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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. So I just had an opportunity to test - the TTJ is actually LESS powerful than it was in 1.5.8. My VTOL spaceplane that could barely get off the ground with 3 1.25m TTJs at 100% throttle, now can't get off the ground at all. the 1.25m TTJ attached to an antimatter reactor is maxing out at about 190kN - the craft is 72t, so I need quite a bit more to get off the ground even with 3. Older versions of this mod, this plane was about 50t and got off the ground with one 1.25m TTJ at about half throttle. So, at zero velocity, using these things for VTOL, the power is considerably less than it was yesterday. The issue with signaling thrust to other mods is still there, too (see my previous post about the vertical velocity mod) - this is still broken. ALL problems go away switching from Atmosphere to Hydrazine. Diazo's mod can hold a stable hover all day long on hydrazine. Used to do it on atmosphere, but not anymore. However now I can't get off the ground in atmospheric mode at all, so it's a larger problem
  2. Freethinker you are again the .... thrust beneath my VTOLs. Thanks for the quick turnaround, I'll give it a try and post a report tonight after work.
  3. ABZB - when I posted about the 30 remaining errors, I was using your mod, KSPIE, and MFT. I see you've updated again, I'll update and test. Should be noted that my game worked despite the 30 errors however - even using ships that utilize your parts. - - - Updated - - - ABZB did you update the mod on CKAN? it's not showing an update yet. Still shows 8.3.1 as current.
  4. the latest from ABZB does work, yes. still throws about 30 modulemanager errors, but it no longer prevents KSP from loading. Freethinker - I think the problem I and some others have with the TTJ was the sudden and unexpected nerf to it. Also I think there is still a bug in how it's reporting thrust, since Diazo's vertical velocity mod is not able to understand the throttle requirements anymore, and it did before you made the changes to the engine. I think the TTJ may be more underpowered than you have programmed it to be, at the moment. Diazo's mod seems to think that it can hover at about half the actual required throttle, so I believe there is something still wrong here (ie, it's not performing how you intended it to be).
  5. Freethinker - now that ABZB has updated the Mk2 integration and I can start KSP again, I can tell you that the TTJ issues are "mostly fixed". What remains? 1. Plane that used to get off the ground easily (VTOL, in vertical takeoff mode) with 1 1.25m TTJ in atmospheric mode at less than 50% throttle now requires three at full throttle (each with its own antimatter reactor). Weight increase doing this was ~20t but it just BARELY gets off the ground after ~20 seconds at 100% throttle. 2. Diazo's vertical velocity control mod is not able to handle these engines in atmospheric mode *at all*. It seems to think that +5.00m/s vertical velocity can be achieved at about 45% throttle - eerily similar to how much throttle was required with the previous version of KSPIE - but it doesn't get off the ground. It works fine in closed cycle (hydrazine) mode, just not in atmospheric. I think the thrust values from the TTJ are being incorrectly reported(?) or something. This mod has not been updated in months, and it worked really really well with your engines before the last update to the TTJ itself.
  6. I'm still getting 30 module manager errors from the same config file, but it doesn't stop KSP from loading anymore, and my craft works[1], so I think there's just a few semi-cosmetic things left to fix. [1] works as far as this mod is concerned. I still need to go bug FreeThinker, something's still wrong with the thermal turbojets.
  7. I haven't heard from ABZB on this thread or the KSPIE main thread in a while... is he on vacation? I'd offer to help if I could, but I'm not sure specifically what's wrong here or what tactic to take as far as fixing it goes. If there's anything I can do to help, however, please let me know - I converted all my spaceplanes over to this mod so my space program is kind of... scrubbed, until there's a fix for this
  8. ABZB - not sure if you saw my post on the KSPIE forum, but this mod is now incompatible with KSPIE in a way that keeps KSP from loading at all (ModuleManager throws 50 errors parsing IFS_Expanded_Resources.cfg) - Freethinker changed/removed some resource types in the latest KSPIE update and it seems to be clashing here This is the same error reported by Cosmonauth .. I'm not sure if the effect is the same for him but for me it completely prevents KSP from loading.
