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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. Still having the cannot-make-multiple-warp-jumps issue with 1.6.6. Jumped towards moho to use Kerbol's gravity to align with Duna... did that, tried to jump to Duna.. "Not enough MW power to create a stable warp field." update: I reloaded my save and tried it again in exactly the same way except for one thing: I had the throttle set to 1.00c on the first jump instead of 0.100c like I did the first time. I thought maybe that the fact that i was using a sublight throttle value was affecting it, but i did all subsequent jumps at less than 1.00c, and everything worked fine. Not sure what happened now...
  2. I can't find it on curse.. their interface and pretty much their entire site is terrible design. Anyone have a direct link to the curse download? 1.6.5 is unusable and CKAN and kerbalstuff don't seem to have 1.6.6 nevermind.. found the tiny secret link to switch from 'shareables' to 'mods' .. haven't used curse in forever. I can consistently replicate it. It's only on one ship though, not sure if it's a mod conflict or.. something else. Using the MarkIV spaceplane parts on that ship, although I've got other MkIV-based ships that, at least in prevous versions, didn't have trouble. As for ThF4 - which kind of refinery and how does one transfer.. using stock transfer? TAC-FB? Also when I get the fuel into the reactor how do I start it? reactor control window has no button for 'start' like an antimatter reactor does.
  3. hm just got kraken'ed with a new type of error I haven't seen before. I built a fairly sweet 738t construction spaceplane to build that refinery I mentioned. 4.0m (TS) warp drive. did a few tests, it charges, etc. plane flies fairly well. reverted to space center to make some slight changes... flew again.. KSP freaked out and I had to task-manager kill it. Got back in, load the plane. click save, asks me if I want to overwrite (made no changes).. that's weird. Push launch, KSP locks up. Look in the log and I find *thousands* of iterations of the following: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FNPlugin.AlcubierreDrive.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FNPlugin.AlcubierreDrive.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FNPlugin.AlcubierreDrive.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) @FreeThinker any ideas on this one? going to try to build something else. This is the first time I've used KSP since your most recent update btw.
  4. is there anyway to start/restart a ThF4-powered molten salt reactor? I'm trying to build a hydrazine refinery by using EPL to build it at a survey stake. I need a long-lived reactor for this - the ThF4-fueled molten salt reactor is perfect, but when you build at a survey stake there are no resources on board - so I need to somehow transfer ThF4 into the reactor and start it from a dead state. Can this be done? IF so, how?
  5. that should be.. impossible? It's not charged at the point when you start charging.. or are you talking about right after a quickload of a save in which it's already charged? EDIT: should be impossible, but isn't. I'm having this problem too - it starts warp with zero charge, drops the frame-rate to about 1-2 FPS, and locks out the part menu so you cannot ever turn the warp drive *off*. Cannot use the alcubierre drives at all until this is fixed, unfortunately. Interestingly enough, I'm not finding anything even remotely relevant in my logs
  6. That is good; going to the space center and back does fix it. I was wrong however earlier; if I don't activate the thing right after it's done charging, within a few seconds it'll say "not enough MW power for stable warp field," dump all the charge, and I have to re-charge it again which requires a flip back to the space center. It also seems that the warp drives require a lot more power/have more limitations than they used to; was that the intent? I have a couple of craft that still work, but I need to re-design about 75% of my ships now to work with the new system; not necessarily a bad thing, if that is what was intended
  7. er... slightly embarrassed here; didn't try that. Will let you know.
  8. I think the biggest problem I'm having is that I can do exactly one jump with the alcubierre drive, and then it refuses to charge again with any settings after that. Why is that? That doesn't seem right? I'm .. stranded at Duna with no way to warp home. The power output of the reactor hasn't changed since I charged it to get here...? Just says can't create a stable warp field due to MW power as soon as I click 'start charging.' Update: have tried this with several craft now; my original issue can be solved by simply adding more reactors - the "one jump and you're done" problem, however, cannot. Doesn't matter how many reactors I have.. can do one jump fine, then it will no longer charge, with no changes to anything - even if I try a lower power jump at a lower speed to go home, I get the same 'cannot create a stable warp field due to MW power' error.
