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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. Very much looking forward to the warp fix with 0.10c... are we on weekly updates now or will that come out as soon as it's done?
  2. I've looked at it a bit, I'm still having trouble getting it to work properly 100% of the time when the following 2 conditions are true: 1. I'm using KSP Interstelllar Extended's thermal turbojets or thermal rockets (although the rockets/turbojets in closed cycle mode work better than when air breathing; I suspect this has to do with throttle lag on the turbines) 2. Craft is heavy ( > 250t or so ). These conditions are both unfortunately usually true in my world
  3. how is that thing flying with no control surfaces on the wings...?
  4. I can't turn the throttle down below 1% is the problem. The hyperdrive is rated at like 200c on this craft - 1% of 200 is 2, which is 2.0c and way too fast for short distance jumps - by the time KSP decides to recognize my input to turn the drive off, I've hit the planet already. I'd like basically to be able to go 0.10c with any hyperdrive that's capable of going *at least* that fast.
  5. one other thing - I'd REALLY like a static warp speed limiter again. 0.10c is great for close-in jumps especially considering there's a ton of lag between pressing the action key to disengage the hyperdrive and it actually happening. I hit a lot of planets when "1%" is over 2.00c ..
  6. so are the warp drives supposed to draw power even when they're off/not charging? I had a 150t spaceplane that was capable of pulling 40 m/s^2 on hydrazine in vacuum.. thermal turbojet + antimatter reactor. I added a foldable alcubierre drive and a couple other things to balance the weight after adding it (second VTOL engine, but obviously that's also off in the scenario described). Total weight gain is 22t, for a total of 172t. I now can only get 12 m/s^2 on the main engine. So I've increased the weight by 15% but my available acceleration is 75% less...? Not sure what's going on here.
  7. radioactivated I'm now having this problem, although I wasn't having it 2 weeks ago. I think something with one of the newer FAR updates may have broken it... are you using FAR as well?
  8. speaking of recalculating... remember my antimatter-tanks-unpowered issue - it seems that anything that needs power, keeps expecting power even if you turn it off, in general - and things that lose power, don't regain it.. it's weird. My latest example - I had hydrogen tanks, which require power - on this particular ship I just had standard PB-NUK electric generators, since I meant for those tanks to be hydrazine, not liquid H2... so the cryosats were depleting all of the electric charge. ok... so I turn the cryosats off, H2 starts boiling off, like you'd expect... but the power draw didn't stop. Reverted to VAB, changed tanks to hydrazine, relaunch, no draw as expected since no cryosats.
  9. What I'm getting at with the N2 is that the ISRU has a mode to "extract LqdAmmonia" but I don't know where this resource can be found - am I not supposed to be able to use the ISRU like that? It seems to think it can be used like that. EDIT: Is this an unimplemented artifact from the original KSPI? The ISRU Wiki for it definitely claims that extracting ammonia directly from the ground with the ISRU extractor is a thing. I just don't see that it's [still] implemented in KSPIE? Please advise
  10. SORRY, meant to say *Nitrogen*. The ISRUs can extract ammonia, but I have no way to scan for it from orbit, so unless I get really lucky and find some on the surface, I have no off-world source of nitrogen... I need some kind of part that can scan for ammonia, since the ISRU can extract it. Water I can already scan for with SCANSat.
  11. OK, figured out the ISRU issue - have to "turn overflow on" - what it's really upset about is that the Peroxide process wants to make monopropellant AND hydrazine, and I don't have any MP tanks on this thing. So, the error msg is a bit misleading. So I guess now I need to figure out how to find Ammonia deposits. I don't see any other way to make hydrogen if I can't find ammonia to extract, otherwise I'm going to be lacking nitrogen anywhere that has no atmosphere. SCANSat doesn't appear to be able to detect it from orbit and so far the only way I can see to determine if there is any is to take the ISRU there and right click it... any other way to find where ammonia lives?
