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Everything posted by ss8913

  1. quick and dirty antimatter tutorial: 1. 1.25m cockpit 2. 1.25m antimatter tank 3. 1.25m electric generator 4. 1.25m antimatter reactor 5. 1.25m thermal turbojet 6. add some radial air intakes like the stock structural intake, around the body of the ship. point the openings upward. 7. add some heat radiators around the body of the ship. Even if the VAB thermal helper is still red, that's fine, you're not going to be running that reactor at full output for very long, if at all. Add chutes and RCS as needed. put those parts in order top down. Now right click the antimatter tank. put antimatter in. Look at launch cost. Weep. (do this in sandbox). Assign one of your custom hot keys to "toggle propellant" on the thermal turbojet. Launch it. When you get to 14000-25000m depending on your velocity you'll notice the atmospheric thrust isn't.. really thrusting much anymore. push your toggle propellant hotkey twice to kick it into LFO mode. You should have quite a bit of dV left over if you haven't ripped the ship apart accelerating through the atmosphere that fast. If you ripped the ship apart accelerating through the atmosphere that fast, reset to launch and use less throttle
  2. I can confirm that with the updated DLLs as posted, RPM works great in 0.90. I still haven't reinstalled VesselViewer yet though. Also, changing the timing on the MFDs so that they update every frame instead of every 5-10, is absolutely invaluable to flying and at least on my computer makes no difference in frame rates.
  3. I updated the 'hard' config as suggested by the author a few days ago - definitely an improvement! I'd say this is a good baseline for 'hard' mode as it's now tricky to fly a re-entry again, which is as it should be.
  4. before 0.90, I had an orbital antimatter-power station pushing 420GW peak. There aren't enough radiators on Kerbin to stabilize that heat output long-term, sadly. Had to turn it down to about 45-50%.
  5. TAC Life Support and B9 don't need an update - as long as you have an updated Firespitter and you don't overwrite it with the one that B9 ships with. TACLS seems to work as-is, at least for me (Win32 OpenGL)
  6. oh, ok, so if I have the latest Ka/MKS/OKS, and this, everything is good? nice.
  7. My "hardSettings.cfg" actually does say "heat multiplier" not "multiplier" ... I'll try these settings and see what I come up with. As it is now I can re-enter almost anything on hard mode and use between 0-4 units of ablative shielding *at most* which is definitely a big departure from the behavior under 0.25.
  8. so wait, ORSX is gone? All my Karbonite stuff and ore for refining into rocketparts for extraplanetary launchpads.. that's all gone? Does regolith expand upon this/work with Karbonite in any way?
  9. well hopefully by the time I get up to that tech level on 0.90 career, KSPI will be updated to 0.90
  10. couple things I've noticed: 1. I'm using hard mode (with FAR); it seems far easier to re-enter now than it did on 0.25 ... a lot. Much less heating. 2. Parachute defaults have changed from 500m to 2300m and a higher min density, which .. I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but it's different. Haven't unlocked the drogue chutes yet so I don't know if they've changed.
  11. I'll try that. I notice that anti-aliasing isn't working either >< .... I *thought* 0.90 used the same Unity as 0.25 though? None of these problems existed in 0.25.
  12. I read the previous page and the dev page, and the dev build hasn't been updated either according to the posts there, for 0.90...? I'll go back to the dev thread and see if there's something new there.
  13. so I'm confused, does the current scansat work with 0.90 or am I still waiting for an update here?
  14. I've noticed SciMan's issues as well - My 400GW antimatter power generator has a ton of radiators and I have to turn the transmitter down to about 50-60% to avoid an overheat no matter how many radiators I add. Although.. if it works better on the ground, we could just have a ground power station pointing upwards to a mesh of 3 or 4 geostationary relays in orbit - relays don't overheat.
  15. so, Karbonite is clean for 0.90, I assume MKS/OKS will be getting the same Love "soon"?
