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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. tried it on Kerbin, Dres (the modified one with 2.1g of gravity, still no atmosphere though), Mun, and Moho. so... all different sizes of everything there. I'll check the log at the moment of impact; at least it's very reproducible
  2. warp thrust mode is for before you have FTL drives. It makes no sense if you're using the FTL. You need to be able to burn down those heavy dV deficits. On a mothership, quantum vacuum doesn't make sense at all since you'd need about 50 of those things to produce enough thrust for a 2500t mothership + dropship to be useful... @FreeThinker - speaking of warp drive - you know how the gravity well will slow you down/pull you out of warp? Well, it's still doing that, but now there's a new behavior - when you exit warp this way, the ship explodes. reproducible 100% of the time. Dropping out of warp normally is fine, but if a gravity well does it, *boom*.
  3. @FreeThinker (and others) - I'm still struggling to find an end-game use for the QSR. I can see it being useful mid-game due to its longevity and efficiency, but once you unlock the alcubierre drives, a few things change about the way you design and fly craft: 1. QSR + Plasma doesn't produce enough thrust to burn off the required post-jump dV 2. Missions only last a few days at most due to the FTL, so the QSR longevity is no longer a factor. At this point in the game, you get the best performance with antimatter reactor + charged particle electric generator + hydrazine + thermal ramjet/rocket... *by far*. I think that the QSR either needs to be moved to a lower tech level or it needs to provide additional bonuses to thrust and ISP over what it currently does. I've been trying like hell to make a craft that uses a QSR be more useful than my existing FTL craft using the thermal ramjet/rocket + antimatter + hydrazine, but I just cannot. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, though; suggestions appreciated if anyone has any.
  4. Noticed something new... not 100% sure it's FAR or if it's a stock bug. Note that I'm not using any wind/weather mods as there are none certified for 1.1.x yet. I've had several landings now where, once stopped on the runway and MJ2 says 0.0m/s surface speed, my navball still says something between 40-65 kts EAS. This is new behavior, but now I'm not sure if the airspeed indicator might be reading too high in flight as well, causing incorrect approach/stall speeds to be used. ~50kts makes a big difference on approach
  5. So I've noticed a behavior change in EPL.. not sure which is correct: OLD: I build something on survey stakes, with PB-NUK thermoelectric parts. After build, there's zero charge in the batteries, but the PB-NUKs charge them up. NEW: I build the exact same design on survey stakes, also with PB-NUK. After build, there's zero charge and the PB-NUK say efficiency is 1.00 but they do not charge the batteries. if NEW is correct... should I scrap the PB-NUK parts as they don't seem to be doing anything?
  6. aaand I just realized you said these won't work with FAR. I kind of want to try anyway, and I think the inventory issue would be separate(?) but... the old EVA parachutes mod *did* work with FAR so I'm curious as to why this one *wouldn't* unless something weird and strange happened in 1.1.x?
  7. For the thermal ramjet/thermal rocket, I find that if I use hydrazine to get it started, pitch up on the runway to about 20 degrees, then switch to atmospheric at Mach 1, that works pretty well. Less complexity than using secondary engines or SRBs - that also works, but this way is less complex, fewer parts, and less weight.
  8. I'm dragging these chutes to the cockpit seat inventory and it.. won't go into the slot. Using KIS of course (or there would be no inventory slots).. what am I doing wrong? Other KIS parts can be dropped in there no problem.
  9. You need unified field theory and... the other 10k science one that unlocks the warp drives, to get all the modes for everything unlocked, in my experience.
  10. You may be running into the same compatibility issues with the ion mod as I am with KSPIE. Possible anyway.
  11. if i'm understanding you right, you're not seeing the button to turn on TCA. It generally uses the blizzy toolbar, you'll have to configure the toolbar to show the TCA button by right clicking on the little down-arrow on the toolbar. Or it could be that if you're in career mode, you haven't unlocked any TCA functionality yet. It works like MJ2 now where features are unlocked as you progress through the tech tree.
  12. so.. is there any way to tune dynamic deflection? ie, turn it off, adjust its adjustment range, that sort of thing, in flight?
  13. So... QSR is cool... but I can't find a use for it. Antimatter reactors with thermal ramjet/rocket nozzles (hydrazine ejection mass) are still producing better thrust and ISP than QSR + Vista or QSR + ATILLA. Am I using the wrong engines with the QSR? What engine/fuel combo should I be using?
  14. @FreeThinker found another one of those infinite-loop rightclick-menu issues... ATILLA engine, if you cycle through fuels you can trigger this behavior. This is with the tech tree fully unlocked this time.
  15. I'm using the same craft that worked fine with TCA in the old version, and does not in this version. Part of it's the RCS thing, part of it is that it doesn't control the thrust *enough* when RCS is off. TCA didn't touch RCS in the old version, the systems were completely independent. Now it's broken because it doesn't understand the KSPIE RCS... maybe the solution would be to just implement a toggle for the RCS module? Also I have the tech tree completely opened up, I'm using the fully upgraded versions of everything already. It behaves no different in sandbox mode (I checked) with the same craft file. I'll check the stock bugfixes thing though, can't remember if I installed that or not.