  12. Been trying to build a refinery... I've got antimatter power set up with an AGI core (unmanned refinery). To test, I put some lqdAmmonia tanks, followed by hydrogen peroxide tanks, followed by a 2.5m refinery, and a big empty hydrazine tank. I turn on the refinery to 'peroxide process'. Quantities say ammonia and HTP are available, but Status says "Liquid Ammonia and Hydrogen Peroxide Deprived" and it does nothing. Here's a screenshot to illustrate... guess I'll have to make a dropbox link, can't see how to upload an image directly to the forums(?) https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5fdy30kvupk83r/peroxide-process.jpg?dl=0
  13. I'll dig up some pics... it's like that magnetic bug I posted yesterday though, you can only reproduce the issue on an improperly designed craft Your idea about displaying weight limits is amazingly good. Please do that
  14. I'm still having difficulty with the light warp drives. Even in a 10-11t ship, a single 1.25m isn't enough to get into warp. If I stack more of them, it adds enough weight that I can't get ahead of the curve. Trying to use 1.875m I keep running into charging problems where similarly size Charged particle gens + antimatter reactors aren't putting out enough power to charge them - what's worse is that it claims my antimatter tanks are unpowered, despite having a higher priority than the warp drives... even if I shut off all warp drive charging at this point, it still counts down to 0 saying the tanks are unpowered, and then BOOM the ship explodes. At the small size warp drives it seems like you need bigger radius reactors/gens than the warp drives themselves, which makes for interesting design issues. And this is with fully upgraded antimatter power in sandbox. Of course I may be doing it wrong or explaining it wrong.. let me know what you'd like to see, if anything here, that might clarify the problem.
  15. Freethinker - this version is *almost perfect* from my perspective - warp drives are no longer killing Kerbals, the new big one looks great, my thermal engines are still working.. only one thing remains - if a part cannot work at a current scale, perhaps edit the tweakscale settings to not allow it to be made that size? For example the 'light alcubierre drive' - at 1.25m you can charge it to exactly 22.12% and no further, so it cannot be used. Or is the idea that I just stack a bunch of these? I guess stacking... 5 of them might work. Also it might be fun if you could configure these things to automatically drop out of warp when you're within a configurable # of kilometers of a planet or other object. EDIT - if you scale that hyperdrive from 1.25m up to 1.875m it has room to spare after hitting 100%... at about 1/3 of its exoticmatter capacity. Seems like the 1.25m needs to hold just a bit more? EDIT2 - found a bug with the magnetic nozzle. If you screw up the build and don't put a source of charged particles near enough to the engine, you get the engines not showing up in the staging dialog in flight, unable to ESC-revert-quit/etc, and a constant stream of incorrect FX out the back of the engines - and this in the logs: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FNPlugin.InterstellarMagneticNozzleControllerFX.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 If you build the ship correctly, however, this doesn't happen, so that's at least an acceptable workaround
  16. I'm just using the Interstellar drive. I noticed something else just now though on a different ship (ring is big enough )... even at 1% warp throttle.. I engage the drive, and "Jebediah Kerman has died due to G force damage". at 2% or more, the ship explodes too. Is this a matter of "lighter ships need smaller warp drives and don't use a 5m drive on a 140t craft, use the 2.5m drive instead" ? This seems like there are some new mechanics in the new warp drive which are very different from how it worked before. I'm not complaining, I think it adds depth and balance and makes it not "overpowered" - I'm just trying to make sure I understand what's going on so I can differentiate "problem with my understanding of the operation" from "bug in the module" I've definitely never seen Kerbals die from g force damage engaging the warp drive before, *that* seems to be new behavior that I seemingly have no way to prevent Also in the screenshot - the ship is only a LITTLE bigger than the ring.. the angle I took the screenshot at makes it look "off" a bit.
  17. This vessel is only 17 tons. I did notice that the closer I got to Kerbin, the lower the %-charged got when the bar was full.. is that a new mechanic? takes more exotic matter to enter warp the closer you are to a gravity well? This craft pictured is a 2-seat runabout with 2 magnetic engines and the warp drive and a bunch of SCANsat gear... designed to operate in vacuum and scan planets. I think it may need bigger magnetic nozzles, though, at full thrust I can get about 1.0G and only 15k dV. So I either need more thrust, more dV, or practice that using-the-sun's-gravity-to-kill-inertia-after-warp maneuver that I've heard people talk about and I can kind of almost do.