  9. Freethinker - sorry for the bad quoting of the log. Thanks for addressing the TTJ problem; I will tell you if it's fixed as soon as the error with the MK2Integration is fixed, since I now have converted all my craft to use that, and with the bug in place I cannot even start KSP at all hopefully soon. From your description it sounds like it was addressed but I will let you know ASAP. Thanks
  10. ABZB - since installing 1.5.7, your Mk2 integration mod is throwing 50 errors in modulemanager in the resources config file... not sure yet if it has any practical effect. - - - Updated - - - yeah.. ABZB here's what my output_log.txt is saying - KSP will not even start at present. I think there's an incompatibility between your mod and the changes made in KSPIE 1.5.7: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Aero/AdapterIntake/part/mk2_InlineIntake' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader Warning: Variable LionStatus not found in Part (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader Warning: Variable LqdAmmoniaamount not found in Part (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader Warning: Variable LqdCO2amount not found in Part (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader Warning: Variable Hexaboraneamount not found in Part (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankList Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InsterstellarFuelSwitch InitializeData Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InsterstellarFuelSwitch OnLoad Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Double]].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at InterstellarFuelSwitch.InterstellarFuelSwitch.SetupTankList (Boolean calledByPlayer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankList Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InsterstellarFuelSwitch InitializeData Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) InsterstellarFuelSwitch OnStart Error (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Double]].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at InterstellarFuelSwitch.InterstellarFuelSwitch.SetupTankList (Boolean calledByPlayer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1)
  11. Freethinker - perhaps you're not fully understanding what I'm saying. I'm using the thermal turbojets.. as VTOL. This worked 100% fine before the latest patch. Something changed now where 1. they have a lot less power in atmosphere mode, 2. if I ramp them up high enough to get off the ground and watch the thrust output, the plane will get a bit off the ground and suddenly the thrust drops to about half and the plane bounces back down. If I fly to a higher altitude using normal flight and then try it, it behaves a little better, but anything below about 1000m of altitude, at least on Kerbin, I see the above behavior. I see no reason for the thrust to vary with *altitude* when airspeed is constant, and then only below 1000m. This is definitely new behavior. Oh, it happens on Duna, too, if that helps. On both planets, switching the TTJ into hydrazine propulsion mode fixes the problem. It's only an issue with Atmosphere propellant.
  12. Freethinker, do you need any further info from me on the thermal turbojet issue that I posted earlier? Please let me know, I can go gather it.
  13. I think Ciliate is onto something with the thermal turbojets. As you know, I pretty much use those things (with antimatter reactors) on almost every craft I build - something has definitely changed in their behavior since the last patch. It seems to only affect things when running in Atmospheric mode - if I kick it over to hydrazine everything is fine. However in atmospheric mode: 1. They seem to have their overall thrust cut by 50% or more. 2. They seem to have a lot more throttle lag than they used to. 3. The same thrust that will produce a stable hover at 2000m altitude will not hold altitude at all within a couple hundred meters of the ground (this puzzles me. Was coming in for a vertical landing in a VTOL spaceplane that worked great before this patch - had to add 2 more VTOL engines to even get it off the ground now, and when I'm near the ground the thrust from each engine fluctuates fairly noticably for no apparent reason - yes I had TCA turned OFF at the time, although the behavior happens regardless of TCA's state). Anyway, 2/3 throttle seemed to be holding fairly steady in atmosphere for level flight.. got over the island runway, reduced throttle for about a -5 m/s descent.. descent rate started increasing as I got closer to the ground.. increased throttle all the way to 100% but the descent rate kept increasing until I hit the ground at 30 m/s - I really really am puzzled by what might even possibly be going on here. 4. Diazo's vertical velocity control mod (which has not updated in a while, and which worked fine for controlling vertical speed before the latest KSPIE patch) can now only do so in closed cycle mode. On atmospheric it seems to think it needs about 1/3 the thrust that it actually does - making me think the TTJ is incorrectly reporting some value upstream into the API. Again this was a design that was tested extensively prior to the latest update. This plane would go from the Administration helipad to Duna and back, landing vertically in all phases. Also ABZB - I like your fuel mod. I see what you were doing with it - you might want to rename it though as it leads one to believe it only works with mk2 stuff when in fact it's fairly universal. I withdraw my previous mod and will use yours instead. Thanks for doing that
