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Everything posted by Preliator

  1. This is because the multiplayer is one of the things more required
  2. I removed this mod because KSPAPIExtensions is incompatible with 64 bit... if Zarenor update it I'll try your solution...
  3. The game and all the mods works perfectly. I just get this error during the loading.
  4. The game and all the mods works perfectly. I just get this error during the loading.
  5. I am unable to change color... there is only the white one... what I am doing wrong?
  6. Thank you. I will install the server one of these day.
  7. Sorry for my noob question but I want to understand. If I have a little VPS with a hosting, how can I active a public server to play KSP? The VPS is not my machine or into my lan, is on a hosting like Aruba or GoDaddy.
  8. The WASTE_TAC and WasteWater work with Biomass mod right?
  9. It is normal that the Squirrel have a consumption of 8800/sec electricity and 2900/sec Xenon? O.o if yes it is impossibile to use it
  10. Questa degli asteroidi per me è un pò una cazzata. Si belli e fighi ma poi? vanno e vengono all'infinito vicino a Kerbin che puoi andare ad acchiapparli quando ti pare. C'è ne sono un sacco quindi non hai una finestra specifica in cui devi stare attento e organizzarti come si deve. Alcuni rimangono in orbita fissa attorno a Kerbin, ci manca pure questa per appesantire il gioco. Una volta che li faccio schiantare sulla terra? non succede nulla... schiantare... si fa per dire...
  11. Banned for your LMAO-polip-face while you judge someone who judge you.
  12. Banned for talking about KSP in OT forum:huh:
  13. Exactly! we will record the explosions in slow-motion.
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