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Everything posted by Champ

  1. I think you misunderstood me : it was in answer to somebody who said 1.0 was so bad that you couldnt even launch or reentry. I just say it's wrong, because you could launch and you could reentry.
  2. I really think option 2 is better, but i couldnt explain why
  3. I was able to launch and to reentry in 1.0. The fact that you cant do things the way you always did it before does not mean you cant do anything. I even got to the mun in 1.0... Talk of gamebreaking bugs !
  4. Squad explicitly said on multiple occasions that 1.0 is NOT the last release. No. The first thread will have done its job. The many other threads will always be pointless. Again : they said it's not the final release, they will continue to work on it. You are just talking about your fantasy ("they call it 1.0 so they will stop working on it"), not about a real thing.
  5. > But I'm a bit lost of what to do now, I used the junior lab and the boogie capsules in all flight parameters so I cannot get more science from those, so what should I do now to get more science? any idea? Hard to say without knowing what you already did, where you went, etc... If you havent, unlock kerbal EVA, go in LKO and spam Eva reports above each different biome. > And once I get thos 9 points which tech should I get in order to get more science? I would say : go for the top item. Gives you more engines and bigger fuel tanks, so you can go to the mun & minmus and bring back lots of science.
  6. It makes you HAVE TO imagine new ways to solve new problems. How can it suppress creativity ? I think it gives more reward to creativity, therefor it enhances creativity, not suppress it. What you call "creativity" is "apply the same old recipe that always work, whatever the ship, whatever the purpose, whatever the destination" ? This is not creativity !
  7. You are just not considering the fact that you are losing a lot of energy to gravity drag. Your solution implies you are always burning vertically. This is BAD. Burning horisontally is better. EDIT : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_drag#Vector_considerations This helped me understand why burning horizontally is better. I hope it works for you.
  8. Very unlikely. Critical systems have securities and are designed to resist power or network failures. True
  9. your car has an air-breathing engine. Vacuum delta-V=0. No math needed.
  10. Values In dv map are calculated with the atmosphère. You should be able to reach orbit with less than 1500m/s. Landing takes far less than that with chutes. Just dont Forget to repack them when landed.
  11. Are You using any mod ? Are you looking for contracts in the right place (little building left of VAB) ? Every new 0.24 carreer save starts with 4 contracts
  12. What makes you think friday makes more sense for àrelease ? As an IT guy i can tell you it is the worst day for a release because in case of problem the server may be unreachable for the entire weekend
  13. Watching KSP forum at work is no good for your productivity ! Who said i'm jealous because KSP forum is blocked at my work ?
  14. I am pretty sure you are wrong. Minmus is too light for oberth effect (so, why would you burn at minmus peri ?), and even Mun is too light for gravity assist. I really think jool would be the best bet. Even if you can't encounter jool, you will have done a bi-elliptic transfer.
  15. Well, he even says ksp is better than working at NASA...
  16. Hi I am not an expert but since noone answerrd... 1/ dont know 2/ trial and failure... Or use Google 3/ it is correct but i am not sure it is usefull if you are not going to another planet 4/ better to first get In orbit then do your burn to change soi : you lose less to grav drag. Also, better to burn In low orbit (oberth). But in your case, ike has too small gravity for ànoyiceable difference 5/ check the wiki deltaV map Sorry for spellimg errorS and bad english : french writing on a smartphone
  17. Don't know which mod you are talking about, but that is exactly why i don't use mods that give new engines. Seams like cheaty.
  18. For manned crafts, being in polar orbit allows you to make multiple EVA over each biome. If you use ScanSat, polar orbits allows you to make a complete map of the body. Same for Kethane and ressource map
  19. Discovered a new way to put very small things in orbit !
  20. Leave no débris In kerbin SOI
  21. I suggest you install realchute and set your chutes to these magical settings : Predep diam : 10 Predep alt : 50000 Dép diam : 50 Dép alt : 700 The only time i saw this fail was on an interplanetary reentry at more than 6000m/s
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