  16. so it seems like the plugin loads and I get the DRE menu.. but nothing is actually happening to my craft on re-entry? Maybe just because I haven't installed the new FAR yet?
  17. I read that they didn't use the newer Unity for this release and we're still on 4.5.x - not true?
  18. I'm perfectly happy to install FAR. I just hope that Ferram realizes how excruciatingly important (and good!) his mod is to many of us. I'd like to see the stock game use FAR as an *option* at least.. in difficulty settings, you pick "real aerodynamics" and it enables an integrated version of FAR, or you can turn it off if you want "fun over realism" ... in any event, I remember it wasn't very long after 0.25 dropped that FAR support was released for it, so here's hoping the wait won't be too long
  19. it's very much NOT resolved. You need -force-opengl on 32-bit or you can't run any significant level of modification. It was working just fine with 0.25 using -force-opengl, and now on 0.90 it's not. It's not a unity issue, or it would have been just as broken on 0.25. I'm having the same issue. If I run in windowed mode (alt-enter), then it's ok, but... In the absence of a working 64-bit build, we *absolutely must* have OpenGL mode working correctly like it did in 0.25.
  20. They *really* need to get FAR into stock. This is like my #1 cannot-live-without-it mod, since I'm a RW pilot and real aerodynamics are, shockingly, very important to me
  21. OK.. I'm a big into spaceplanes... this mod does do what mechjeb smart ASS does, or translatron, or a combination of the two. However what this mod does that Mechjeb does NOT do is handle thermal turbojets from KSP-Interstellar. Mechjeb2 basically cannot understand how these engines spool, and everything ends in a crash. This module can actual maintain height with them. Also with spaceplanes with downward facing engines, it works brilliantly to hover and maneuver. I love this mod. My only desire is for a "kill all horizontal velocity" function. it can be very tricky to land safely if you can't kill all the velocity... is this a possibility? the MJ2 version has this, but as I said, can't work with my thermal turbojets/thermal rockets. And the MJ2 version doesn't work with spaceplanes nearly as well as this does.
  22. ok you guys are all asking very advanced questions about programming new IVAs, which is good, and I may do that at some point, but before that I need to ask a couple of really really dumb questions: 1. My B9 cockpits all have an 'HSI' option under 'NAV' - all I get is a black screen, although I've seen youtube videos of this working. Why isn't mine? I've tried reinstalling RPM and B9, in that order, and in the opposite order, to no effect. 2. Why does the new 0.25 stock Mk2 cockpits not have ANY RPM support? 3. The old stock Mk2 cockpit (the one with the attachment points on both sides, have the RPM support but I can't see out of the cockpit, but I think that's due to the interior modeling not being complete on that part... so I'm really only concerned about #1 and #2 there. any ideas?
  23. What cockpit is that in the video? Also, why does RPM not seem to work with the stock Mk2 cockpit, but works with all others? I'm using 0.18.3 on KSP 0.25 Windows 32-bit.
  24. So I love this mod... long time flight sim/real world pilot here, so this is great - I just have 2 problems that I can't seem to get around. #1 is more serious than #2: #1 - the gauge update rate is way too slow to be very useful. My stock KSP navball is nice and smooth, but inside the cockpits, it updates at maybe 2-3 FPS on the displays, while the overall KSP is running at 40-60fps, and I kind of need the displays to update more quickly, especially the attitude indicator. #2 - I went to moho last night. All attempts to IVA anywhere near moho caused a long hang followed by "KSP.exe has stopped working" and it crashed without writing a log. Running the mission without using the IVA mode was fine. Anything I can do about these, specifically #1?
  25. so I'm sure I've done something dumb here... I searched the forum and didn't find anything that was new enough to be relevant to 0.25 though, so here goes - career mode... get to the 1000-point science nodes... and it just stops. There's no more nodes to get, so I'm locked out of most of the Interstellar parts. What did I do wrong here and how do I fix it? On previous KSP versions I did not have this issue.. did 0.25 break treeloader or whatever it is that makes it work? Please advise and thanks in advance
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