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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. *this* .. this makes a ton of sense and I should have thought of it, and yes I do have the .dll installed. I will try this tonight after work.
  2. got it, installed it... unfortunately I ran into some fatal issues - Mechjeb won't recognize a target set, loading a save puts the camera out near an asteroid field, and then trying to exit the game after those 2 things happened caused a CTD. Putting back my old FerramAerospaceResearch dir (the release version) fixed all of these problems, but I still have the original one. do I also need a dev build of ModularFlightIntegrator, perhaps?
  3. I'm having some trouble finding the dev build.. where's the best place to get it? Thanks
  4. I have done this. I can confirm that FAR definitely causes a heating issue. It's not explosively evident with only stock parts since there's fewer things onboard capable of generating heat (no nuclear reactors), but note these two screenshots. First is with FAR, second is without FAR, all else being equal: ... ok so i can't upload screenshots. anyway I had 2 identical stock craft with stock radiators (small). without FAR, when craft B approaches craft A to dock, both ships have cool radiators. With FAR installed, when B approaches A, A's radiators are glowing orange-hot despite having been in orbit for over a day with nothing generating heat, whereas craft B has just arrived and finished a heat generating burn and has cool radiators. @ferram4thanks for the tip, I will go find the dev build and install it into my normal GameData. Also I didn't realize until now that you did KJR - doing my experiment just now without KJR was.. interesting. You *really* miss KJR when you no longer have it great mod on both counts. FAR is my #1 won't-play-KSP-without-it mod. KJR is on the top 10 list also.
  5. I will try that right now. Will just move GameData out of the way and create a new save after installing those mods manually.
  6. wait.. you can switch the fuel type *during the mission*?? how? I've always wanted to be able to do that but I have only been able to do it in the SPH/VAB... please tell me what I'm missing here, this .. changes a lot of things for my space program
  7. @ferram4 I'm still having that "craft A gets within physics range of craft B and the craft that I'm not controlling spikes all of its heat values to well over 100% and the entire craft explodes" bug. Now, it is true that I am using CKAN. Would you suggest I simply do a clean install of FAR (and modular flight integrator? or is that one ok from ckan?) and test it again, or is this still a known outstanding issue in the code somewhere? I pretty much have to always use the ALT-F12 cheat for "Ignore max temperature" or I can't do any docking maneuvers or visit any bases. and it causes other problems, like reactors will shut down even with the ALT-F12 enabled and I'll lose electric charge and life support/attitude control on the station/ship being docked with.
  8. I've noticed that since the recent MKS update, the Karibou command module cuts my framerate in half. No other pod does this. This happens both in-flight *and in the VAB/SPH*. Even if there are no other parts. Clean new ship, select Karibou.. everything goes to crap framerate-wise. Will see if I can dig anything out of the logs that may indicate why and will update this post. Anyone else seeing this? If so, are you also using the other USI mods? My current save is using 100% USI stuff - everything Roverdude has made, I'm using, all at once. Glorious. I'd really like to see all of the USI stuff added to stock, really, since it.. really kind of completes the experience. I like to say that USI is the first "expansion pack" for KSP once you've mastered the stock game
  9. I just discovered something else interesting... I have a new type of communications satellite which uses a KSP Interstellar Computer/AGI Core as its control module - like manned, but unmanned. Pretty neat. Kerbal in a can. anyway this thing requires MegaJoules to operate, and as such I need a KSPI-E reactor on board capable of producing them. I'm using a molten salt reactor which has two fuel modes, UF4 and Th4. In the VAB I've set it up to use Th4 by clicking 'switch fuel mode'. This works fine when I launch it normally, but when I build with EPL, while the internal fuel type remains correct and I can transfer it over, the reactor is now set to use UF4, not honoring my VAB setting, and as such the reactor has the wrong fuel in it, and quits. Again, works fine on a normal launch, problem only comes up when building with EPL. Is this a bug or something I'm doing wrong? EDIT: Doesn't matter what the reactor mode is set to in VAB/SPH - when built with EPL it always says fuel mode: EnrichedUranium - this is not a fuel mode this reactor is capable of when *not* built by EPL, so this seems to be something EPL is doing to change the very nature of how this reactor operates... let me know if there's any other info I can get for you.
  10. I've discovered something interesting.. not sure yet if this is a compatibility issue with Extraplanetary Launchpads, but it appears that I can replicate a form of this without the EPL mod. The problem is with a fully-upgraded tech tree using molten salt reactors. You might be wondering why I'd use a molten salt reactor when i've got access to everything; the reason is, the molten salt reactors have *amazing* longevity. Problem is they have, in the VAB, 2 fuel mods - Uranium Flouride and Thorium [Fluoride]. In fully upgraded mode they appear to want to run on "EnrichedUranium" instead of "UF4" - and the radial UF4 tanks (the ones that say UF4 on them) now contain EnrichedUranium instead of UF4. This seems like it might be a bug? With EPL if I select the Thorium mode, to make everything match, when I build the thing in orbit it goes back to EnrichedUranium mode and there's no way to change it at that point, so it's starved for fuel and fails. So.. I guess what the 'ask' is here is either to figure out why the reactor mode is not honoring my VAB setting (probably a question for the EPL folks), and, for FreeThinker, when the upgrades are unlocked, make the molten salt reactor carry EnrichedUranium internally instead of UF4... would that be possible? EDIT: Nevermind that last bit - it seems that EPL always builds the moltensalt reactor in "Enriched Uranium" mode - which is not a valid fuel mode for that reactor when you build it any *other* way, so.. seems an EPL bug to me.
