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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. You've just saved my entire space program thanks!
  2. I'm having an issue scaling the stock "Big S Delta Wing" part - this is a fairly core part for my spaceplane division, I use them almost exclusively and have since they were introduced back in 0.90 or whenever that was. Before now, the scaling detentes were 100, 200, 400, and I could drag the slider to get anything in between 100 and 400 inclusive (or smaller, I suppose, but I never wanted/needed that). In 1.1.2 + Tweakscale, the detentes are 100, 200, and that's it. However if you click the >> again you get the 400% size, but the slider still says 200% (!). And there's no way to drag the slider to get values between 200 and 400 - I used to use 250% and 300% a lot, and now that's seemingly unavailable. I can drag the slider between 100-200, but above 200 it's 400% or nothing. Is this a bug or did something change in the expected behavior? I'm assuming that if the slider is maxed at 200% and I can click >> again to get a "secret" scaling value that this is in fact a bug, but .. that's why I'm asking here. Again the part itself is part of the base KSP distribution.
  3. stock wheels are.. weird now. An 87t spaceplane needs 2 sets of "large" main gear plus the nose gear, all set at max brakes and max friction, to stop the meager 87t on the runway. Have to use chutes if I can't get it down right on the numbers, even. So if you're wondering, "but what is wrong with the wheels?" this is one example.
  4. I'm having kind of a.. different problem. Not having the problem with anything sticking to the launch pad, but... in 1.1.2 the fairings appear *weak*. I'll be launching a rocket and suddenly I'll get structural failure between the conic fairing and the base ring, and the fairings fall off. This did not happen in 1.1.0, does happen in 1.1.2. I'm going very gently through the atmosphere even; max accel 12 m/s, max dynamic pressure 12000 pascals... should be ok.. but isn't. didn't have to impose even these limits in 1.1.0, the fairings were really strong back then. I am using KJR and FAR, if that makes a difference; I have always used those with PF though and 1.1.2 is the first time I've had this problem.
  5. FAR's voxel based aerodynamics will prevent them from getting drag (except for the parts that stick out) since FAR does not do drag per part but instead models the entire shape of the craft when calculating drag. One reason I never play KSP without FAR
  6. What I usually do is clip the large flat radiators inside the spaceplane wings so that just a little is sticking out the front. This essentially gives you radiator wings. It's not the most elegant solution but a 400% tweakscaled Big-S delta wing can have like 6 large flat radiators at 100-150% stuffed inside each one, which is enough for even multiple 3.75m antimatter reactors. And it doesn't damage the aesthetic much if at all. @FreeThinker you may or may not be aware, or care since it's a CKAN thing and it's probably on their end; but KSP Interstellar isn't showing up on CKAN currently *at all*, even if you tell it to show 'all available mods regardless of compatibility'. It did this once before. IIRC it fixed itself but I'm not sure how that sausage was made, exactly. I'll grab the 1.1.2-compatible one manually from the forum front page for now. IFS is updated and correct on CKAN though, it's just the core mod that isn't.
  7. now that tweakscale has been updated for 1.1, does that put B9 one step closer to a 1.1 update as well? I'm hoping so at least, I've loved this mod since I found it in 0.23.5 or so and I can't wait to build Large Things with B9 + Unity5
  8. it does have VNAV - "GS" mode is essentially VNAV for the flight plans. Only problem I'm having in 1.1 is that the localizer/glideslope aren't aligned around the navball anymore.. they're ... above it and way off to the left. I can work around that but it's definitely a bug.
  9. something seems to have gone south with CKAN since you separated air race out today. Most of the kerbin-side modules now for some reason require the ContractPack: SCANSat module, which hasn't been updated since 1.0.4, and CKAN pukes on installing everything except the updates to KSC itself...
  10. Yes, that seems like exactly what happened. The hotfix number after the version on CKAN is different from the one on your github page.
  11. CKAN has bad metadata for this mod currently: https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/releases/download/v0.25.1.26155/RasterPropMonitor. is what it's trying to download, but this URL produces a 404-not-found error. Going to try to download manually and dump into CKAN's cache dir to unblock, but thought I'd let you know.
  12. so tweakscale is included with KSPIE now? or do I still need to install tweakscale separately? KSPIE's tweakscale folder appears to have all the DLLs and stuff already though?
  13. any update on this for 1.1? TAC fuel balancer is no longer being maintained, I think this is the only mod out there that can balance fuel now?
  14. @ferram4 - I understand, I'm just never sure if this is a CKAN issue or an issue somewhere else. I need to go educate myself on how CKAN actually works, I guess. Is it something where you just put it up on spacedock and CKAN is supposed to... find it there? I'll just install FAR and KSPIE by hand for now.
  15. awesome. This marks the REAL official release of KSP 1.1; it's simply not playable without FAR. I am, however, puzzled as to why a LOT of the mods that I know are updated for 1.1, this one included, are not showing up on CKAN. Is this a problem with CKAN or is it something else?
  16. will this update be coming to CKAN? I'm never quite sure if it's CKAN itself that's slow picking up updates, or if it's the mods themselves that aren't pushed there
  17. ok. Steam says it's "official" now and the non-opt-in-to-prerelease people like me got the 1.1 update today so... I think it's official? anyway, will be patient until you're ready with it. FAR hasn't updated yet either so KSP is on the shelf for me until KSPIE and FAR are ready at minimum
  18. wasn't today the official release? I'm pretty sure 1.1 is official now...?
  19. is this mod going to still be on CKAN? It's not currently available there... er.. hm, probably because it only released for 1.1 very recently at all?
  20. so is this mod no longer on CKAN? CKAN claims that it is not available for *any* version of KSP, at present. Is this intentional? Interstellar Fuel Switch is still up there (and updated for 1.1), but KSPIE is not.
  21. Honestly I'm surprised that Squad didn't integrate this mod into stock. It seems like something that KSP should have had from day 1.
  22. I've had this happen to me after docking and undocking in space.. I go to land and.. THE AIR IS TURNED OFF. Several mods have this problem - the only one that reliably reproduces it every time is RPM. So after undocking, go IVA. If your RPM screens are all gray and broken, you're... in trouble. Fortunately fixing this is as easy as a quicksave/quickload (F5/F9). Fixes it every time, at least for me (1.0.5 32-bit Windows version). Not sure what's CAUSING the problem in your case, but the solution may in fact be the same. F5/F9 before re-entry, see if that helps. Even if it doesn't, you can now exit the game, reload it, push ESC -> Load save (at KSC), and load 'quicksave' and now you're fully reinitialized and ready to try the entry again with working air.
  23. @Diazo I noticed something weird about how AGX interacts with RemoteTech. KSPIE has an AGI Core module which is a probe core but it's.. artificial intelligence. Without AGX, this part acts as though the vessel is locally crewed. AGX however still sees it as a probe core, and using action groups is subject to light-speed delay where it should not be since the upper-left indicator under the clock says "Local Control". Stock action groups work instantly as they should, AGX action groups do not.
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