  9. how am I supposed to know, though? the warp drive itself is giving me numbers but not any units of measure; not sure which is important, and either way none of the numbers are anywhere near the reactor's output. It seems like it's drawing the exact maximum output of the reactor, which due to loss reasons, you can't deliver all of... but it's asking for the exact maximum of the reactor output no matter which reactor is in there. Please help me understand what I need to do differently here; these are all designs that worked 100% with the old system. If I use the megajoule power helper thing, it shows the warp drive and the DC electrical system as the only draws.
  10. Thanks for the alcubierre update! When you say "increased mass".. how much? I have a lot of spaceplanes that use the folding drives, this could wreak havoc with their balance. Unless it's not that much of an increase. OK, I'm super confused how this works... I upgrade the alcubierre drive, so I have a power-to-mass of just over 1.5 on my ship. I have a 3.75m antimatter reactor and a 3.75m charged particle generator, with a 3.75m folding alcubierre drive on this thing. I charge it up, it charges up, and then right before I can hit activate, it says "not enough MW power to maintain a stable warp field" and I have to try again, and it does the same thing again. the Megajoule power manager says that my reactor has a max output of 280.3 GW, it's "currently" producing like 263 GW, but the drive is drawing 280.3 GW.. that's during charging. then 3 seconds after it charges it goes poof. Also, clicking "reduce warp power" seems to have no effect except to.. raise my warp throttle. if I put my warp throttle back down to where it was, the required power goes *back up* - however it's unclear as to what the 'required power' and 'current power' are used for, or what units they're in. So, I was able to do some jumps... then I had to launch a new craft to scan Laythe; I warped to Jool's SOI at 2.5c - managed to get it charged, got there, stopped. pointed at Laythe, set warp throttle to 0.04c and hit 'start charging' - "not enough MW power for a stable warp field" - plenty of power, antimatter reactor/generator rated at 280.3GW just like when I charged it for a 2.5c jump - not out of antimatter either... what's going on here? How do I know what the MW requirements are? right-clicking the warp drive shows me numbers that are all far far lower than my reactor's power output, so, am I missing something?
  11. So.. survey stakes. I've noticed that I can plop one survey stake and build pretty much anything on it. Is that the way it's supposed to work or am I supposed to make a square area with 4 stakes? If I do that, do they all need to have the same name? Is it more correct to mark out a square of space with the stakes? or do I just pound one stake and build on top of it?
  12. Also noticing that the FAR window position and airspeed preferences are no longer saved - every launch I have to change it from surface m/s to EAS indicated. Who uses surface m/s in an aircraft anyway? Can ask ATC for a courtesy ground speed, but... you need indicated airspeed to know if you're stalling or not... anyway, if it could be preserved, that's great. Also, every launch, I need to re-open and move the FAR window, it defaults to top-left.
  13. Using TCA. thrust isn't a problem, it's just.. attitude control that's a problem.
  14. Looks like the mark4 rabbithole is deeper than i thought. It also uses interstellarmeshswitch which goes nut-bar if you take IFS out and tries to literally display all possible textures at once, and I'm not sure how to get around this. Taking out the mesh switch or leaving it in has the same effect. happens as soon as you remove the IFS config from it in either case.
  15. I think there's either a bug in FAR or in my understanding of the planet Eve. I have a VTOL antimatter-powered spaceplane that performs flawlessly on Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe. Like, operate to any of those planets from the administration helipad and back, precision landings at all points. Flies like a dream both normally and in VTOL mode. Using FAR of course. Problem comes on Eve. Flies fine in the upper atmosphere. Once I get lower down and slow down and go VTOL mode... I pretty much lose control of it. it starts spinning around (yaw) which I cannot counter, and below that point I also lose the ability to control pitch and roll, and the craft crashes. Is there something to explain this or is this a bug in Eve's aero model WRT FAR?