  16. I was using the release version: 2.2.12 yes, the wings were scaled to 300 or 400% when I first noticed this. Happens with other scaling factors as well - my hstab were also big S scaled to 150%. What version(s) of the mod do the above Scale.dll files correspond to?
  17. I made a test craft with all-stock engines and stock RCS nozzles, and it worked as intended (at least, as I understand it to be intended to work). The only way I can get the KSPIE engines to exhibit any throttle balancing at all is to turn off RCS completely, and even so they don't balance *enough*. I'm working around it now by doing some painstaking parts placement and adding a LOT of RCS authority (KSPIE RCS is more powerful than stock) to hold attitude. It works OK on Mun/Minmus/etc but on bodies with heavier gravity and atmosphere (like Kerbin, Duna, Eve, Laythe, etc) it's a bit more dicey. I suppose it will have to wait until the new Linux release then. You might want to report to FreeThinker about the 1.0.5 crash, I know he's still maintaining a KSPIE fork for 1.0.5.
  18. New bug; only in the very latest version; The Big S spaceplane wings scale automatically to 0% when you revert to SPH. If you reload the craft it's fine. Doesn't happen in flight so the workaround is easy, but this is definitely new behavior. Reproducing it is reliable and easy - make a plane with the Big S wings, launch it, revert to SPH, and behold.
  19. If your SSTO are also VTOL (I suggest low profile ATILLA engines for VTOL) you can do a reentry by selecting SVEL+ +90 degrees in MJ2 or point to the orbit-normal indicator manually during re-entry and fire your VTOL engines to slow down. If you get down to 900 m/s total surface velocity by the time you hit 55km of altitude, you can just turn off the autopilot, point the craft into the wind, lock your speedbrakes on and ride it out. Works even for very heavy craft (over 1000t) if they're aerodynamically stable. I use FAR+DRE with heat settings at 120% and even so this method produces a very reliable safe re-entry method. Full procedure: 1. Position a circular orbit at 80-100km over the middle of the bay in the desert up-range from KSC 2. Burn retrograde until your (stock) intended landing point is about 50km downrange from KSC 3. Turn SVEL+90 degrees pitch as mentioned above and start your retro burn at 70km or just above 4. Kill thrust when total surface velocity vector is 800-900 m/s 5. Ride it down on your speedbrakes - good time to change your engines over to IntakeAtm including your RCS thrusters, although most spaceplanes can glide in from here without thrust. 6. Land on the runway - heavy SSTO or anything with a delta wing and no flaps will generally require an approach speed *at least* 250kts EAS (125 m/s at sea level but stock velocity measurements are pretty useless for approach speeds, install FAR and set your airspeed measurements to knots EAS - now you have realistic airspeed values that you can actually use). Some of the really heavy stuff needs to be at 300-350kts but good luck getting a safe landing at that speed - anything I design which is that heavy, I use pitch and VTOL engines to slow down and land on the VTOL engines. 7. *** NOTE *** - Wheels are broken in 1.1.x; you almost for sure will need parachutes to stop before the end of the runway. RealChute + 4 radial chutes + Kevlar material + triple-chute mode == safe stop even for very heavy craft.
  20. One thing that's odd about the glideslope following and altitude hold though; it seems to chase the needle a lot on the altitude all the time, and the glideslope on any plane that I create with flaps and horizontal stabilizers. If I make a full delta wing design (like the US space shuttle or the Buran) it can land smoothly, but if I have flaps and hstabs I have to turn off VNAV and do that by hand. Not sure why that is. Using FAR if it matters. Altitude hold chases the goal all over the place regardless of plane design. Interestingly enough it can solidly hold a commanded pitch angle without any wobble in all cases however. This was an issue in 1.0.x as well; apart from the localizer/glideslope not being aligned with the navball, it works exactly the same in 1.1 than in 1.0.x. For me anyway.
  21. nice! Maybe if there's say an MKS Pioneer Module on, say, Laythe.. we could have offworld AWOS as well?
  22. Would it be possible to have AWOS stations reporting the weather like in RL? Maybe tie in with the KerbinSide tracking stations as reporting points?
  23. In 1.0.x, EVA parachutes worked with FAR.. did something change in 1.1.x to break that?
  24. Nemesis I had this problem, it was a part clipping issue. I think it's really a part clipping issue that only happens when Tweakscale is installed, but fixing the clipping also fixes the problem, without uninstalling Tweakscale.
  25. Any updates on the issue with KSP interstellar engines and RCS? I've run a few more tests.. TCA definitely works with stock engines and stock RCS. I used to use it all the time with Interstellar engines and RCS (before the new UI, before it started talking to RCS at all, back in the 1.0.x days), and it worked very well. As of right now it's not functional in any meaningful way with the KSPIE propulsion systems and if the RCS module is the problem, there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off from the in-flight settings that I can find. Pasted the log message as requested a few days ago, from the RCSWrapper exception that it's throwing.
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