  14. ABZB does yours do Mk3, OPT, and the couplers as well? Perhaps we should merge them - I think I'm handling more parts, but you may have more of the details correct? Yeah, looking at your mod here.. looks like you and I have done some different yet complementary things here. We should merge them
  15. OK so guys I need your input on something. I created a "mod" (just alternate part configs) that add interstellar fuel switch capability (as separate parts with new names, but reusing existing textures/models to save memory) for the Mk2, Mk3, and OPT fuel tanks. This allows spaceplanes with much lower part counts and better framerates. And cleaner designs, IMO. I've tweaked the capacities and other variables to what I believe is a reasonable approximation (by comparing sizes of the parts), but input is appreciated on capacities, tech tree locations, part costs, etc as I've been testing pretty much exclusively in sandbox mode. Freethinker - if you like this in whole or in part, I think it'd make a good addition to KSPIE, although it may introduce a dependency on OPT if you include the OPT configs - obviously those can be taken out if you wish. Here's a dropbox link - just put the IFSTanks/ folder into GameData and fire away. The new parts will have obvious names and be in the same category as their original counterparts, and use the same models and textures. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bfpdgvp8k1hi7nh/IFSTanks.zip?dl=0
  16. so, RoverDude released a new "Karibou" mod that goes along with the USI tech stuff, apparently - KerbalStuff has it tagged as CKAN available, but it.. isn't. I even set my filter to "All" - searched by USI, Karibou, by author name.. it's not there. I posted about it on his thread and he said I needed to ask here.
  17. In the general CKAN thread or is there one specific to this mod?
  18. So.. KerbalStuff says that this should be on CKAN, but I can't find it there even just sorting by author = RoverDude - am I missing something or is it not actually there [yet] ?
  19. Phoenix1945 - did you do any docking in orbit before re-entry? I've noticed that sometimes docking and undocking requires a quicksave/quickload to get physics working properly again. If you do not, you may experience the following (or other things that I haven't seen yet): 1. Not all your RCS ports work, causing control asymmetry 2. Physics is off, specifically aerodynamics 3. Certain engines will not work 4. Some engines will not produce full thrust #2 may be happening to you. have seen it before, chutes out everything but hit the ground at 2000 m/s because air doesnt work
  20. I have that problem sometimes.. it used to be a lot worse, Freethinker fixed it for the majority of cases. Use the alt-f12 cheat to ignore max temp when you're in a situation like that.
  21. we're still going to get the 0.10c mode for the warp drives, right? That hasn't been cancelled?
  22. You *may* have spelled Aluminum wrong, - you used the UK spelling, but I'm not sure that I've seen it spelled that way in KSP before, so it may not match the string from the other mod..?
  23. it's not that it *doesn't work*, it's just that TCA overcorrects due to the cycling time of the turbines. It's worse on heavier craft. It'll start wobbling on the roll axis with positive feedback until the whole thing flips over and slams into the ground. Lighter craft, or craft not using these thermal engines, do not have this problem. I am wondering if there's some tuning to the p and i values within the TCA window that can alleviate this(?) To reproduce, simply make a VTOL craft in sandbox mode using antimatter reactors and thermal turbojets, after installing KSP Interstellar Extended. Obviously it also works better the closer it is to "stable without needing TCA" to begin with.
  24. Freethinker has already said he's going to be updating the warp drives, since I'm not the only one that's asked for this. It's handy to have an 0.10c mode for going to Minmus, for small adjustments around Jool, etc. It has a million uses. Sure having a much faster warp capability is great for the initial flight, unless it rips your ship apart due to G forces, which can happen since the warp drive behavior was changed and you're using DRE which adds G force effects to Kerbals... but it's very difficult to not hit planets if your minimum speed is 2.0c+. Search the forum for the previous discussion on the topic.
  25. Antimatter power. 0.10c is great for adjustment jumps or short trips. When 1 percent is 2c or faster, you hit planets a lot due to the lag in disengaging, and sometimes if the warp factor is high enough, your crew dies and the ship explodes.
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