  11. lol... well, it's kind of required for KSP Interstellar, as well as [later versions of] TAC LS, i think there may be at least one USI mod that depends on it... think there are some others, those are the 2 main ones that jump out. I will ask over on the tweakscale forums if they've had any looks at playing better with EPL.
  12. unfortunately there are so many things that depend on tweakscale that it's pretty much a 'must' for a modded install anymore. Anything I can do to help narrow down the problem better?
  13. I think the incompatibility is either with tweakscale, or there's some unknown factor, or my luck is just better at certain times of day. I'm going to be doing a lot more EPL over the next few days though, will post my data points.
  14. also, update on other construction types - sent up a plane with construction abilities. It built a satellite. I pushed finalize build, pushed release, and the satellite went flying off at high speed with no force of physics acting on it to do so. No exceptions in the log per se, ie not actual exceptions, but there are.. a legion of these: (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEn gineDebug.cpp Line: 56) getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: NaN (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEn gineDebug.cpp Line: 56) problem! [NaN, NaN, NaN] - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN - [NaN, NaN, NaN] - NaN OK, wow, i see what actually happened here, upon release the new satellite's global velocity vector seems to be *null*. ie the MJ2 stats window says Ap/Pe are NaN, and a bunch of other things are NaN... that.. that is weird. going to see if it'll do it again after reloading. this phenomenon was kind of confusing to KSP and it crashed trying to switch vessels back to the factory ship. Loaded back in to the quicksave and it says the vessel is "landed" (yet also at a 700km orbit?) and "heightfromterrain are negative (-1)" - also misrendering a bunch of the tweakscaled parts on the craft. I'm not sure what it is about EPL that does not like my install but if I avoid EPL everything works together fine.. it's only when I try to do awesome stuff like build things in orbit.. which I really want to do, I think this is one of the best mod (concepts) in KSP.. everything starts exploding and conflicting. I am *very* happy to help find the solutions however. Just tell me what tests you want me to run or what data you'd like me to send.
  15. so if I have an MKS EnrichedUranium container nearby, this will do the right thing then?
  16. ok. So I should make sure to use fully controllable nuclear reactors that I can provide external fuel to, since the ones that are designed to be built with a supply of fuel end up empty and useless without the way to transfer resources to the build (like the KSPIE molten salt reactors, all the MKS/UKS reactors, etc )
  17. taniwha - I'm still having trouble with post-build resource transfer. doesn't matter if orbital, ground, or survey stake, but lately i'm mostly building via survey stakes. When it asks me about the resources, I set the sliders, everything seems happy. I finish the build, boom, there is the product, but the resources requested, never get transferred. Well, shouldn't say never. Sometimes they do. usually not, though. resources are from various mods + stock, such as electriccharge, mulch, fertilizer, supplies, hydrazine, antimatter, etc.. doesn't seem to matter what. I checked the logs, see no Exception lines in there at the point of finalizing the build - anything I should be looking for in particular?
  18. I'll give it a shot. any other parts/part types I should be wary of?
  19. what if i attached a small structural fuselage or tank to the rail, and then put the docking port on that? will that work or same problem, even if the port's not *directly* attached to the rail?
  20. so judging by the lack of complaints on the last couple pages of this thread I'm going to assume that I'm the only one for which IR is completely broken and unusable My latest problem.. I have a mk3 spaceplane, and i have a 2.5m Kontainer with a docking port on each end. I want to lift it up with two stacked Adjustable Rails so that I can then plug one end with a docking port into a space station. This all works exactly as I wanted it to. I was pleased. Then I undock from the docking port on the other end - there's a mated clamp-o-tron (regular one) attached to one of the adjustable rails - basically there's a vertical wall in the cargo bay which has a rail attached, and then there's a rail attached to that rail, and then a docking port attached to that.. then another port flipped around, then the payload. OK so after decoupling... i do the F5/F9 to get around the undocking-breaks-half-the-mods-in-the-game bug, and I think everything is ok. I go to retract the rails and they're.. not where they were.they retract down through the bottom of the ship(!) and if i F5/F9 again now they're mounted HIGHER up on the wall and i can't close the docking bay.. this was fine when it launched and worked fine in the SPH and on the ground ... worse yet, I take an engineer out and it claims that both of the rails AND the parent docking port attached to the rail, somehow have child objects and therefore cannot be scrapped - pretty sure that's not the case. Didn't find any exceptions thrown by IR. 1. I am not tweakscaling any of the IR parts, the docking ports, the payload, nor the thing that the rails are attached to. In fact the only things tweakscaled on this craft are the wings which don't touch anything. 2. None of the IR parts, payload, docking ports are clipping into any other parts at any point (except when things go wrong as described above; they're not designed with clipping, is what I mean to say. Any known incompatibilities with.. anything? Seen this before? Something you'd like me to look for in the logs?
  21. apparently you can now put the larger parts, like an inflatable greenhouse from MKS, into say an ILC-18 container, and then grab it into a kerbal's inventory - it'll show up as "carried" instead of like.. in the backpack.
  22. oh, ok... yeah you need to just copy the model section and attachment points from the largeparticlebed.cfg into the other 2 .cfg files, and comment out (or remove) the original lines. kind of like this (this is a fragment of the cfg from the dumbo reactor, with the model swapped out, showing the commented lines and what I replaced them with): //MODEL //{ // model = WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/PFissionReactor/model2 // scale = 1,1,1 //} //rescaleFactor = 1 //node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.822, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 //node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.822, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 MODEL { model = WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/PFissionReactor/model3 scale = 0.9,0.9,0.9 } rescaleFactor = 2.4 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.813, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.788, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
  23. any chance of an 'official' update so that CKAN will install it?
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