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Everything posted by nablabla

  1. Hi, I have no win10 device in my range. Did you try to download it again? Maybe the file is broken or something. No error at all ist weired. As far as I know does win 10 contains a .NET version and if not, there should be a message. Hard to tell, maybe win10 tries to initialize some service which does not manage to run. Or maybe you try restarting your windows. I'll test it on a win10 device as soon as I find one. But I do not use ANYTHING except the standard functionallity, no libraries, no dependencies, only file-I/O. best regards
  2. just an idea: what if engineers can remove soot from engines? (that does not mean that I am stuck somewhere with sooted engines, or does it >_<) and there could be a limit lik e1 star can remove everything but 50%, 5 star can remove everything but 10%
  3. I think the same as Drelam. Also the infos in the game are often too short or do not contain the very viable information (e.g. the IR Antenna does not say anything about liquid helium). I think the easiest way to improve this mod and make it an option for more players is to improve on the descriptions. I do not have the knowledge to help here, I run into the same problems. Additionally the fact that there are so many outdated sources of information makes it even worse.
  4. okay two more things: 1) I bought the science lab upgrade now there appeared a second one, I bought that too, now there is a third one :/ in the node "Scientific Outposts" 2) I cannot use the IR Telescope. It does nothing, I found in the wiki (https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/IR-Telescope) that it needs a helium cryostate next to it. But nowhere in the game there is mentioned anything about that matter. Also there is no helium (crystate) tank.
  5. hi there, is there any kind of tutorial workshop or a forum where you can post and read other peoples experience with the kspie parts? Like which part did you use to do what and whats the crafts mass etc. there is no (not-outdated) tutorial on youtube or anywhere else. The tutorial page is incomplete and only tells you how to read the specs. I tried out thermal turbojet and the thermal ramjet nozzle on some spaceplanes without much succes, it is not providing thrust at sea level, bad performance in flight or not really overwhelming performance in space. Either use huge hydrogen-tanks for 700s or only something within 450-550s, so the NERVA or candle is still much better also because it's lighter and much less complex. Also I find that the closed cycle gas core (or even the open cycle gas core) is waay more efficient than the nozzles with any reactor and very easy to handle and also reasonably cheap. I So I build either a launcher or a spaceplane with a turbojet and just use the bulb. I can also think of a useful ship using the direct cycle nuclear jet. But is there anything useful I can do with the molten salt reactor and particle bed reactor? As of yet I only have "Improved Nucular Powder" and "High efficiency Nuclear Propulsion" unlocked
  6. Hi, not shure if it is intendet, but when using the thermal nozzle scaled down to 1.25m it overheats very very very fast. the issue that the scram jet does not thrust at all seems to be fixed, thanks.
  7. okay, but rss is too buggy and crashy for me now, i will try it later, thanks anyways
  8. okay, but rss is too buggy and crashy for me now, i will try it later, thanks anyways
  9. then the problem is, how far the conics are painted when on an escape trajectory, its really hard to plan an interseption with unconventionally fast ships
  10. hi, I installed the master branch after installing EVE as it is described in the readme on my ksp 1.1.2 and run in 64bit mode, however alt+E does not bring me any window on the launchpad when I pause the game. (And there are no clouds) Anything I can do?
  11. hi, is there a way to increase the SOI of the Kerbol system? I want to shoot myself at plock, but when I am no an escape trajectory I cannot see my path, it ends between urlum and neidon best regards
  12. so is it a bug or not? my nozzle does not eat hydrazine
  13. whoohoo, thank you, waiting for the update on ckan. Why is it always when I try out something new, that I am the one running in a bug causing to questioning myself >_<
  14. the newest on ckan ie 1.8.22 and two things: I scaled it to 1.25m (kerbal engineers says it has 88kN and an isp of 176s O.o) and its really 0.0kN when using internal fuel rather than intake air i have nothing like an air cooler
  15. its still gives me less then 3kn when flying with 300m/s
  16. hi, what wrong? (underneath the radiator there is a nuclear reactor directly connected to the thermal ramjet nozzle) i dont expect it to fly, its the first time i test kspie, but there should be some thrust, right?
  17. I realize that, but when all the planets spin out of their orbit, is it not a bit odd? I mean, if they are stable for say 100 or 1000 years, ok, but if not, I would like to have that option for obvious reasons, you cannot model everything perfectly realistic, and for all I know (and I know very little) its very hard to design a system which is stable for indefinite time, so why just not trying it? The interesting and important part is that the vessels behave like in reality, plus saves computation time.
  18. hi, after playing for a while (like 6 flight or so) i only have 1 flight in progress i can not exit the mission control building when entering, nor can i launch a vessel, just nothing happens when clicking any buttn of the new ksp UI, also not the back to main menu, but settings do work, very odd it only happens in my actual save file (i a new game it works) and I also cannot find any logs in any folder of the game. where are they hidden those days? mods is installed (not so many): best regards
  19. sorting! ok, that will be an option of course, I think I will use a table instead of this list I am using now.
  20. it is searching for the in-game titles
  21. I wonder if the TAC life supprt will change or if some RO update will be added, I find everything is so beautiful now, but TACLS has not changed since years. The parts you need to add to a craft are unrealistically small, right? Comparing to the appollo CSM, which weighted over 28t, In RO I only have to add this tiny supplies container. There is not really a service module required, also I can put it on top of the capsule which feels cheaty, because then messing up the reentry does not matter and I can just wait. So I think you should have some kind of "Support"-module which does the air circulation and scrubbing thing and you need one per astronaut or such. Which you for example don't want to land on the moon Also I would love to have some option like "cut rations" if I failed the mission by some minor percentage of the budget, which gives some other negative effect, like astronauts cannot be used for some time if they were on cut rations and their fitness decreases. That is what would happen in reality. And it also does not include fitness and I tried the the "KeepFit" mod and found it is unintuitie, also it is not part of RO. (btw: does anyone know why the appollo mission used fuel cells and no solar powder? make no sense to me)
  22. [praise] So awesome! I love this options menu, its soo good, now I can set wether i want signal delay and all that stuff. Thank you so much!
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