton craft with them. This is no longer possible?
  22. good point. was just trying to get some extra eyes on the dev build, as apparently so has MaxRebo, in order to help Ferram4 with the process. That was the intent. Your point is valid, however, that this isn't even an 'official' dev build and people shouldn't be asking for help/etc. I'll submit all issues found via github, unless they're already reported
  23. @MaxRebo yeah I'm on 64-bit KSP windows 10, plus lots of mods... I need to try to track down the "mach showing 0.00" as I think that's the most serious error. Things are definitely behaving differently for a lot of my designs though; my basic design shape for spaceplanes no longer seems to be aerodynamically stable with this version of FAR, and it was fine in 1.1.3; however a "traditional"-style airplane seems to work just fine, so either the old version of FAR was letting me get away with things that it shouldn't have, or the new version of FAR isn't calculating lift correctly. How are you determining that your fuselages are generating lift? there's a blue lift line when you push F12 coming from the body? I'm only getting those from my wings and control surfaces, although I'm not sure if that was or was not happening in 1.1.3 at this point.
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