  18. OK I could swear I've used the new hyperdrive parts... but I just made a new survey craft with a 1.25m foldable alcubierre drive (the new one), and I can't... I can't power it. I've charged it as high as it will go.. and I don't understand what the "warp throttle" thing is all about. used to be you'd set your lightspeed factor and that was that, now that number is fixed and I can select a throttle %? how come I can't charge it enough to activate it? Here's a screenshot of the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgsqdz64bop30zw/small-hyperdrive-error.png?dl=0
  19. ABZB's Mk2-KSPI seems to want to work with a "mk2 expansion" - mine is a new set of parts that are reworks of the STOCK mk2 and mk3 tanks to support IFS fuels. I have it working, I'll post a .zip after I clean up some paths and get the size converters updated along with the main tank. Made a really nice Mk3 passenger shuttle using it... lots fewer parts, better framerates, just by having the ability to store IFS fuels in a native Mk3 part without having to fudge it with a cargo bay and a KSPI tank inside. Also mine does mk3 and mk2. I think i've seen ABZB on this forum - he made the Mk2-KSPI integration - if either he or Freethinker want to consolidate/update/adapt what I've done into either module, that'd be for the best I think since what I've done really shouldn't be a separate module that people need to worry about
  20. Freethinker - you are the wind beneath my wings. Or, maybe that's ferram4... YOU are the .. thermal beneath my nozzle. That sounds dirty but I'm sticking with it. Thanks! Also I am testing the mk2/mk3 IFS tanks tonight. Still using the stock models and textures, but they should be functional. I'll put it on dropbox for people to play with, but if you wanted to include it in KSPIE that'd be good. I basically matched the configs with the approximately-same-sized Interstellar tanks. Should allow for more efficient spaceplane designs, I'm hoping.
  21. Thanks, seems to work correctly now to try the new stuff... land at target seems interesting
  22. Can someone explain to me how the runway works? It doesn't look very runway-ish.. is there a way to build an actual long runway on Laythe/Duna/etc with this part? Also is it normal for ships to not work correctly when first undocked from the launchpad? I release from the orbital dock and then have to quicksave/quickload to make physics, engines, etc work correctly. Known issue? just me? something else?
  23. any updates on the thermal engines, Freethinker? Anything I can tweak in the part config in the meantime to alleviate the problem while waiting on a fix? Also I'm working on Mk2/Mk3 fuel tanks that use InterstellarFuelSwitch... are you already doing that or would you like my configs once I've finished with them?
  24. yeah the using fuel very fast on the mag nozzle was my fault, had a lot less fuel than I thought. The real major issue that I and most seem to be having is the heat generation on the thermal engines though.. really would like to have those functional again. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
  25. Some other things I've noticed: 1. Magnetic nozzles gobble fuel very very very fast. I hadn't used them much up until this patch though, so maybe that's normal? Anyway, I also heard in a patch note that chargedparticles would be "converted to fuel" ...? How does that work? I didn't observe such behavior. 2. Warp drives - got a test ship up into LKO with a 3.75m drive attached.. took it out at 0.10c, no problem. 1.0c no problem. 5.0c no problem. Pushed it to 20c, engaged the drive, and the whole ship exploded in a blaze of glory. F3 window said "exploded due to overheating". Wasteheat was 0 at the moment of warp activation. 3. Warp drives - the entire craft has to be laterally within the ring now, correct? I remember reading something about that but I want to verify before I try debugging my spaceplane carrier if the attached planes explode 4. Even the 3.75m thermal engines are pretty much useless to lift anything significant now definitely producing too much heat, but I'm not sure which parameters to tune - I've tried a few, but I'm clearly doing it wrong since it didn't help much/at all/got worse/etc.
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