  16. ABZB suggested taking out the specific IFS sections in the MarkIV configs, since that's what his MM patches do - convert anything with a stock-like fuel system to use IFS - but it won't override a specific IFS config in a module. As far as capacities, it seems to be as balanced with Interstellar as any of the other mods are when using ABZB's MM patches (which are transparent to the module) - only reason yours isn't transparent to his work is due to the specific IFS config in your files. I can add the resources and do the busywork and send you the result, if you wish. (ie, modifying your existing IFS block - taking it out is causing mesh switch issues, so if you'd rather do it that way and let the MM patches from ABZB handle it, I need to know how to force the parts to use a single texture/mesh which I'm not sure how to do without the part "flickering".
  17. So I notice your parts all use InterstellarFuelSwitch but ... only use stock fuels. any chance you can either: 1. add support for the rest of the Interstellar fuels 2. make it work with ABZB's mod which replaces the LiquidFuel resource with IFS through ModuleManager (works for stock and most mods, anything that doesn't explicitly define IFS in the part .cfg) I can do #1 myself I think. Been trying #2 but it seems to have problems taking out the IFS config due to the interaction with the mesh switch, and it tries to use every texture at once(?) and it.. flickers... when I do it this way. So. Any chance of an 'official' update to use the Interstellar fuels in the parts?
  18. We still need an update to allow fixed values of c... a lot of my spaceplanes have warp drives that, in order to fit properly with the fuselage have a minimum speed of like 0.5c or so even at 1% - this is too fast for precision jumps. We talked before about maybe having an 0.1c mode for anything for which 1% is faster than that, which would work for me but I don't know how difficult that is to code. Perhaps having an 0.1% option would also work - don't know if the warp velocity options are in the config or in the code however. From looking just now, it doesn't appear that the throttle percentages are in any of the configs, so I'm assuming this is part of the compiled code. One tip I do have, if you want to warp to the Mun, this is usually too short of a distance to avoid catastrophic failure due to hitting the Mun - however if you first set Minmus as your target, warp out to Minmus, then point at the Mun, recharge and head back, that works. As long as your warp drive doesn't take forever to charge, this seems to be a valid solution.
  19. sigh. Mark4 spaceplane mod has no forum thread. Not sure how to get a hold of the author to either talk about this or to submit a fix. I'd hate to have a one-off fix that only I have, then I can't share craft files with anyone. So I just take out the entire InterstellarFuelSwitch module section and replace it with a static liquidfuel resource, and your mod brings in the unicorns and rainbows to magically satisfy my every desire? That's pretty nice. I will post the patch.. somewhere at least. Maybe here.
  20. It's #1. That is weird that Nertea would have included InterstellarFuelSwitch, and then limited them to stock fuels... I suppose I see how to fix it, then, will have to go through all these configs and edit them to add the other fuel types ><
  21. I think you need a fission reactor to provide heating for the fusion reactor to keep running. Fusion reactors are weird. I have... some concerns about what I'm seeing here in your design th.. oh you're not using FAR.. that probably makes a big difference in what I was about to ask regarding the yaw authority and radiator placement I do want to know however if those radiators (are those stock?) are capable of providing enough dissipation for these reactors? I've noticed that the foldable radiators have been reduced in efficiency drastically in more recent versions of KSPIE, as well as the large flat radiators, to the point where an antimatter reactor, esp. at 3.75m or bigger, needs like 10 or 12 of the big ones at 100% scale to cool 'in the green' on the thermal helper, (or more), and the foldable ones are useless for antimatter reactors entirely.
  22. So.. installed dev build of FAR without mechjebfarext.dll - works great and it *fixes the rendezvous overheating problem 100%*. Whatever you did in this dev build has definitely solved it and I no longer need any ALT-F12 cheats to dock without explosions Hopefully it makes its way into an official build soon.
  23. ABZB - I just got the Mk4 spaceplane mod, and for some reason it doesn't honor your changes to use interstellar fuels in the parts... so my question is, 1. are you willing to do this? and 2. if not, can you point me in the right direction so I can do it myself and send you a patch when I have it working? I'm referring to Nertea's "Mark4 Spaceplane System" mod.
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