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  1. Guess who had a terrible night's sleep >_<

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DunaManiac


      What? I spend the night reading books. (Which is why I am such a nerd to my friends at school


    3. NSEP


      All the books i own are kids books for 7 year olds, my local library is too far away so i just listen to music and draw some cool things (the Velicoraptor i drew was made by me at 2 am) to help me sleep, and that does not help. Neither does laying in bed and doing absolutely nothing work either. All i can possibly do is waste my energy as much as possible in the most productive and enjoyable way.

      In fact, pretty much all my works are made during the late night.

    4. Nailed it!

      Nailed it!

      To sleep I just try to predict situations,that will happen tomorrow, make plans for ships in (yawn) KSP, imagine thingss thhat willllnever happen and yrcgvkjhbfvnkt b (snore with head on the keyboard)

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