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Everything posted by Pecan

  1. There is a MechJeb thread though: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-24-2-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-3-1
  2. Make it huge, Huge, HUGE. Single launch interplanetary is always fairly huge. If you want a heavy payload it's just going to get worse. Huge. Trying to push all that stuff with a high TWR will take Huge engines. It's going to need masses of fuel if you don't go during a transfer window, so you're making it harder for yourself. Make it HUGE for all the extra fuel you'll need. TL;DR - you're trying to do everything the hardest way so the ship will have to be HUGE. TWR is best 'as low as you can go' but, yeah, I wouldn't have the patience for something that's 0.11 either (not m/s, it's just a fraction). I can cope with 0.2 but usually aim for 0.5. Let that determine how much you can take in a single launch and for best results go during a transfer window - that's what they are for!
  3. All went pear-shaped here; virgin game as far as AGX is concerned but with quite a few mods (see signature). Installed AGX, loaded existing ship in SPH, made AGX a visible button in toolbar, switched to action groups to confirm AGX was present. Didn't add or change any action-group settings, didn't touch AGX except clicking its toolbar button to show and then hide it. Launched (to runway). Existing action groups (keyboard 1 - 5) were ignored. Opening AGX showed 'no actions' for selected action groups, although some were shown in green (3 - 5). Reverted to SPH. Existing action groups (as above) showed as previously set, eg; AG1 = toggle 4 engines. Edited parts and actions in AGX to match pre-configured stock action groups. Launch. Existing action groups were ignored. AGX action groups showed random parts, eg; fuel tanks instead of engines, with no actual actions (presumably because you can't "toggle" a fuel tank ^^). Mod deleted (*sad* I've been looking forward to your hard work updating it). Lots of RL workcoming up but I'm assuming this is a conflict with another mod. Will try to track it down in the next few days.
  4. I hope we never get there! Software development rules*: Version 1 is 'feature complete' Version 1.5 works Version 1.8 includes the things that should have been in version 1 but were too difficult Version 2 (the developer's cut) includes the things that should have been in version 1 but were too expensive Version 2 (the developer's cut) is never implemented [*]Version 2 (marketing) is version 1.8.1 Version 2 (marketing) is only implemented if there's no more money to be milked from version 1.8 [* Except EA, who will sell you an empty box and each real feature as an add-on]
  5. Yeah, it's about the .PDF document itself - all your references above are good !!OOPS, I never even said, 'Well Done', sorry!! but they should be published with the document itself so it's a 'standalone' thing; here's the information and this is where it comes from. Legally, unless each published document explicitly says you can copy/redistribute it, then you can't just bundle stuff like this together. It's unlikely to be an issue in the KSP community (I hope) but when you're rich and famous and selling this for 100funds each there's always the chance of friends falling-out if you don't cover yourself. Anyway - well done :-)
  6. Enjoy yourselves people but remember; you're publishing this information to the world and all its crooks, not just to each other.
  7. THE central repository for information and tutorials is http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28352-The-Drawing-Board-A-library-of-tutorials-and-other-useful-information so I'd suggest you post a compilation of LINKS TO YOUR ORIGINAL DATA there. The reasons "links" is in capitals are ... i) do you have permission to reprint/distribute the originals (if so, how are you sure and where do you credit the original authors?), ii) since THEY'll update their data you don't want to publishing out-of-date stuff. ;-0 Have fun in school - you'll learn about plagiarism, attribution, etc. there.
  8. I'm feeling a bit of a dunce today - where do I install this .cfg?
  9. Housewarming Party! Welcome to your new home and thanks for continuing with this mod.
  10. Necro guys - OP and last post before today were May last year. For anyone else looking for the formula, it's on wikipedia (so it must be true ^^): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovsky_rocket_equation
  11. Hmmm, I retyped my earlier post to remove what appeared to be a negative comment that would get tonnes of abuse hurled at me. Obviously I should have had the courage of my convictions as it seems to be a more common view than I expected. So, what I had intended to say as well was, "For the first time I'm disappointed at an update and not looking forward to it. The emphasis of KSP is moving away from a space-simulator without it becoming any sensible or interesting sort of management game."
  12. The news about crew transfers without EVA is good; if it supports CLS or something like it. Unity 5 support should be great. Looking forward to what Hugo did with the parts remodelling to, presumably, standardise them all and, I hope, implement the missing internal views. The rest is, "mehh ok". To be honest, I can't see myself spending much time on science/career mode as long as the tech-tree is so insane so contracts and the admin building aren't interesting and like the last update there's nothing much here for rocketeers. :-) Still, that's an SEP - I can still have as much fun in sandbox as always, no-one's taking my existing toys away.
  13. While we're waiting, did anyone bother to listen that hour and a bit of podcast the other day? I don't have the bandwidth or the time to sit through all that waffle just to get one or two bullet points. Was there anything in it?
  14. Welcome to the forums. The best place to find tutorials is The Drawing Board, which is a guide to all the written and filmed forum threads, youtube videos and other web-sites and files, including mine :-)
  15. A very well considered and written appraisal, well done. First impressions are always useful. Can't say I disagree with anything you said either. I do use spacestations, but only because I want to make a reusable space-based infrastructure rather than launching everything in single-shot missions from Kerbin. Other things I almost completely agree with - especially that the tech-tree is, essentially, fatally flawed as it is. That's nearly all thanks to the RPM mod though - any cockpit can look like that if you install it.
  16. And this section of the forums (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/37-Add-on-Development) which is all about developing mods.
  17. Be green (and not just skin-colour): Reduce: design a small fleet of standard ships that work for all your missions - it's elegant. Reuse: what goes into space can be used over and over again (except Eve landers ^^). Recycle: what must be jettisoned can be designed for recovery if jettisoned early enough, just before circularisation or by de-orbiting.
  18. I wrote 109 pages of tutorial about it (link in the signature)! Relax - the re-edited version isn't that long. (It's only 101 including appendix).
  19. Congratulations :-) Anyone's first time is an achievement. Problem - the plane looks sleek in silhuoette but I'd like to see it in daylight too! More pics please ;-0 I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Despite doing quick trips with this a lot of times I only really tested it a few days ago. I overdid the intake-spamming and its performance surprised me a bit. Crew Shuttle In Orbit
  20. It's so nice to see a simple answer to a simple question. Thank you.
  21. So, what's everyone been doing for their holidays? I played with this game called KSP that I bought, considered the uncertainty software developers face when they set out on a continuing mission to go where no Kerbal has gone before and came to the conclusion that I was better-off in the pub. (Don't ask where I got off the bus on Saturday night after the stag do, I just remember the long walk to taxi, then big bill home). Back to work for Tuesday though and wooo! was it manic after the bank holiday. Mind you; mostly because I did most of the routine work on my own because the boss had made a huge balls-up and was stuck in all the paperwork trying to sort it out (She loses, I win - profit!). Today was more sort of 'blah' but I had my first, in 18 months, perfect accounting period where everything was spot on. Best news is that my daughter passed both the exams she took a year early, including a top grade grade in Spanish ... only slightly devalued by the fact that her mother's Spanish and she's spent several weeks per year living in Spain with the Spanish relatives - ah well, a win's a win. Oops, I thought someone mentioned realism, sorry about that.
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